Change VASA Provider Password

After installing the software for the first time, you set the password immediately. The password is valid for 120 days. You must update the password used for the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA every 120 days.

Understand the following password rules:
  • The password expires every 120 days. Oracle recommends that you change this password at the same time you change the Monitor password on the Oracle FS System.

  • Minimum password length is eight characters.

  • Must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one numeric character.

  • Cannot be any of the last 50 passwords.
    Note: The system retains recent passwords for one year.
  1. Navigate to the Oracle FS Provider for VMware VASA folder where the OFSVASAPasswordEditorTool is located.
    • On Linux and Solaris, the default directory is /opt/ofsvasa/tools.
    • On Windows, the default directory is Program Files/Oracle Corporation/Oracle FS Provider for VMWare VASA/tools/.
      Note: The tools are located in the tools directory.
  2. Depending on your operating system, complete one of the following steps:
    • For Linux or Solaris, start the utility in the tools directory by entering the following command:

      The password utility is started and you can enter commands. If you do not enter any options, the command help is displayed.

    • For Windows, start the OFSVASASystemEditorTool.bat utility by entering the following command:

      The password utility is started and you can enter commands.

  3. To change the password, enter the following command:
    OFSVASAProviderPasswordEditorTool ‑changePassword

    You are prompted to enter the password using a standard command line started by the password utility. When you are finished entering the password command, press Enter.

    The password is saved. If you do not enter any options, the command help is displayed.

  4. You can validate whether the password change was successful by querying the password expiration date using the following command:
    OFSVASAProviderPasswordEditorTool ‑passwordExpirationQuery
    If the command was successfully entered, the following information displays:

    Password lifetime (in days) : 120