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Siebel CRM Advisor Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2014
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A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  K  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


About Accessing Model Variables, 12.3.4
About Customizing Your UI, 13.1
About Modeling for Customizable Products, 14.4
About Modifying Display Information in app_config.js, 14.8.3
About Modifying the Application Configuration File, 14.8.4
About Modifying the Contents List Location, 13.4
About Publishing Pricing Information in Pagesets, 14.8.1
About Referencing Feature Tables, 12.3.2
About Setting Defaults, 12.3.3
About the Project Files, 15.1
About the Project UI Files, 13.3
About the UI Controls, 13.5
Adding Access to Additional Business Components, 14.3
Adding Rules Based Pricing, 14.8.5
Additional Trigger Capabilities, 12.1.3
Advanced Modeling, 12
advising solution
See Advisor
Advisor application
about, 4.1
creating application, 4.3, 4.3.1
Advisors button, 2.6.1
app_config.js file, described,
Application UI Definition file
about, 13.3
modifying, 13.3.1
path and file name, 13.3
Application UI Definition files
Contents List, about modifying, 13.4
Automatic Creation of the Customizable Product Structure, 14.4.4


browser-based application
directories, contained in, 15.1.2
hybrid mode, running, 11.1
module registry location,
price list, associating with, 14.8.2, 14.8.2
stand alone mode, running, 11.1
browser-based applications
Advisor application, about, 4.1
Advisor application, creating, 4.3, 4.3.1
architecture diagram, 2.2
deploying application, 5.8
purpose and about, 2.1
Siebel application, calling from, 11.2.2
about and example, 13.5, 13.5
described, 13.5
about and example, 13.5, 13.5
described, 13.5
Business Components
about binding to Feature or Configuration tables, 14.2
column, described, 14.2.1
list of, 14.3
name record, creating new, 14.3
Pick Applet Name record, creating new, 14.3
Pick List Name record, creating new, 14.3


CODE column, described, 7.2.3
Configuration Table Designer Example, 14.2.2
Configuration tables
about, 8.1
about using, 7.1
column types, described, 8.3, 8.3.3
Configuration Tables view, using and screen example, 3.2.2
creating, 8.6.1
cross-sell/up-sell messages, about, 8.8
cross-sell/up-sell messages, adding to data model, 8.8, 8.8
cross-sell/up-sell messages, adding uplink, 8.8
defining output targets, 7.1
exception messages, about and examples, 8.7
exception messages, creating, 8.7
matching process, steps of, 8.2, 8.2, 12.4
Search view, using and screen example,
Contents List
application, defining display inside, 13.4.1
Contents List view, using and screen example,
creating, 10.2.1
defining display inside a pageset, 13.4.2
defining display inside the application, 13.4.1
displaying, 13.4
HTML properties, defining, 10.3
location, about modifying and sample layout, 13.4
pageset, defining display inside of, 13.4.2
RegisterContentsListFrame function, 13.4.1
SetContentsListFrame function, 13.4.2
projects, 5.4
create a Feature table, 7.2.2
create a linked Feature table, 7.3
create a subconfiguration, 12.3.1
create a target table, 12.1.1
create a trigger table, 12.1.1
create an OL_CONDITIONS Configuration table, 12.4
create dynamic defaults, 12.2.1
create new Row Types for the Target table, 12.1.1
create the CLASS Trigger Table,
create the dynamic defaults example, 12.2.2
create the row types for the YEAR Target table,
create the YEAR target table,
Creating a File Attachment, 15.3
Creating Input UI Controls, 9.3
Creating the CLASS Trigger Table,
Creating the YEAR Target Table,
Creating UI Controls to Display the Trigger and Target Values,
cross-sell messages
about, 8.8
data model, adding to, 8.8, 8.8
uplink, adding, 8.8
custom directory, described,


Data Evaluation in Configuration Tables, 14.4.2
Data Evaluation in Feature Tables, 14.4.1
data models
pagesets, validating, 6.7
validating, 5.6
DEFAULT column, described, 7.2.3
DESC column, described, 7.2.3
Designer View, 7.2.3
directories, contents, 15.1.2
disabling Advisors button, 2.6.1
ds directory, described,
Duplicate Configuration Column Names, 12.3.6
Dynamic Defaults, 12.2


Project files, 15.4
Editing a File Attachment, 15.4
Editor View, 7.2.4
Example of Dynamic Default, 12.2.2
exception messages
about and examples, 8.7
creating, 8.7, 8.7
description, 8.1


