
Returns the most recent common consistency time for all replication pairs in a plan.


mrcli [‑c configfile] ‑u user ‑m maxrepname getCommonConsistencyTime [‑a ATime] [‑b BTime] planName [‑x stdout | fileName.xml] [‑v]


Run the command getCommonConsistencyTime to obtain the most recent consistency time of all LUNs in a specified protection plan. If ATime is specified, the first common time occuring after ATime is displyed. If BTime is specified, the last common time occuring before BTime is displayed. Commands are not case sensitive. Arguments are case sensitive.


a ATime

Instructs the command to list the first common consistency event occuring after ATime.

b BTime

Instructs the command to list the latest common consistency event occurring before BTime.

m maxrepname

The IP address or DNS name of the MaxRep Replication Engine.


Specifies the name of the protection plan.

u user

Identifies the administrator account that runs the command.

c configfile

Specifies the configuration file to modify logging. When used, the -c command must be the first option entered at the command line.

x stdout | filename.xml

Prints output in XML format.


Prints the current version of the MaxRep CLI then exits. This option should be run on its own, separate from additional options.

$ mrcli -v



Run the command getCommonConsistencyTime to display the most recent consistency time for all LUNs in protection plan RepPlan02 on MaxRep Replication Engine co-mrengine-04. Use XML file engine65.xml for this plan.

  • planname: RepPlan02

  • maxrepname: co-mrengine-04

  • filename.xml: engine65.xml

$ mrcli -u admin -m co-mrengine-04 getCommonConsistencyTime RepPlan02 -a
For XML output:
$ mrcli -u admin -m co-mrengine-04 getCommonConsistencyTime -x engine65.xml