Add VASA Provider to vCenter Using vSphere

You must add the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA as a Service Provider to the vSphere center using the vSphere client.

  • Access to a vSphere client, version 6.0 or higher.

  • You need the following information about the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA:
    • Information on the server location where the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA is installed.

    • Login and password that you created when you installed and configured the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA software. The login and password is not the administrator account and password for the Oracle FS System monitored by the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA software.

To add a Service Provider using the vSphere client, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Home > Storage Providers.
  2. Click Add to display the Add Vendor Provider dialog.
  3. Enter the following information:
    Enter a name for the service provider. Oracle recommends that you use Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA as the name of the service provider.
    The location where the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA is installed (for example,
    Note: You cannot change the port path or the file path.
    The login account name, OracleVASA, for the VASA Provider. You cannot create or change this default login account name.
    The password the user created for the OracleVASA account on the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA.

    Do not check the User Vendor Provider Certificate check box. The User Vendor Provider Certificate feature is not used with this implementation.

  4. Click OK to add the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA as a service provider.

After you select OK, the storage provider is created and appears under the Vendor Providers column. To display details, select the storage profile under Vendor Providers.