6 Implementing the Query Product Classes Business Flow

This chapter describes the Query Product Classes business flow and explains how the Oracle Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Siebel customer relationship management (Siebel CRM), Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM), and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) (the integration) implements the business flow using Siebel CRM interfaces, communications industry-specific Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) components, and integration services. It also describes how the integration supports effectivity during design time.

For information about the implementation of the Query Product Classes business flow using Oracle Product Hub to manage products, see Oracle Application Integration Architecture Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Implementation Guide.

Overview of the Query Product Classes Business Flow

In this flow, a Siebel CRM user defines product classes and transaction attributes which an Oracle Communications Design Studio user queries and imports into a cartridge. The Design Studio user then maps the product class to a product specification in the cartridge and uses the product specification to associate decomposition rules, fulfillment functions, and their dependencies. After the design-time setup, the Design Studio user deploys the cartridge to OSM. The cartridge defines various fulfillment topologies to process order lines during order processing.

Figure 6-1 illustrates the flow.

Figure 6-1 Query Product Classes Business Process Flow

This image is described in the surrounding text.

The integration queries product classes as follows:

  1. In a Siebel CRM Workspace project, a Siebel CRM user does the following:

    1. Creates a new product class and transaction attributes and associates attribute definitions to them.

    2. Updates the product class by adding or deleting transaction attributes.

    3. Updates the attribute definitions (value sets) by adding or removing values from them.

    See Siebel Product Administration Guide for more information about creating classes, attributes, and attribute definitions in Siebel.

  2. The Siebel CRM user sends notification to a Oracle Communications Design Studio user in one of the following ways:

    • Using the notify menu function from the Product Class UI in Siebel CRM. The notification uses fixed templates to communicate the product class details. One or more classes can be sent on a single notification from Siebel CRM.

      See the discussion of configuring the email notification for the product class in Siebel Communications Guide for more information about setting up the notification in Siebel CRM.

    • Using a company's email application. This method provides additional flexibility to add more required information. This method is not dependent on a template and does not require additional configuration steps.


    Regardless of the mechanism used, the notification, must include the product class name so that the Design Studio user can use it to query in Design Studio. The template in the notify menu function automatically adds the product class name.
  3. The Design Studio user does the following:

    1. Queries or imports the product class and the transaction attribute details from Siebel CRM into a cartridge using the product class name.

      Design Studio stores the transaction attributes and associated valuesets in the data dictionary.

    2. Maps the product class to an existing or newly-created product specification.

    3. Defines fulfillment functions and their dependencies and associates them to the product specification.

    4. Defines validation and decomposition rules.

    5. Deploys the cartridge to OSM.

  4. If the product specification causes errors in test orders, the Design Studio user does the following:

    1. Creates and configures a new product specification or imports the product class again

    2. Redeploys the cartridge.

For more information about Design Studio, including product specifications and cartridges, see Oracle Communications Design Studio Concepts.

Overview of Implementing the Query Product Classes Business Flow

Figure 6-2 illustrates how the integration implements the Query Product Classes business flow.

Figure 6-2 Querying Product Class and Associated Attributes from Design Studio

This image is described in the surrounding text.

The integration queries product classes and their associated attributes as follows:

  1. A Design Studio user submits a query including all the necessary product class names. Design Studio calls the Design Studio query product class requester service and provides the product class names in a Design Studio-specific application business message (ABM).

  2. The Design Studio query product class requester service sends transforms the product class ABM a standardized enterprise business message (EBM) and sends it to the Siebel CRM query product class provider service.

  3. The Siebel CRM query product class provider service transforms the product class EBM into a Siebel CRM-specific product class ABM, extracts the product class name, and invokes the Siebel CRM query product class web service.

    The web service returns a product class ABM containing complete product class information to the Siebel CRM query product class provider service.

  4. The Siebel CRM query product class provider service transforms the Siebel CRM-specific product class ABM into a standardized product class EBM and sends it to the Design Studio query product class requester service.

