Adding Storage Systems to Oracle VM Overview

You must add and register Oracle FS Systems with the Oracle VM environment before you can view and manage them. When you add an Oracle FS System, the system is registered with Oracle VM automatically. Registering the Oracle FS System enables Oracle VM to manage it. Oracle VM supports some, but not all, of the Oracle FS System storage management capabilities.

Before you add an Oracle FS System, it is helpful to gather the following information about the storage system and understand how Oracle VM supports the storage system:
  • Credentials used to log in to the Oracle FS System.

  • IP address of the Oracle FS System, or the fully qualified name (FQN) of the Pilot. (The Pilot is the storage system management controller.) Oracle recommends that you use the FQN to avoid the need to reconfigure the clients if the IP address changes.

  • Port 8083 on the Pilot open between the server on which the plug-in is installed and the Oracle FS System.

It is helpful to know the following characteristics of Extra Information field entries for an Oracle FS System controller:
  • All FQN entries are case sensitive.

  • The FQN of a resource on an Oracle FS System is a user‑configurable name. For example, a Controller on one Oracle FS System might have a name of /⁠Controller01 while a Controller on another system might have a name of /⁠Controller-01. Either ask the Oracle FS System storage administrator for the names in use or run one of the following Oracle FS CLI commands:
    For an Oracle FS System
    fscli controller ‑list
    For an Axiom System
    axiomcli slammer ‑list

    Refer to the Oracle Flash Storage System CLI Reference for more information on the controller syntax for the Oracle FS System.

It is also helpful to understand what happens in the Oracle VM Manager after a system is added.
  • When you register a SAN server with a specific protocol type (for example, FC), only the access groups that contain one or more of that type of storage initiator will appear in the Access Group list for that physical disk. However, all Physical Disks appear in the Physical Disks perspective under the Storage tab regardless of which protocol access the physical disk has enabled.

  • The Info tab displays the initial configuration information known about the system. You need to synchronize the information between Oracle VM and the Oracle FS System to see the actual values. Synchronizing also refreshes the information for the access groups and volume groups. You can manually refresh as needed to view the latest information.

Refer to the Oracle Flash Storage System Administrator’s Guide for information about Oracle FS System and physical disks (LUNs).

For information about access groups and refreshing information, refer to the Oracle VM Documentation (