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Siebel CRM Siebel Mobile Guide: Connected
Siebel Innovation Pack 2014 Rev. A
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Using the PCD Viewer in Siebel Mobile

The Personalized Content Delivery Viewer is available in Siebel Pharma and by default for Calls in the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Pharma. In the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Pharma, you must start the viewer by selecting the Detail button. However, you can use the PCD Viewer on any other applet in the mobile application provided that you configure the Detail button for the applet. For more information about configuring the Detail button for applets in general in Siebel Mobile, see the topic about configuring interactive detailing in Configuring Siebel Open UI.

You use the PCD Viewer in Siebel Mobile and Siebel CRM to deliver personalized content to customers, to present information about products to customers, and to obtain feedback from customers about product presentations and personalized content delivered.


For Siebel Mobile, the PCD Viewer is supported only if using the Siebel Mobile Archive MAA file to create and deploy a customized Siebel Mobile app for iPad or iPhone devices. The Detail button will be enabled and available in the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel app) only. The Detail button will be unavailable and disabled in the browser. For more information about the Siebel Mobile Application Container, see Downloading and Installing the Siebel Mobile Application Container (Siebel App).

Before using the PCD Viewer in Siebel Mobile, do the following:

To deliver a presentation in Siebel Mobile using the PCD Viewer, see the following:

Creating Literature Records in Siebel CRM

The following procedure shows you how to create literature records in Siebel CRM, including how to attach a thumbnail image to a literature record. The following file types are supported: GIF, JPEG, JPG, MP4, PDF, PNG, HTML, and ZIP.


ZIP files are generally used to upload HTML files and their related content since individual files cannot be attached together.

For more information about working with literature in Siebel CRM, see the chapter about literature administration in Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

To create literature records in Siebel CRM 

  1. Log in to the Siebel business application.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

  3. Create a new literature record of type Message as follows:

    1. Click New File.

    2. Browse to and select a file from your local drive, click Open, and then attach the file as follows:

      • Select the File Name field.

      • Click Browse on the Add Attachment pop-up that appears.

      • Select the file that you want to attach.

      The name of the file attachment appears in the Name and File Name fields.

    3. Enter a description of the file in the Description field.

      For example, enter HTML if this is an HTML ZIP file.

    4. In the Literature Type field, select Message.

    5. Enter the Release Date and the Expiration Date in the appropriate fields.

      The release date must be less than today's date and the expiration date must be greater than today's date.

    6. Step off the record to save it.

  4. Create a new literature record of type Thumbnail Image as follows:

    1. Click New File.

    2. Browse to and select a file from your local drive, click Open, and then attach the file as follows:

      • Select the File Name field.

      • Click Browse on the Add Attachment pop-up that appears.

      • Select the file that you want to attach.

    3. Enter a description of the file in the Description field.

    4. In the Literature Type field, select Thumbnail Image.

    5. The release and expiration dates are not required.

    6. Step off the record to save it.

  5. Attach a thumbnail image to a literature record as follows:

    1. Create two literature records, one of type Message and the other of type Thumbnail Image as shown in Step 0 and Step 0

    2. Query for the literature record of type Message where you want to attach the thumbnail image.

    3. In the Thumbnail Image field, select the image that you want to attach, and then click OK.

    4. Step off the record to save the changes.

Associating Literature with Messaging Plans in Siebel CRM

The following procedure shows you how to associate literature with messaging plans in Siebel CRM. The process involves adding presentation items (or messaging plan items) to messaging plans and then related messages to presentation items as required. For more information about working with messaging plans in Siebel CRM, see the chapter about using personalized content delivery in Siebel Life Sciences Guide.

To associate literature with messaging plans in Siebel CRM 

  1. Log in to the Siebel business application.

  2. Navigate to the Messaging Plans screen, then the Messaging Plan List view.

  3. If required, create a new messaging plan as follows:

    1. Click New, enter a name for the new messaging plan in the Name field, and then select a product in the Products field.

      The product that you select must be associated with the user, otherwise the messaging plan will not be visible to the user.

    2. Complete the remaining fields as required:

      • Disable Menu Bar. Select this check box to disable the header navigation bar in the PCD Viewer. For more information about navigating the PCD Viewer, see "Showing Presentations in Siebel Mobile".

      • Disable Navigation Bar. Select this check box to disable the Next and Previous arrows and the footer navigation bar in the PCD Viewer. For more information about navigating the PCD Viewer, see "Showing Presentations in Siebel Mobile".

      • Enable Direct Launch. Select this check box to enable presentations to be started from any presentation item. In this case, the presentation will start showing in the PCD Viewer with the selected item and you must navigate back to see any preceding items in the presentation. For more information about navigating the PCD Viewer, see "Showing Presentations in Siebel Mobile".

      • Disable Response. Select this check box to make the capturing of customer feedback to presentations optional. To enforce the mandatory capture of customer feedback, then do not select this check box. For more information about capturing customer feedback, see "Recording Responses to Presentations in Siebel Mobile".