  5. The Design Studio query product class requester service identifies that the product classes have references to attribute definition entities. To query the attribute definitions associated with the product classes, it aggregates the attributes that are associated with the product classes, provides attribute IDs into a standardized attribute EBM and sends it to the Siebel CRM query attribute provider service.

  6. The Siebel CRM query attribute provider service transforms the standardized attribute EBM into a Siebel CRM-specific attribute ABM and invokes the Siebel CRM query attribute definition web service.

    The web service returns an attribute definition ABM containing the complete attribute information to the Siebel CRM query attribute provider service.

  7. The Siebel CRM query attribute provider service transforms Siebel CRM-specific attribute ABM into a standardized attribute EBM and sends it to the Design Studio query product class requester service.

  8. The Design Studio query product class requester service identifies that the attributes have references to valueset entities. To query the valuesets associated with the attributes, it aggregates the attributes that are associated with the valuesets into a standardized valueset EBM and sends it to the Siebel CRM query valueset provider service.

  9. The Siebel CRM query valueset provider service transforms the standardized valueset EBM into a Siebel CRM-specific attribute definition ABM and invokes the Siebel CRM query attribute definition web service.

    The web service returns an attribute definition ABM containing the complete attribute information to the Siebel CRM query valueset provider service.

  10. The Siebel CRM query valueset provider service transforms the Siebel CRM-specific attribute definition ABM into a standardized valueset EBM and sends it to the Design Studio query product class requester service.

  11. The Design Studio query product class requester service transforms the standardized valueset, attribute, and product class EBMs into a Design Studio-specific product and attribute ABM and sends it to Design Studio.

Logical Data Model in Siebel CRM

In Siebel CRM, you associate attribute definitions with product classes, then you associate product classes with products. The products inherit the attribute definitions from their product class. Figure 6-3 illustrates the logical data model that results from these associations in Siebel CRM.

Figure 6-3 Logical Data Model of Product Classes in Siebel CRM

This figure is described in the surrounding text.

Updating the Attribute Valueset

The Siebel product administrator can update the attribute valueset associated with the attribute definition in the project workspace. This action automatically updates all the classes and their subclasses. The product administrator selects a class that is associated with the updated attribute definition and sends the notification. The product-to-service mapping specialist queries the product class from Design Studio, which updates the corresponding valueset metadata in the data dictionary.

Supporting for Effectivity During Design-Time

You can use product classes in Siebel (or the equivalent ICC in Product Hub) to represent unique product specifications. Product specifications represent a type of product offering and can only be sold through a product offering. Product specifications represent the unique entities that must be fulfilled. Not all product classes are created for this purpose. For the subset of product classes created to represent product specifications, at design time you must map the product class name and the corresponding fulfillment pattern name in Oracle OSM in its Central Order Management role. Consequently, changes to these product classes affects the mapping for both design time and run time order management handling. This section describes an important aspect of this mapping effectivity: how the time of a new mapping or a change to an existing mapping takes effect in coordination across Order Capture (Siebel) and Central Order Management (Oracle OSM).

References to product classes in this section are limited to those used to represent product specifications. To distinguish these, it is recommended to use a naming convention, such as ending the name with the term ProdSpec. You can create and update product classes directly in Siebel or from a Product Master, such as Oracle Product Hub. In this section, whenever you see Siebel CRM design time product class changes, it is also applicable to product master when one is used.

Specify the effectivity for the product class in Siebel CRM when:

  • You create a new product class.

  • You update an existing product class.

  • You make an existing product class inactive.

Whenever these scenarios or any combination of these scenarios occur, you must query the product classes in the Design Studio, which is the design time tool for Oracle OSM from the Siebel application. After the product classes are successfully queried, product classes and the product specification are updated manually, and a following condition occurs:

  • The product class is mapped to a new product specification. The new product specification definition involves defining the fulfillment metadata.

