Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Running Siebel Assignment Manager > About Running Batch Assignment >

About Tuning Batch Assignment for Performance

This topic is part of About Running Batch Assignment.

If users experience slow response time while running Assignment Manager in batch mode, then review the settings on virus software installed on the applicable server. Implement one or more of the following settings to improve batch assignment performance:

  • Virus scan only program files.
  • Exclude all outbound files from virus scanning.
  • Exclude the RDBMS directory from virus scanning. This directory contains MSB (Oracle message binary) files.

Make sure to run a full virus scan on all files during the weekend or off-peak time if the preceding settings were used.

You can also implement one or more of the following to boost batch performance in batch mode:

  • Increase the BatchSize parameter, for example, set the batch size to 500 (the default is set to 100).

    Increasing the parameter value increases the number of records that are processed within a transaction before a commit occurs, resulting in less resources used and faster assignment.

    NOTE:  Only set large batch sizes when there are no or very few users on the system.

  • Create multiple instances of batch assignment (using WHERE clause statements). See About Running Multiple Instances of Siebel Assignment Manager in Batch Mode.
  • Select a good filter.

    Carefully choosing a filter reduces the time it takes to retrieve Object records.

    NOTE:  Use indexed field or fields for comparison in the object WHERE clause, such as Name for Account and Opportunity, or Last Name for Contacts.

  • Use better logic.

    For example, if you want to run Account Assignment based on account name, then you can create multiple batches so that the first batch starts with names starting with the letter C through K, and the second batch starts with the names starting with the letter L. Optionally, additional batches might be created starting with later letters.

    Consider the following logic for the object WHERE clause:


    Although this WHERE clause causes the database to retrieve account records with names starting with the letter C through K, the clause specifies that if accounts starting with the letter M through Z are encountered, they are passed on the first round because the values are greater than B. However, in the second round, these records are then eliminated by the database as unneeded, because there is a cap of account names less than L.

    It is better logic to use this object WHERE clause instead:


    By switching the order of the conditions, the extra parsing required by the database in the second round is eliminated because most of the names start with a letter greater than B.

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