Slow Replication During Resynchronization

During a resynchronization operation, the rate at which a replication pair generates the protection files might decrease or replication might stop completely after you have remapped a source or target LUN.

Errors Received

One of the following errors might occur:
  • The source LUN cannot be read and due to that resync files are not reaching to appliance.

    You might have received the error after unmapping the source LUN.

  • Target is not able to apply the differentials/resync files.


One or more of the following symptoms might be present:
  • Resynchronization operation is not progressing: RPO is increasing.

  • The number of replication files during differential synchronization is increasing.

  • No communication from the source LUN to the Oracle MaxRep Replication Engine exists because the differential throttle delay and resynchronization is not progressing.


One of the following resolutions apply:
  • Map the source LUN to the Replication Engine.

  • Map the target LUN to the Replication Engine.