Oracle VM Components Description

The Oracle VM environment is composed of numerous components. The Oracle VM Storage Connect Plug-In for Oracle Flash Storage Systems integrates Oracle FS Systems with the following components:

Oracle VM Storage Connect
The framework by which storage vendors can integrate the provisioning and management of their storage platforms through the Oracle VM environment. This framework provides the interface between Oracle FS Systems and the Oracle VM environment.
Oracle VM
A cloud operating system environment that can be used as a platform for running applications, in addition to using it as a platform for running virtual machines (VMs).
A virtualization layer, based on the Xen hypervisor, that runs on physical servers and abstracts processor, memory, storage, and resources into multiple VMs. The physical machine becomes the host for VMs, and is referred to as a hypervisor host.
Oracle VM Server

The Oracle VM Server directs the actions on the VMs and the VM hosts. The Oracle VM Server contains the hypervisor, which has a stripped-down Linux kernel installed in dom0. The kernel handles administrative functions of the host server and communicates with the Oracle VM Manager through the Oracle VM agent service.

The Oracle VM Server is installed to run automatically, and runs continuously in the background. The Oracle VM Server performs its monitoring and managing activities even when no Oracle VM Managers are connected, and even if no users are logged on to the computer where the Oracle VM Server resides. The Oracle VM Server must be available for network access from any machine used to run the Oracle VM Manager.

You can join multiple Oracle VM Server systems together using server pools so that you can manage them using a single Oracle VM Manager connection. A single Oracle VM Server can only manage the physical hardware and resources of the host upon which the Oracle VM Server is installed.

Oracle VM Manager

The Oracle VM Manager is the GUI to the Oracle VM Server, the hypervisor hosts, and the VMs. Oracle VM Manager is installed on a host with network access to the Oracle VM Server system installation. While all Oracle VM Server activities are performed by an Oracle VM Server system, the administrator uses the Oracle VM Manager GUI to monitor, manage, and control the server.

A single Oracle VM Manager can manage multiple Oracle VM Servers.

For more information, refer to the Oracle VM documentation on the Oracle Technical Network (