
Returns a comma-delimited list of GUIDs for the target engines associated with a protection plan ID.


mrcli [‑c configfile] -u user -m maxrepname [‑v] utility:getTargetEngineId planID


The command utility:getTargetEngineId is a utility-namespace command that returns a comma-delimited list of target engine GUIDs associated with a specified protection plan, given the protection plan ID and the MaxRep Replication Engine. The protection plan ID is obtained through the command utility:getProtectionPlanId.


m maxrepname

The IP address or DNS name of the MaxRep Replication Engine.


The ID of the protection plan that is being queried.

u user

Identifies the administrator account that runs the command.


Prints the current version of the MaxRep CLI then exits. This option should be run on its own, separate from additional options.

$ mrcli -v

c configfile

Specifies the configuration file to modify logging. When used, the -c command must be the first option entered at the command line.



Run the command utility:getTargetEngineId to obtain a list of source engine IDs associated with protection plan 22 on MaxRep Replication Engine co-mrengine-01.

  • maxrepname: co-mrengine-01

  • planID: 22

$ mrcli -u admin -m co-mrengine-01 utility:gettargetengineid 22