A BRM GL Configuration File

This appendix provides a sample Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) general ledger (G/L) configuration file.

Example A-1 is a sample of the BRM G/L configuration file:

Example A-1 Sample BRM G/L configuration file

#"@(#)%Portal  Version:   pin_glid:   
General Ledger (G/L) ID Definitions
#    Copyright (c) 1999 - 2006 Oracle. All rights reserved.
#    This material is the confidential property of Oracle orporation 
#    or its licensors and may be used, reproduced, stored or 
#    transmitted only in accordance with a valid Oracle license or 
#    sublicense agreement.
# Use this file to define G/L IDs that correspond to your accounting
# methods.
# After defining the G/L IDs, run the 'load_pin_glid' utility to
# create the new config/glid storable object and load the G/L IDs
# into the Infranet database.
# You can have multiple pin_glid files, each defining the G/L IDs
# for some segments of your customer base. Use the "gl_segment"
# entry in this file to specify the segments for which these G/L IDs
# apply.
# For more information, see "About Collecting General Ledger
# Information" in the Infranet online documentation.
# gl_segment
# Name of the G/L segment described by this configuration file.
# You can define multiple GL segments in this file. All the gl 
# segments that are defined shall have the same glids. You have to 
# specify at least one gl_segment in this file
# You may have different glid files and each glid file may 
# have multiple segments. You must ensure that the gl segment 
# names specified in different glid files do not conflict. If this 
# happens, the system shall overwrite the gl segment with the data 
# of the last loaded glid file
# The value you specify should match the value in the 
# PIN_FLD_GL_SEGMENT in the account objects for which you use 
# this set of G/L IDs.
# GLIDs are assigned to accounts through the cm pin.conf parameter 
# gl_segment and can be overridden by the policy opcode 
# pcm_op_pol_cust_actginfo
# Syntax for G/L Segment Definitions
Use this syntax to define a gl_segment:
#        gl_segment <segment_name> [no_roll-up]
# segment_name
# You specify the segment name. The segment name follows a URL-like 
# notation and enables you to nest G/L segments. There is a root 
# segment in Infranet and it is named ".".  If your system has 
# additional child segments then you define them as <root 
# segment>.<child_segment>. You can have unlimited level of nesting. 
Segment names are case sensitive and cannot have spaces.
# The segment name . is used to identify the root segment. It is 
# reserved and you should not change it
# no_roll-up
# The no_roll-up is used to indicate whether you want the data for 
# the gl segment to roll up to its parent. If you do not want the 
# data of this gl_segment to roll up to its parent then you must 
# specify no_roll-up. If you want the roll-up then you must leave it 
# blank. The root segment (.) does not roll up even if you 
# specify blank. This is a special case.
An example is shown below :
# gl_segment .
# gl_segment .A   (Child segment A, rolls up to . )
# gl_segment .A.A1   (Child segment of A, rolls up to A and to .)
# gl_segment .A.A2  no_roll-up (Child segment of A, does not roll up # to A )
# gl_segment .B    no_roll-up (Child segment of . but does not 
# roll up)
# gl_segment .C   (Child segment of . rolls up to . )
# Based on the previous example, if you prepare the ledger report for
#.  The data from .A, .A.A1 and .C is included
#.A The data of .A and .A.A1 is included (.A.A2 is not included)
#.A.A1  The data of .A.A1 is included (no childs of .A.A1 exist)
#.A.A2    The data of .A.A2 is included (no childs of .A.A2 exist)
#.B    The data of .B is included (no childs of .B exist)
#.C    The data of .C is included (no childs of .C exist)
# The default file has only the root segment specified in it
gl_segment .
# Name of the Chart of Accounts (COA) ID that shall be used to 
# validate the gl accounts specified under a GL ID
# This is an optional parameter. If you want the glids to be 
# validated against a COA_ID then you must specify this parameter. 
# If you do not want validation against a COA then leave it blank or 
# do not specify the 
# parameter.
# If specify this parameter and do not specify any value then it is 
# as good as not specifying the parameter.
# If a COA_ID value is provided then the program checks if it has 
# been created. Refer to the Infranet documentation on how 
# to create COA's.
# Hence you must load the COA before loading the pin_glid files
# The default is no COA_ID
# You can specify only one COA_ID in one pin_glid file. 
# The same COA_ID can be used in multiple pin_glid files if 
# required.
# Syntax  for G/L  ID  Definitions
# Use this   syntax  to  define  a G/L  ID:
#        glid   (
# id     <uint>
# descr     <str>
# taxcode     <str>
# gl_acct     [type]   [attribute]   [debit  acct]   [credit  acct]
#        )
# The following sections describe each of these fields.
# id
# An identification number you assign to a G/L ID.
# This ID can then be referenced by rates.
# GLID values has to be assigned according to the following rules:
# 1. GLID from 0 to 1000000 - are reserved for Portal use.
Use values greater than 1000000 when defining your own G/L IDs. The data type must be "unit".
# 2. GLID 0 - is journalized, but it is excluded from GL reports.
#          This value is considered as undefined and should not be present 
#          in production system.
# 3. GLID from 1 to 99 - are excluded from journalizing and GL 
#    reports.
# 4. GLID from 100 - are journalized and included in GL reports.
# The combined length of the "id" field and the "descr" field must
# be less than 255 characters.
# descr
A short description of the G/L ID.
