8 Setting Up Participating Applications

This chapter provides information about how to set up Oracle E-Business Suite (oracle EBS), Siebel Customer Relationship Management (Siebel CRM) and Oracle Transportation Management (OTM). This includes creating system profiles and setting up cross-references.

This chapter includes the following sections:

8.1 Setting Up Oracle EBS

You must determine what organizations you want to support and then get the IDs for those organizations.

To get the Operating Unit details:

  1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite database.

  2. Identify the Operating Units that must be synchronized or maintained in Oracle E-Business Suite.

    If you want to pick other Operating Units, use this query:

    select organization_id, name from hr_operating_units

8.2 Setting Up Siebel CRM

To map Siebel Organizations to EBS Operating Units:

  1. Log in to Siebel Application.

  2. Click Site Map.

  3. Select Administration - Group, Organizations.

  4. For the Oracle E-Business Suite Operating Units that were identified previously, create the same in Siebel CRM. See Figure 8-1.

    Figure 8-1 Administration - Group View Tab in Siebel

    Description of Figure 8-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-1 Administration - Group View Tab in Siebel"

8.3 Setting Up OTM

Setting up OTM includes the following tasks:

  • Determine what domains in OTM must be supported

  • Determine what StatusType in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) is required, for example, CUSTOMERPARTYSTATUS

  • Create external systems for all inbound flows to OTM.

  • Set up external systems for queues

To get the domain details:

  1. Log in to OTM application.

  2. Navigate to Configuration and Administration.

  3. Click Domain Management.

  4. Select Domain Settings and click Search. Figure 8-2 shows the screen that appears with domain setup:

    Figure 8-2 Domain Setting Screen

    Description of Figure 8-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-2 Domain Setting Screen"

To create a StatusType:

  1. Log in to OTM application.

  2. Navigate to Configuration and Administration.

  3. Click the New button.

  4. Enter a Status Type ID, for example, CUSTOMERPARTYSTATUS.

  5. Select LOCATION as the Object Type.

  6. Enter Sequence 1.

  7. Enter two rows: ACTIVE and INACTIVE.

  8. Check the initial value for the ACTIVE row:

    Figure 8-3 Status Type Screen

    Description of Figure 8-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-3 Status Type Screen"

To create external systems for all inbound flows to OTM:

Table 8-1 lists the processes involved in creating external systems for all inbound flows to OTM.

Table 8-1 Processes for Creating External Systems for Inbound Flows to OTM

Process Name External System ID










: External System IDs and their corresponding processes are in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Click the desired process.

  3. Click Show WSDL and endpoint URIicon.

    Figure 8-4 Creating Contacts

    This image is described in surrounding text.
    Description of "Figure 8-4 Creating Contacts"

  4. Click Concrete WSDL URI and add style="document"attribute to soap:binding.

  5. Save the source on your local system.

  6. Log in to OTM.

  7. Go to Business Process Automation, Communication Management, Web Services and click New.

  8. Click New for WSDL Document.

  9. Click Document Detail.

    Enter name for ID.

    Upload the saved concrete WSDL.

    Ensure Storage is set to Text and Mime Type as text/xml.

  10. Click Finished.

  11. Click Service Details.

    Enter Service ID, Service Endpoint ID

    Enter Service Endpoint as Endpoint URI as depicted in the screen. See: Section 8.3, "Setting Up OTM".

    Enter username and password of your weblogic server.


    For Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) versions earlier than 6.1.2 encrypt the password before entering using Base64 encoding.

  12. Click Finished.

  13. Go to Business Process Automation, Communication Management, External Systems.

  14. Click New.

    1. Enter value for External System ID. See: Section 8.3, "Setting Up OTM" for these values.

    2. Select the web service created previously.

    3. Select Operation as TransmissionReport.

    4. Select the Service Endpoint created earlier.

  15. Click Finished.

    Doing these steps creates a contact automatically in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) with the same name as of External System ID.

    To verify, go to Business Process Automation, Communication Management, Contacts.


: Update OTM_01.Contact_Domain Property in AIAConfigurationProperties.xml for each process with the domain in which External System is created for the corresponding process.

For more information about Oracle Transportation Management, refer Oracle Transportation Management User Guide.

To setup external systems for queues

  1. Login to OTM.

  2. Go to Business Process Automation, Communication Management, External Systems.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter External System ID as AIA_PLANNEDSHIPMENT_AQ and add a description.

  5. Enter the Queue Name as AIA_PLANNEDSHIPMENT_AQ under the For Queue section.

    Figure 8-5 External System Manager Screen

    This image is described in surrounding text.
    Description of "Figure 8-5 External System Manager Screen"

  6. In the Out XML Profiles section, click 'n' for New XML profile.

  7. Enter Out XML Profile ID as MAX.

  8. Choose Default Mode as MAX.

    Keep Validate for Max check box unchecked.

    Figure 8-6 Out XML Profile

    This image is described in surrounding text.
    Description of "Figure 8-6 Out XML Profile"

  9. Click Finished.

  10. In the Out XML Profiles section, choose the XML Element ID as PlannedShipment.

  11. Click Save.

    Figure 8-7 Out XML Profiles

    This image is described in surrounding text.
    Description of "Figure 8-7 Out XML Profiles"

  12. Click Finished.

8.4 Creating Oracle EBS System Profiles

You set specific profile options for the customer process integrations in Oracle EBS.