  • The product class is mapped to an existing product specification.

  • The product class mapping is changed to a different product specification.

Product class effectivity must be the same as the product specification effectivity. You update product specification effectivity manually in the Design Studio after the product class is successfully queried and the product specification is mapped to it.

When the mapping between the product class and product specification is updated (when the effectivity of the product class and product specification changes), the cartridge version in Design Studio must be updated and the cartridge must be redeployed to the environment.

See Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture for more information about updating the cartridge version and the various deployment options.

Deciding on Effectivity and Cartridge Deployment

Whenever the previously mentioned scenarios or their combination occur, you must create a new version of the cartridge and redeploy it. All orders the Oracle OSM system has submitted for processing uses the existing cartridge version. Any subsequent new orders (including revision orders, follow-on orders, and change orders) or existing orders that are not yet submitted for processing by the Oracle OSM system uses the new version of the deployed cartridge. You should group product class changes and set effectivity for a date-time that is suitable for deploying a new cartridge version, such as an off-peak hour.


You deploy a new version of the cartridge only if you introduced a new mapping or changed an existing mapping.

The support for effectivity on the product class and the effectivity on the product specification is manifested in Oracle OSM by the effectivity of deployment of the cartridge. Effectivity is defined and controlled by the deployment dates for the cartridge. To manage effectivity across the applications, you must consider the following issues:

  • The effective dates on the product class are the same as the deployment dates on the cartridge.

    In this case, the Siebel product administrator and the product-to-service mapping specialist in Design Studio must reach a consensus on the effectivity dates of the product class and the deployment dates of the cartridge, respectively.

  • The effective dates on the product class differ from the deployment dates on the cartridge.

    In this case, the deployment dates on the cartridge control effectivity. You can handle effectivity as follows:

    • Create a new product class or update an existing product class. Import the product class and define the mappings to the product specification in the cartridge. Deploy it based on when the changes must be applied to the order lines in the Oracle OSM fulfillment system.

    • Create a new product class; the mappings to the product specification are not yet done in the cartridge. If the product class is subsequently updated, Siebel queries the updated version of the product class and defines the mappings in the cartridge before deploying it. In this case, multiple versions of the product class may be defined with different effective dates and queried before the mappings are defined and the cartridge is deployed. Again, the deployment is based on when the changes must be applied to the order lines in the Oracle OSM fulfillment system.


If you create a new product specification in the cartridge, you must configure the product specification before deploying the cartridge.

Query Product Classes Integration Flow

This integration flow uses the following interfaces:

  • QueryProductClassAndAttributesSCECommsReqABCSImpl

  • QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl

  • QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl

Figure 6-4 illustrates the query product classes integration flow.

Figure 6-4 Query Product Classes and Attributes Integration Flow Sequence Diagram

This image is described in the surrounding text.

The integration queries product classes and attributes as follows:

  1. A Design Studio user submits a query with product class names and, for updates, the product class codes for any subclasses.

    Design Studio sends the QueryClassificationListEBM message containing the product class codes to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

  2. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service sends the QueryClassificationListEBM message to the QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

  3. The QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the QueryClassificationListEBM message into the Siebel Class Definition IO ABM, includes the Workspace Name property from the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file in the ABM, and invokes the Siebel CRM GetProductClass web service.

  4. The Siebel CRM GetProductClass web service returns the product class information and associated attribute IDs.

  5. The QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the Siebel CRM GetProductClassResponseABM into the QueryClassificationListRespEBM and sends it to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

  6. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service extracts the attribute IDs from the QueryClassificationListRespEBM and maps them to the QuerySpecificationListEBM and QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM.

    One attribute may appear in multiple class definitions. While mapping attribute IDs from the QueryClassificationListRespEBM to the QuerySpecificationListEBM and QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM, you must take the union of these attribute definitions.