# This description is displayed on the Pricing Tool menus.
# The combined length of the "id" field and the "descr" field must
# be less than 255 characters.
# Type of product being purchased.
# This value must match the tax code used for the rates that use
# this G/L ID.
# An array that describes a pair of G/L accounts. Each G/L ID can 
# have multiple gl_acct arrays.  Each array contains the following 
# fields:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------     
#         type - The conditions related to the billing and accounting
#          cycles under which this pair of G/L accounts should be
#          used.  There are seven valid types:
#          1. billed                  5. unbilled_earned
#          2. unbilled              6. unbilled_unearned
#          3. billed_earned      7. prev_billed_earned
#          4. billed_unearned
#          For more information, see "About G/L account pair types"
#          in the Infranet online documentation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------     
#        attribute - The conditions related to what the amount of the
#              balance impact represents under which this
#              pair of G/L accounts is necessary.  There are four
#              values:
#              1. gross         3. net
#              2. disc             4. tax
#              For more information, see "About G/L account
#              attributes" in the Infranet online documentation.
#        debit acct - The name of one Infranet G/L account that
#                    is affected by this G/L ID.  For example, an A/R
#                    account appears here for G/L IDs that refer to
#                    fees charged to the end user.  The impact on this
#                    account is the opposite of the impact on the
#                    credit acct.
#         credit acct - The name of one Infranet G/L account that
#                       is affected by this G/L ID.  For example, an
#                       revenue account appears here for G/L IDs that
#                       refer to fees charged to the end user. The impact 
#                       on this account is the opposite of the impact
#                       on the debit acct.
#        Validation between the gl account and chart of account type.
#        For a debit general ledger account
#        gl attribute    |    Chart Of Account Type
#                        |
#          Gross                     |    Asset
#          Net                         |    Asset
#          Tax                         |    Asset
#          Disc                       |    Expense or Revenue
#        For a credit general ledger account
#        gl attribute    |    Chart Of Account Type
#                         |
#          Gross                |    Expense or Revenue
#        Net                      |    Expense or Revenue
#        Tax                      |    Liability
#          Disc                  |    Asset
#        Default G/L ID
glid ( id  
descr undefined
gl_acct unbilled net undef.debit  undef.credit 
gl_acct billed net  undef.debit undef.credit
# G/L ID for purchase rate
glid ( id  
 descr Purchase Fees
 gl_acct billed  gross purchase.debit purchase.credit gl_acct 
 billed net purchase.debit purchase.credit gl_acct billed disc
 purchase.credit purchase.debit gl_acct billed_earned gross purchase.debit purchase.credit gl_acct billed_earned net purchase.debit purchase.credit gl_acct billed_earned disc purchase.credit purchase.debit gl_acct unbilled  gross purchase.debit purchase.credit gl_acct unbilled  net purchase.debit purchase.credit gl_acct unbilled  disc purchase.credit purchase.debit gl_acct unbilled_earned gross purchase.debit purchase.credit gl_acct unbilled_earned net purchase.debit purchase.credit gl_acct unbilled_earned disc purchase.credit purchase.debit
# G/L ID for cycle_forward rate
glid ( id  
 descr Monthly Fees
 gl_acct billed  gross monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct 
 billed  net monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct billed  disc
 monthly.credit monthly.debit gl_acct billed_earned gross
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct billed_earned net
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct billed_earned disc
 monthly.credit monthly.debit gl_acct prev_billed_earned gross 
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct prev_billed_earned net 
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct prev_billed_earned disc
 monthly.credit monthly.debit gl_acct billed_unearned gross
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct billed_unearned net
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct billed_unearned disc
 monthly.credit monthly.debit gl_acct unbilled  gross  
 monthly.credit gl_acct unbilled  net  
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct unbilled  disc
 monthly.credit monthly.debit gl_acct unbilled_earned gross
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct unbilled_earned net
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct unbilled_earned disc
 monthly.credit monthly.debit gl_acct unbilled_unearned gross
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct unbilled_unearned net
 monthly.debit monthly.credit gl_acct unbilled_unearned disc
 monthly.credit monthly.debit
# G/L ID for cancel rate
glid ( id  
 descr Cancel Fees gl_acct billed  gross cancel.debit
 gl_acct billed  net cancel.debit cancel.credit gl_acct billed
 disc cancel.credit cancel.debit gl_acct billed_earned gross
 cancel.debit cancel.credit gl_acct billed_earned net
 cancel.debit cancel.credit gl_acct billed_earned disc
 cancel.credit cancel.debit gl_acct unbilled  gross
 cancel.debit cancel.credit gl_acct unbilled  net
 cancel.debit cancel.credit gl_acct unbilled  disc
 cancel.credit cancel.debit gl_acct unbilled_earned gross
 cancel.debit cancel.credit gl_acct unbilled_earned net
 cancel.debit cancel.credit gl_acct unbilled_earned disc
 cancel.credit cancel.debit
# G/L ID for usage rate
glid ( id  
 descr Dialup Usage Fee
 gl_acct billed  gross dialup.debit dialup.credit gl_acct
 billed  net dialup.debit dialup.credit gl_acct billed  disc
 dialup.credit dialup.debit gl_acct billed_earned gross
 dialup.debit dialup.credit gl_acct billed_earned net
 dialup.debit dialup.credit  gl_acct billed_earned disc
 dialup.credit dialup.debit gl_acct  unbilled  gross
 dialup.debit dialup.credit gl_acct unbilled  net
 dialup.debit dialup.credit gl_acct unbilled  disc
 dialup.credit dialup.debit gl_acct unbilled_earned gross
 dialup.debit dialup.credit gl_acct unbilled_earned net
 dialup.credit gl_acct unbilled_earned disc
 dialup.credit dialup.debit
# Your custom G/L IDs below.  Start the G/L ID at 1000000.  You may 
# use the G/L IDs defined previously or delete them and create your 
# own. However, if you create your own misc G/L, payment, 
# adjustment, dispute/settlement and writeoff G/L ID, you must also 
# tell Infranet to assign these events with your newly defined G/L 
# IDs by using the reasons codes file or modifying 
# fm_act_pol_spec_glid.c.