Feature tables
column layout and examples, 7.2.3
Configuration Tables view, using and screen example, 3.2.2
creating, 7.2
defining input widget values, 7.1
linked tables, creating, 7.3
Search view, using and screen example,
Feature Tables view, using and screen example, 3.2.1
Field Name column, described, 14.2.1
file attachment
creating, 15.3


properties, defining in Contents List, 10.3
hybrid mode
projects, previewing, 5.7
running, 11.1, 11.1


id directory, described,
implement the module, A
In a Pageset UI Definition File, 13.4.2
In the Application Definition File, 13.4.1
incremental versioning, using, 5.10.3
input UI controls
about and example, 9.2, 9.2
creating, 9.3, 9.3, 9.5, 9.6
customizing, about and example, 13.5, 13.5
Input UI Display Example, 13.5
install the module, A
Installation of the Multi-variable and Cascading Triggers Module, A
Siebel shopping cart, integrating with browser-based application, 14.6
Interactive Designer Project Structure, 15.1.1


key column, about and example, 8.3.1, 8.3.1


Linked Feature Tables, 7.1.2
linked tables, creating, 7.3
pagesets, 6.3


MAIN configuration table, about, 8.1
mainArea, Advisor template, about, 13.3
Mapping Attributes of the Child Product in Feature Tables,
Mapping Root Products in the Configuration Table,
migrating a project to 7.0, 5.3
Modifying the Application UI Definition File, 13.3.1


Open UI, 2.6
Oracle Policy Automation Advisors, 2.6.2
output targets
creating, 9.5
output UI controls
customizing about and example, 13.5, 13.5
Output UI Layout view, using and screen example, 3.2.4
Output UI Controls Example, 13.5
output UI, display page, generating, 9.6


display page area, about defining, 13.3
MAIN configuration table, about, 8.1
project objects, contained within, 15.1.1
Validate Results view, using and screen example,
Pageset Properties file, location of,
Pageset Team, controlling team access, 5.10.2
Pageset UI Definition files
Contents List, about modifying, 13.4
location of,
RegisterUI function, 13.3
Pageset UI Registry files
location of,
path and file name, 13.3
RegisterExceptionFrames function, 13.3
RegisterPageLocation function, 13.3, 13.3
about, 6.1
creating, 6.2
data search, performing, 5.5, 6.8
Feature Tables view, using and screen example, 3.2.1
locking/unlocking, 6.3
Pageset Files view, using and screen example, 3.2.5
validating, 6.7
Performance Considerations, 12.3.5
pg directory, described,
Pick Applet Name record, creating, 14.3
Pick List Name record, creating new, 14.3
populate the YEAR target table,
price list
browser-based model, associating with, 14.8.2
pricing columns, about creating multiple pricing options, 14.8.2
Project files
about, 15.1
editing, 15.4
file attachment, creating, 15.3
project structure, described, 15.1.1
record, editing, 15.4
viewing, 15.2
Project Files tab, contents of, 15.1.2
Project Files view, using and screen example,
Project Team, setting up team access, 5.10.2
project UI files
about, 13.3
editing, 13.2
about, 5.1
copying, 5.4
creating, 5.2
deploying, 5.8
migrating a 4.0 project to 7.0, 5.3
previewing, 5.7
Project Files view, using and screen example,
team environment, working in, 5.10
Validate Results view, using and screen example,
validating, 5.6
version number, viewing, 5.10.3


Runtime Interaction with Your Shopping Cart or Quote, 14.6


data search, performing, 5.5, 6.8
Search view, using and screen example,
See "Configuration matching process" on page 26., 8.3.3
SetContentsListFrame function, using, 13.4.2
setting up Oracle Policy Administration Advisors, 2.6.2
Shared Target column, described, 14.2.1
shopping cart
Siebel shopping cart, integrating with browser-based application, 14.6
Siebel Advisor and Open UI, 2.6
Siebel applications
browser-based application, calling from, 11.2.2
Siebel search, performing, 5.5, 6.8
Siebel shopping cart, integrating with browser-based application, 14.6
stand alone mode
running, 11.1
stand-alone mode
projects, previewing, 5.7
Standard Feature Tables, 7.1.1


tables, linking, 7.3
Target tables
about, 12.1
creating, 12.1.1, 12.1.1
UI controls, tying table to, 12.1.1,
team access, setting up, 5.10.2
team environment, working on projects, 5.10
The Project Files Tab, 15.1.2
tie the Trigger and Target Feature tables to UI Controls, 12.1.1
To design the Feature table, 7.2.3
Trigger and Target Example, 12.1.2
Trigger tables
about, 12.1
creating, 12.1.1, 12.1.1, 12.1.1,
UI controls, tying table to, 12.1.1,
type 0 columns, described, 8.3.2
type 1 column, about and example, 8.3.1
type 99 column, described, 8.3.3


UI controls
input UI control, about and example, 9.2, 9.2
input UI control, creating, 9.3, 9.3, 9.5, 9.6
Output UI Layout view, using and screen example, 3.2.4
restricting the values displayed, 12.1
UI Layout view, using and screen example, 3.2.3
UI layout
browser-based application sample and description, 9.1
view, using and screen example, 3.2.3
UI, customizing
project UI file, editing, 13.2
project UI files, about, 13.3
unlocking pagesets, 6.3
updating projects to 7.0, 5.3
up-sell messages
about, 8.8
data model, adding to, 8.8, 8.8
uplink, adding, 8.8
user interface controls
See UI controls


valid configuration, description, 8.1
Validate Results view, using and screen example,
pagesets, 6.7
projects, 5.6
version numbers, viewing, 5.10.3
Viewing the Project Files, 15.2
viewing, controlling access in team environment, 5.10.1


Working with Subconfiguration, 12.3