Network Traffic Rates

Allows you view graphs of the bandwidth usage for each process service.

To display the bandwidth usage charts, navigate to Monitor > Statistics > Network Traffic Rates.

Select a process service from the available list.
Select Process Service
Displays a list of available hosts that contain bandwidth charts to view.
Process Service
Displays the date and time of the bandwidth charts.
Last Day Graph

Displays the bandwidth usage of the previous day in one-hour increments.

Each graph contains the following information for data that has been exchanged on the host:
Note: All of the graphs display data in the number of bytes each second.
  • Maximum bandwidth usage

  • Average bandwidth usage

  • Current bandwidth usage

  • Total bandwidth usage

Last Week Graph

Displays the bandwidth usage for each day in a seven-day period.

Last Month Graph

Displays the bandwidth usage for each day in a four-week period.

Last Year Graph

Displays the bandwidth usage for a year in a 12-month period.


Allows you to select a year for which you want historical network traffic rates displayed.