Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring a Siebel Application > Using Development Tools >

Guidelines for Developing a Siebel Application

This topic describes some guidelines for developing a Siebel application. For more information, see Localizing Siebel Business Applications.

Guidelines for Naming an Object

If you name an object, then use the following guidelines:

  • Never include a question mark at the end of a field name or user interface label.
  • Use an object name that is meaningful and descriptive. For example, Account Detail Applet With Agreement, instead of Account Detail Applet 2.
  • Do not use a license key option as an object name. For example, do not use Product Forecasting. This configuration can cause Siebel CRM to not display a user interface object, such as a view.
  • Prefix the name for each custom object that you create with your company name. For example, ABC Product Forecasting View. This configuration distinguishes your custom object from a predefined object.
  • Be careful with spelling, spacing, and capitalization when you name an object. Typically, the logical name of an object in the Siebel repository uses complete words, mixed casing, and a space between words. A physical database object might use an abbreviation, uppercase, and an underscore. For example, the Service Request business component references the S_SRV_REQ database table.
  • Do not use a reserved SQL word in an object name. For example SELECT, COUNT, FROM, WHERE, and UNION. This configuration can cause unpredictable application behavior.
  • Avoid modifying the name of an object. It is time consuming to modify the name of an object when Siebel CRM references it throughout the Siebel repository. If you must modify the name of an object, then use the Find in Repository feature from the Tools menu in Siebel Tools to find all of the references.
  • Siebel Tools uses English (ENU). It does not support objects from other character sets, such as ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) codes or accented characters. If you attempt to use objects from another character set, then Siebel Tools displays a unique constraint error.

If you are not sure how to name an object, then you can use the predefined objects in the Siebel repository as a guide. Examine the predefined objects and conform to the naming formats that they use. For example, to create a new Association applet, use the business component name Assoc Applet naming format.

For more information, see the following topics:

Guidelines for Setting the Upgrade Ancestor Property

Upgrade Ancestor is a property that allows a copied object to include properties of the original object that Siebel CRM uses to define the copy. During an upgrade, Siebel CRM modifies the original object and the copied object. You can use the following object types with the Upgrade Ancestor property:

  • Applets
  • Business Components
  • Reports
  • Integration Objects

For example, assume you create a copy of the Account List applet, name it the Premium Account List Applet, and then set the Upgrade Ancestor property. The new applet might differ from the original applet because the new applet includes a search specification that Siebel CRM only displays in accounts that are considered premium accounts. In a subsequent release, Oracle might add a new predefined list column to the Account List applet. During an application upgrade, your Account List applet and the Premium Account List Applet retain the configuration modifications you made. These applets receive the new predefined list column added in the new version.

Use caution if you copy an object. For more information, see Guidelines for Reusing a Predefined Object.

Note the following factors if you use the Upgrade Ancestor property:

  • If you copy an object, then Siebel Tools does not automatically define the Upgrade Ancestor property. You must define it manually.
  • Creating a new object without defining the Upgrade Ancestor property could add to your upgrade effort because Siebel CRM does not upgrade a custom object. Siebel CRM copies it to the new repository, but without modifications.
  • Creating a new copy of a business component or applet can result in a redundant configuration.

For more information, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

Guidelines for Modifying Configuration Files

You can modify an application configuration file, but Siebel CRM does not support any modification that you make to an application configuration file. The only exception occurs if Siebel documentation explicitly describes how you can modify the configuration file. Any file that contains one of the following extensions and is part of the Siebel installation is a Siebel configuration file:

  • cfg
  • css
  • gif
  • swt
  • htm
  • xsl
  • sws
  • swf
  • sw
  • ctl
  • sql
  • ucf
  • rox
  • rod
  • srf
  • prd
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