Power Down the Replication Engine

Power down a Replication Engine prior to performing the required maintenance service on parts that are not hot-serviceable.

  • Access to the Oracle MaxRep for SAN GUI
  • Access to the Oracle Support User Interface (UI)
Note: Powering down should only be executed from a MaxRep 3 Replication Engine that is either running the control services, or that is part of a clustered high availability (HA) pair.
  1. From an Internet browser, log in to the Oracle MaxRep for SAN GUI.
  2. Navigate to Monitor > Protection Health to note the current status of the protection plans running on the system.
  3. Navigate to Monitor > Control Service/Process Service Health to note the current status of the control service Engine and process service Engines running on the system.
    Note: Noting the status of the protection plan health and the health of the control service Engine and the process service Engines helps you to observe the current state of the operating systems prior to powering down the Replication Engine.
  4. From a new tab in an Internet browser, log in to the Oracle Support UI of either the MaxRep Replication Engine that is running the control services, or that is part of the HA cluster IP.
    You can navigate to the appropriate Support UI by going to either http://enginename (where enginename is the name of the MaxRep Replication Engine that is running the control services), or to engineIPaddress/support (where engineIPaddress is the IP address of the engine that is part of the HA cluster).
  5. Navigate to Management Tasks > Shutdown/Restart Services.
  6. Click the Host drop-down menu, and select the Replication Engine that you want to power down.
  7. From the Action options, select Shutdown.
  8. Click Save Task.
    The UI screen will present a task list, and the Replication Engine shutdown status will show as Pending for about one minute. The UI screen will then update the Replication Engine status to In Progress. As the shutdown completes, the UI will shut down as well. Replication Engine service actions can now take place.
    Note: In the Oracle FS System Manager GUI, the Overall System Status will change to Warning to communicate that the MaxRep Engine is powering down.
  9. If you need to remove the Replication Engine from the rack, power off the PDU circuit breakers to stop power, and disconnect power cables from the Replication Engine.
    You can now perform the service actions that are required.
You will regain access to the UI once the hardware service is complete, and the Replication Engine is powered back on.