Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Applets > Configuring an Applet in Standard Interactivity >

Configuring How Siebel CRM Displays the Currently Chosen Record in Standard Interactivity

In a Siebel application that uses standard interactivity, if in Base or Edit List mode, then the user can choose a record as the currently active record in a list applet. In high interactivity, the user can click anywhere in a row to choose it. This topic describes how to use the PositionOnRow control to distinguish between rows that are chosen and rows that are not chosen and how to configure the format of the currently chosen row. For more information, see About Standard Interactivity and High Interactivity.

Using the PositionOnRow Control to Distinguish Between Rows That Are Chosen and Rows That Are Not Chosen

If a user chooses a row, then Siebel CRM places the PositionOnRow control on that row in a disabled state.

To use the PositionOnRow control to distinguish between rows that are chosen and rows that are not chosen

  • Use different images for the disabled and enabled state of the control to differentiate between rows that are chosen and rows that are not chosen.

Defining the Format for the Currently Chosen Row

To create the format for the currently chosen row, you modify the CSS style sheet class that is associated with a row, such as in a TR tag. You can use the ListRowStyle parameter for the Application Object Manager (AOM) to associate a list applet with a named style that Siebel CRM uses to format the rows of the applet. To make sure format is consistent, this configuration applies to all list applets that the Siebel application uses. For more information about Application Object Manager, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

You can define any name for the row style. A new Siebel Web Style file (SWS) defines the actual style sheet classes that this named style uses. This file is similar to the Siebel Web Format file that Siebel CRM uses for custom HTML types. The SWS files must include the sws file name extension, and must be installed in the same folder as the template files.

Similar to Siebel Web Format (SWF) files, the UserSWSName parameter defines the SWS file that the Application Object Manager uses. The UserSWSName parameter can override existing styles or add new styles.

Some Tags That the SWS File Contains

You can use the swe:style tag and swe:class tags in the SWS file to define the style sheet classes that Siebel CRM uses with a named style.

The swe:style tag includes the following qualities:

  • Format. The swe:style tag uses the following format:

    <swe:style type="XXX" name="YYY">

    Attributes. The swe:style tag includes the following attributes:

    • type. Supports only one value, which is RowStyle.
    • name. Name of the style. For example, Siebel List.

The swe:class tag includes the following qualities:

Format. The swe:class tag uses the following format:

<swe:class name="XXX"/>

Attributes. The swe:class tag includes the name attribute, which is the Name of the CSS style sheet class. You must load the style sheet that defines this class through the template.

Example Code in the SWS File

The following code is an example entry in an SWS file:

<swe:style type="RowStyle" name="Siebel List">


<swe:case condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsErrorRow">

<swe:class name="listRowError"/>


<swe:case condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsCurrentRow">

<swe:class name="listRowOn"/>


<swe:case condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsOddRow">

<swe:class name="listRowOdd"/>


<swe:case condition="Web Engine State Properties, IsEvenRow">

<swe:class name="listRowEven"/>



<swe:class name="listRowOff"/>




In the template file that the list applet references, you must replace the conditional tags used earlier with the RowStyle property of the applet. You can set the RowStyle property to a class attribute of any HTML tag. The format to define the RowStyle property of the list applet is similar to the format to define the TextAlignment property of a list column. The following code is an example of how to use the RowStyle property:

<swe:for-each-row count="7">

<tr class="swe:this.RowStyle">

<swe:for-each startValue="501" count="20" iteratorName="currentId">

<swe:control id="swe:currentId">

<td align="swe:this.TextAlignment" class="Row"><swe:this property="FormattedHtml" hintText="Field" hintMapType="ListItem"/></td>





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