Configure Replication Engine Host Name

Renaming the Oracle MaxRep Replication Engine makes the Replication Engine easier to identify.

When the Replication Engine is first installed, the default host name is MaxRepOS Renaming allows you to specify a meaningful host name that makes the host easy to identify. Oracle recommends that you rename the host before performing other configuration tasks on the Replication Engine. The new name takes a few minutes to process through the network.

  1. Start a web browser from your workstation.
  2. Enter the URL to the Support UI page.
  3. Enter the user name and password.
    The Oracle MaxRep Support User Interface dashboard displays.
  4. Click the Management Tasks > Configure Hostname link.
  5. From the Host list, select the Replication Engine that is running the Oracle MaxRep replication services.
  6. Enter a new name for the Oracle MaxRep Replication Engine in the Hostname field.
  7. To rename the Replication Engine host, click Save Hostname.

Allow a few minutes for the new host name to process through the system and the Support UI screens.

You can monitor this task from the Task Status page. It might take a few minutes for the hostname to display in the Dashboard after the task has successfully completed.