To set specific profile options for the Customer Management integration:

  1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite using the System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Open the System Profile Values form.

  3. Query these profile options and set the indicated values at the site level:

For E-Business Suite:

  • HZ: Generate Party Number to Yes

  • HZ: Generate Party Site Number to Yes

8.5 Setting Up Cross-References for Siebel IDs, Oracle EBS Entities, and OTM Domains

Cross-references can be created after organizations have been created in Siebel CRM, operating unit in Oracle EBS, and domain in OTM. Complete the following tasks:

  • Identify Siebel row Ids

  • Identify Oracle EBS entities

  • Populate cross-references

To set up a cross-reference:

  1. Log in to the Siebel database as the table owner.

  2. Run this query to get the IDs for the organizations created in the previous step:

    select row_id, name from s_org_ext where name like '%Vision%'

To get the operating unit details:

  1. Log in to Oracle EBS database (Apps/Apps).

  2. Identify the operating units that must be synchronized or maintained in Oracle EBS.

  3. Log in to Oracle Applications and get the exact name for the operating units. For example:

    1. Vision Operations (204)

    2. Vision Germany (888)

  4. To pick other operating units, use this query:

    select organization_id, name from hr_operating_units

To populate Cross reference values for ORGANIZATION_ID table:

  1. Log in to database.

  2. Connect to schema <AIA_INSTANCE>_xref.

  3. Enter values into cross-reference table using the insert command. See Example 8-1.

    Example 8-1 Insert Command for Cross-References

    INSERT INTO XREF_DATA VALUES ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ORGANIZATION_ID.xref','EBIZ_01','27F4D6303B2511DFBFA11DB680CBD54F','204','N','25-AUG-10 AM')
    INSERT INTO XREF_DATA VALUES ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ORGANIZATION_ID.xref','COMMON','27F4D6303B2511DFBFA11DB680CBD54F','COMMON_ORG_ID','N','25-AUG-10 AM')
    ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ORGANIZATION_ID.xref','OTM_01','27F4D6303B2511DFBFA11DB680CBD54F','OTM_ORG_VALUE','N','25-AUG-10 AM')


    : Keep the row number (third column) same while inserting date for each pair of cross-reference values.

For more information about creating the cross-references, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, "Working with Cross References".

8.6 Setting Up Cross-References for Accessorial and Special Services Products

Cross-references must be manually maintained for accessorial and special service products that are part of the Orders. Complete the following tasks:

  • Identify Siebel row Ids

  • Identify cross-reference row number

  • Create the accessorials and special services in OTM

  • Populate cross-references

To set up a cross-reference:

  1. Log in to the Siebel application.

  2. Navigate to the Accessorial Product created in Siebel through Administration - Product.

  3. Click the product and then Menu, About Record; the system displays a Row # label. This label is the Row ID of the Accessorial Product in Siebel.

  4. In the same manner, the row ID can be determined for the Special Service product.

To get the row number for the equivalent product ID in Siebel:

  1. Log in to AIA XREF database (aia/aia).

  2. Identify the cross-reference row number of the accessorial or special service product maintained in Siebel by executing this query:

    select row_number from xref_data where value = '<SIEBEL ROW ID>' and xref_table_name = 'oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ITEM_ITEMID.xref'

  3. To pick other row_number, repeat the above query with appropriate value for the Siebel row ID.

To create the accessorials and special services in OTM:

For more information about creating the accessorials and specials, see Oracle Transportation Management Guide.

To populate cross-references:

  1. Log in to the AIA XREF database (aia/aia).

  2. Create the corresponding entries for the Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) in XREF table. Siebel and COMMON entries would be available in the XREF table.

  3. Create the corresponding OTM entries in XREF manually. Run the query in Example 8-2 to insert the cross-reference values for the accessorials created in OTM.

    Example 8-2 Query to Create OTM Entries in XREF

    insert into xref_data values ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ITEM_ITEMID.xref','ACCCESSORIAL_OTM_01',<row number found in the section Identifying XREF Section>,<OTM DOMAIN::otm accessorial product>,'N','17-SEP-10 AM')

    Example 8-3 is the query used to enter the accessorial item Forklift present in the GUEST domain in OTM.

    Example 8-3 Query to Enter Forklift Item

    insert into xref_data values ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ITEM_ITEMID.xref','ACCCESSORIAL_OTM_01',F40CCE8024C911DE8F559994B8D73F6F,''GUEST:: Forklift','N','17-SEP-10 AM')

    For more information about creating the cross-references, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, "Working with Cross References".

  4. Run the query in Example 8-4 to insert the cross-reference values for the special services created in OTM.

    Example 8-4 Query to Insert the Cross-Reference Values for Special Services

    insert into xref_data values ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ITEM_ITEMID.xref','SPECIALSERVICE_OTM_01',<row number found in the section Identifying XREF Section>,<OTM DOMAIN::otm Special service product id>,'N','17-SEP-10 AM')

    Example 8-5 is the query used to enter the special service Customer Unload present in the GUEST domain in Oracle Transportation Management (OTM).

    Example 8-5 Query to Enter Customer Upload Special Service

    insert into xref_data values ('oramds:/apps/AIAMetaData/xref/ITEM_ITEMID.xref','SPECIALSERVICE_OTM_01'F40CCE8024C911DE8F559994B8D73F6F,'GUEST::Customer Unload','N','17-SEP-10 AM')