7 Process Integration for Order Status

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for order status and discusses business process flows, assumptions and constraints, Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM) and Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) interfaces, core Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) components, and integration services.

This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1 Overview

When order release and shipments (both buy and sell) are executed in OTM, the status of the shipment changes in OTM. Also, as shipments at various stops get picked-up or delivered, their actual time is updated in OTM.

OTM publishes these messages to AIA using automation agents, as configured, to synchronize the information to Siebel so that the customer service representative (CSR)/sales agent can communicate these to the customers:

  • Order status

  • Actual time of pickup and delivery at the stops.

7.2 Business Process Flows

Figure 7-1 shows the order status process integration:

Figure 7-1 Order Status Process Integration Flow

Description of Figure 7-1 follows
Description of "Figure 7-1 Order Status Process Integration Flow"

This integration assumes that the OTM application business message (ABM) is sent in a queue inside OTM. A consumer service in Oracle AIA reads that message and calls the requester service. Requester service transforms the OTM ABM to the UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListEBM, and then the enterprise business message (EBM) is routed to the TransportationSaleOrderEBS. TransportationSaleOrderEBS service routes that UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListEBM to Siebel CRM provider. Inside the Siebel CRM provider this message is transformed into Siebel ABM and a Siebel CRM webservice is called to update the Siebel CRM order.

7.2.1 Integration Flow

Figure 7-2 shows the order status update flow:

Figure 7-2 Order Status Update Flow

Description of Figure 7-2 follows
Description of "Figure 7-2 Order Status Update Flow"

7.3 Assumptions and Constraints

These are the assumptions and constraints:

  • The order status integration only supports updating of order status in the header level, and date time elements at the stop level. No other data elements are updated in this flow.

  • Header level statuses are sent from OTM to Siebel CRM. For stop level, only the date time values are sent, Siebel derives the statuses on stop level and or any other levels within the application.

  • A buy shipment in OTM is necessary to have the status message. Order synchronization flow does not create a buy shipment automatically. The order synchronization flows create the order release, and the sell shipment; you must generate buy shipments in OTM using agent configuration or manually.

  • For Siebel, assigned and moving statuses message comes from OTM buy shipment, whereas the billed status the message comes from sell shipment.

  • The agents required in OTM to send out the messages from buy or sell shipment must be defined.

  • This integration does not perform any business validation and thus does not raise errors for business validation issues.

  • In case of multi-leg itinerary in Siebel CRM order, there are multiple buy shipments in OTM. Corresponding to each buy shipment, the same order status in Siebel iterates through assigned and moving values.

  • When the buy shipment is created in OTM for the order status message, you should copy all the reference numbers from the sell shipment.

  • In case any error occurs and the message does not reach the target application, the Oracle AIA error handling framework notifies you. You should manually re-submit that transmission that failed for re-processing.

  • OTM continues to send the message into an Oracle AQ. SOA suite AQ adapter dequeues those messages in the Oracle AIA layer.

  • Requests are made from OTM in fire and forget mode. Hence, OTM does not wait for the response from Siebel.

  • OTM uses AQ mechanism to en-queue the outbound shipment messages. The queue is created within OTM application.

  • Inbound Siebel webservice requires a user id and password to supply as part of the end point URL.

7.4 Siebel CRM Interfaces

The Siebel CRM interfaces are:

  • The Siebel ABM used for this integration is the Siebel CRM fleet order schema.

  • The interface that is required for updating the order in Siebel CRM is the Siebel Order web services definition language (WSDL).

For more information about Siebel CRM web services, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network and see Siebel CRM Web Services Reference.

7.5 OTM Interfaces

OTM publishes the shipment application business message (ABM) message in AQ. The element in OTM schema that is used in this process is PlannedShipment. This is the only OTM interface used in this process.

7.6 Core Oracle AIA Components

The integration flow uses these components:

  • TransportationSalesOrderEBO

  • UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListEBM

The core enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message (EBM) XSD files can be located by EBO within the $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/EBO/ parent folder.

The core enterprise business services (EBS) web services definition language (WSDL) files can be located by EBO within the $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/ parent folder.

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in the Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected, and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Extensibility for AIA Artifacts"

7.7 Integration Services

These are the services delivered with this integration:

  • UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListLogisticsReqABCSImpl

  • TransportationSalesOrderEBS

  • TransportationSalesOrderResponseEBS

  • UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListSiebelProvABCSImpl

  • UpdatePlannedShipmentLogisticsAQConsumer

7.7.1 UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListLogisticsReqABCSImpl

UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListLogisticsReqABCSImpl is a BPEL process. This process receives logistics ABM as input from OTM. This message is transformed to UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListEBM message and TransportationSalesOrderEBS service is invoked.

7.7.2 TransportationSalesOrderEBS

TransportationSalesOrderEBS is an Enterprise Business Service and is used to create, query, synchronize, and update all transportation sales orders.

7.7.3 TransportationSalesOrderResponseEBS

TransportationSalesOrderResponseEBS is the Enterprise Business Service and is used to create, query, synchronize, and update all the transportation sales order responses.

7.7.4 UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListSiebelProvABCSImpl

UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListSiebelProvABCSImpl is a BPEL process. This process receives the UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListEBM message from TransportationSalesOrderEBS and transformed to Siebel Order ABM. The Siebel webservice updates the order status in Siebel system and returns a success or failure message to the calling service.

7.7.5 UpdatePlannedShipmentLogisticsAQConsumer

This service is invoked the moment OTM enqueues a shipment message into AIA_TRANSPORTATIONSALESORDER_AQ queue. This service takes the xml element from the wrapper AQ schema, which contains the entire transmission element as CLOB. This service is designed using ORACLE MEDIATOR and hence it simply routes and invokes UpdateTransportationSalesOrderListLogisticsReqABCSImpl.