  7. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl sends the QuerySpecificationListEBM message to the QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

  8. The QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the QuerySpecificationListEBM message into the Siebel CRM Attribute definitions IO ABM, includes the Workspace Name property from the AIAConfigurationProperies.xml file in the ABM, and invokes the Siebel CRM GetAttributeDefinition web service.

  9. The GetAttributeDefinition web service returns the attribute information for the attribute IDs to the QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

  10. The QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the response into the QuerySpecificationListRespEBM message and sends it to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

  11. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service sends the QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM message to the QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

  12. The QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl transforms the QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM into the Siebel CRM attribute definitions IO ABM, includes the Workspace Name property from the AIAConfigurationProperies.xml file, and invokes the Siebel CRM GetAttributeDefinition web service.

  13. The GetAttributeDefinition web service returns the attribute valueset information for the attribute IDs to the QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl.

  14. The QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the response into the QuerySpecificationValueSetListRespEBM and sends it to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

  15. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service merges the QuerySpecificationListRespEBM message, QuerySpecificationValueSetListRespEBM message, and the QueryClassificationListRespEBM message and transforms them to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM message.

  16. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl sends the QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM message to Design Studio.

Siebel CRM Interfaces

The Query Product Classes business flow uses the following Siebel CRM interfaces:

  • SWIAdminISSClassDefinitionIO: This web service is used to perform query operations on product class definitions.

  • SWIAdminISSAttributeDefnIO: This web service is used to perform query operations on product attribute definitions.

See the discussion of Siebel CRM primary web services in Siebel CRM Web Services Reference for more information.

Industry Oracle AIA Components

The Query Product Classes business flow uses the following communications industry-specific Oracle AIA components:

  • ClassificationEBO

  • QueryClassificationListEBM

  • QueryClassificationListResponseEBM

  • SpecificationEBO

  • QuerySpecificationListEBM

  • QuerySpecificationListResponseEBM

  • SpecificationValueSetEBO

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListResponseEBM

The industry enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message XML schema (EBM XSD) files are located here: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Industry/Communications/EBO/

The industry enterprise business service (EBS) WSDL files are located here: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Industry/Communications/EBO/

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in the Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER).

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade, so long as the extensibility guidelines are followed.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack for more information about:

  • Configuring and using OER as the Oracle SOA Repository to provide the AIA Reference doc link

  • Extending existing schemas and EBOs

Integration Services

The Query Product Classes business flow uses the following integration services:

  • QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl with operation QueryProdClassAndAttributes

  • QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl with operation QueryProductClass

  • QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl with operation QuerySpecificationList

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl with operation QuerySpecificationValueSetList

Some of these services have been enabled to use Session Pool Manager.

See Oracle Application Integration Architecture Pre-Built Integrations 11.1: Utilities Guide for more information about Session Pool Manager.


The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl is a synchronous BPEL process and is the Design Studio requestor ABC implementation and performs all of the Product Class related actions like Create Product Class, Update Product Class, Query Product Class, and so on. This service follows all of the standards of a requester ABCS. This service has one operation: QueryProdClassAndAttributes. This accepts a QueryClassificationListEBM as a request and returns QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM as a response.


This is the Siebel Classification List Provider ABC Implementation. This service follows all the standards of a Provider ABCS implementation. This service has one operation: QueryProductClass.


The QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl is the Siebel attribute provider ABC implementation and performs all of the Specification List related actions like Query Specification List, Create Specification List, Update Specification List, and so on. This service follows all the standards of a provider ABCS implementation. This service has one operation: QuerySpecificationList.


The QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl is the Siebel attribute value set provider ABC implementation and performs all of the SpecificationValueSet List related actions like Query SpecificationValueSet List, Create SpecificationValueSet List, Update SpecificationValueSet List, and so on. This service follows all the standards of a provider ABCS implementation. This service has one operation: QuerySpecificationValueSetList.