15 Implementing the Provision Order and Update Fulfillment Order Business Flows

This chapter describes the Provision Order and Update Fulfillment Order business flows and explains how the Oracle Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Siebel customer relationship management (Siebel CRM), Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM), and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) (the integration) implements the business flow using communications industry-specific Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) components and integration services.

Provision Order and Update Fulfillment Order Business Flows Overview

The following Pre-Built Integration options enable the Provision Order and Update Fulfillment Order business flows:

  • Oracle Communications Order to Cash for Siebel CRM and OSM Pre-Built Integration option

  • Oracle Communications Order to Cash for Siebel CRM, OSM, and BRM Pre-Built Integration option

The Provision Order and Update Fulfillment Business Order business flows support the following integration flow:

  • OSM Fulfillment to OSM Provisioning integration flow: passes provision order requests to OSM in the service order management role (OSM SOM) and updates OSM in the central order management role (OSM COM) with OSM SOM milestones, status, and data.

OSM Fulfillment to OSM Provisioning Integration Flow

This integration flow uses the following interfaces:

  • ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMCFSCommsJMSConsumer

  • ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMPROVCommsJMSProducer

  • ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer

  • ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMPROVCommsJMSConsumer

Figure 15-1 illustrates the sequence of events for requesting provisioning of an order to OSM Provisioning and receiving updates back:

Figure 15-1 OSM Fulfillment to OSM Provisioning Sequence Diagram

This image is described in the surrounding text.

The integration passes provisioning orders to OSM SOM and receives updates in OSM COM as follows:

  1. For each new provisioning order, OSM COM creates a ProcessProvisioningOrderEBM message and drops it into the AIA_CRTFO_OUT_JMSQ queue.

  2. The ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMCFSCommsJMSConsumer service picks up the ProcessProvisioningOrderEBM and sends it to the ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMPROVJMSProducer service.

  3. ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMPROVJMSProducer drops the message into the AIA_FOPROV_IN_JMSQ queue, where OSM SOM picks it up and processes it.

  4. While OSM SOM provisions the order, it sends updates by dropping the ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateEBM message into the AIA_FOPROV_OUT_JMSQ queue.

  5. The ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMPROVCommsJMSConsumer service picks up ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateEBM and sends it to the ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer service.

  6. ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer service drops ProcessFufillmentOrderUpdateEBM into the AIA_FOCFS_IN_JMSQ queue where OSM COM picks it up to update the status of the order.

Defining Transaction Boundaries and Recovery Details

For this flow there are two transaction boundaries. Table 15-1 describes the transactions involved, the database operations, and what actions to take in case of an error.

See "Using Error Type to Control Response to Order Fallout" for more information about system and business errors.

The following services are involved:

  • ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMCFSCommsJMSConsumer

  • ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMPROVCommsJMSProducer

  • ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMPROVCommsJMSConsumer

  • ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer

Table 15-1 Transaction Boundaries and Recovery Details

Transaction DB Operations In Case of Error Recovery

ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMCFSCommsJMSConsumer routes the message to ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMPROVCommsJMSProducer, which produces message into AIA_FOPROV_IN_JMSQ. SAF puts message in OSM.


Rollback JMS message to originating queue AIA_CRTFO_OUT_JMSQ_ErrorQ

Resubmit the message from AIA_CRTFO_OUT_JMSQ_ErrorQ.

During provisioning, update messages are dequeued by OSM and eventually moves to AIA_FOPROV_OUT_JMSQ. ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMPROVCommsJMSConsumer routes the message to ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer, which produces the message to AIA_FOCFS_IN_JMSQ.


Rollback JMS message to the originating queue AIA_FOPROV_OUT_JMSQ_ErrorQ.

Resubmit the order from AIA_FOPROV_OUT_JMSQ_ErrorQ.

See "Configuring Oracle AIA Processes for Error Handling and Trace Logging", Configuring Fault Policies to Not Issue Rollback Messages in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about rollback procedures.

Industry Oracle AIA Components

The Provision Order and Update Fulfillment Order business flows use the following communications industry-specific Oracle AIA components:

  • ProvisioningOrderEBO

  • ProcessProvisioningOrderEBM

  • FulfillmentOrderEBO

  • ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateEBM

The industry enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message XML schema (EBM XSD) files are located here: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Industry/Communications/EBO/

The industry enterprise business service (EBS) WSDL files are located here: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Industry/Communications/EBO/

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in the Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER).

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade, so long as the extensibility guidelines are followed.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about:

  • Configuring and using OER as the Oracle SOA Repository to provide the AIA Reference doc link

  • Extending existing schemas and EBOs

Integration Services

The following services are delivered with the Provision Order and Update Fulfillment Order business flows:

  • ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMCFSCommsJMSConsumer

  • ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMPROVCommsJMSProducer

  • ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMPROVCommsJMSConsumer

  • ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer


For interacting with OSM Provisioning, OSM Fulfillment pushes ProcessProvisioningOrderEBM message into AIA_CRTFO_OUT_JMSQ using store-and-forward.

The ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMCFSCommsJMSConsumer is a Mediator process that has a JMS Adapter Service. This Mediator service continuously polls the AIA_CRTFO_OUT_JMSQ. The ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMCFSCommsJMSConsumer dequeues the ProcessProvisioningOrderEBM and routes it to the ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMPROVCommsJMSProducer.

This service has one operation: Consume_Message.


The ProcessProvisioningOrderOSMPROVCommsJMSProducer is a BPEL process that has a JMS Adapter Service. This BPEL process is responsible for pushing the ProcessProvisioningOrderEBM message into the AIA_FOPROV_IN_JMSQ using store-and-forward. OSM Provisioning then consumes this message and processes it further.

This service has one operation: Initiate.


For interacting with OSM COM, OSM SOM pushes ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateEBM message into AIA_FOPROV_OUT_JMSQ using store-and-forward.

The ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMPROVCommsJMSConsumer is a Mediator process with a JMS Adapter Service. The ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMPROVCommsJMSConsumer dequeues the ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateEBM from AIA_FOPROV_OUT_JMSQ and routes it to ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer.

This service has one operation: Consume_Message.


The ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateOSMCFSCommsJMSProducer is a BPEL process that has a JMS Adapter Service. This BPEL process is responsible for pushing the ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateEBM Message into the AIA_FOCFS_IN_JMSQ. Using the SAF mechanism, it gets into the appropriate OSM queue.

This service has one operation: Initiate