Power Up the Replication Engine After Service

Power up a Replication Engine after the required maintenance service on parts is complete. Resync all replication protection plans from the Oracle MaxRep for SAN GUI.

Access to the Oracle MaxRep for SAN GUI
  1. Reattach the power cables to the Replication Engine, and plug the cables into a power source.
  2. Power on the PDU circuit breakers to restore power to the Replication Engine.
    The LEDs will turn green, signaling that the Replication Engine is powered on. The Engine may take a few minutes to reboot.
  3. Log in to the Oracle MaxRep for SAN GUI.
  4. Navigate to Monitor > Protection Health > Plan Health to view replication protection plans.
  5. Select the first replication protection plan to perform a resync.
  6. Click Manage Protection Plan.
  7. Locate the replication protection plan that you want to resync and navigate to Action > Modify.
  8. From the Restart Resync option, select Click Here.
  9. Click Restart Resync, then click OK.
  10. Repeat Steps 4-9 for all remaining replication protection plans.
  11. Navigate to Monitor > Protection Health > Plan Health to verify that all replication plans are in sync.
    Replication plans that have resynced successfully will show a green square next to the plan name.