    3. Navigate away from the record to save your changes to it.

  4. Associate literature with messaging plans as follows:

    1. Select the messaging plan to which you want to add literature by clicking the messaging plan name link in the Name field.

    2. Select the Presentation Items tab, click New, and then select a message in the Name field.

    3. Complete the remaining fields as required:

      • Sequence. Enter an integer value in to the Sequence field to indicate the order where you want the presentation item to appear in the presentation (1 indicates first, 2 indicates second, 3 indicates third position, and so on).

      • Status. Select either Show or Hide in the Status field. Select Show to make the presentation item available when delivering the presentation in the PCD Viewer. Select Hide to hide the presentation item when delivering the presentation in the PCD Viewer.

      If the message that you selected in Step 4 0 is in a ZIP file, then complete the following fields:

      • Content. Type in the name of the HTML file to show in the PCD Viewer. If you do not specify a file name, then the ZIP file's index.html file is shown by default.

      • Thumbnail Image. Type in the name of the thumbnail image to show in the PCD Viewer. Note that the image must be present in the HTML ZIP file.

    4. Step off the record to save it.

    5. Add related messages to presentation items as follows:

      • Select the presentation item to which you want to add related messages.

      • Click New in the Related Messages applet, and then select a message in the Name field. In the case of a hot spot, type the name of the file from the ZIP file in the Name field. For example: Page10.html in

      • If the message is in a ZIP file, then complete the Thumbnail field. To complete the Thumbnail field, type in the name of the thumbnail image to show in the PCD Viewer. Note that the image must be present in the HTML ZIP file.

      • Navigate away from the record to save your changes to it.

Defining Access to, Releasing, and Revising Messaging Plans in Siebel CRM

When finished associating literature with messaging plans in Siebel CRM, you must define access to the messaging plan and then release the messaging plan. If the SADMIN user group is granted access to a messaging plan, then the released messaging plan is visible to Siebel administrators only. Until you define access to a messaging plan using the Access Group tab, the messaging plan will not be visible to any other Siebel user group. After releasing a messaging plan, you can revise it as required. Only released messaging plans are available for detailing in the PCD Viewer.

To define access to, release, and revise messaging plans 

  1. Log in to the Siebel business application.

  2. Navigate to the Messaging Plans screen, then the Messaging Plan List view.

  3. Define access to messaging plans as follows:

    1. Locate and select the messaging plan to which you want to define access.

    2. Select the Access Group tab, and then click Add.

    3. Choose a catalog on the list that appears, and then tap OK.

      The catalog that you choose must contain the users to whom you want to grant access. If you do not see a suitable catalog, then create a new catalog in Siebel CRM, add user lists to that catalog (make sure that appropriate users have been added to the user lists), and then choose that catalog in the Access Group tab. For more information about defining access control using Catalog administration, see Siebel Order Management Guide.

    4. Step off the record to save it.

  4. Release messaging plans as follows:

    1. Locate and select the messaging plan that you want to release.

    2. In the Status field, change the status to Released.

      When you create a messaging plan, the status is set to In Progress. You can subsequently change the status to Submitted and then Approved before finally setting the status to Released. After you change the status to Released:

      • The messaging plan release date is automatically set.

      • The expiration date field becomes editable and a required field. That is, you must type a suitable expiration date into the Expiration Date field, otherwise you will not be able to save the messaging plan with a status of Released.

      • The messaging plan is available for detailing. That is, the messaging plan is available in the PCD Viewer to show to customers. Messaging plans that do not have a status of Released are not available in the PCD Viewer to show to customers.

      • The messaging plan is visible to the user groups that have been granted access as shown in Step 0

  5. (Optional) Revise a released messaging plan as follows:

    1. Locate and select the released messaging plan that you want to revise.

    2. Click Revise.

      A copy of the messaging plan you selected in Step 5 0 is created where only the value in the Version field changes by increasing by one. Note that the Access Group information defined for the messaging plan you selected in Step 5 0 is not copied over to the revised messaging plan.

    3. Define access to the (revised) messaging plan as shown in Step 0

    4. Release the (revised) messaging plan as shown in Step 0

PCD Viewer APIs

Table 5-1 describes the APIs that you can use to perform specific operations in the PCD Viewer. You access these APIs from external JavaScript files which have been packaged into ZIP files. The ZIP files in turn are added as presentation (or messaging plan) items to messaging plans. External JavaScript files can, for example, call these APIs to perform specific operations in the following manner:

   var arg = [];
   arg[0] = "API Name";
   arg[1] = "Parameter1";     window.parent.postMessage(arg, "*");

For example:

   var arg = [];
   arg[0] = "detailerMenuBar";
   arg[1] = "hide";           window.parent.postMessage(arg, "*");


  • "detailerMenuBar" is the API Name.

  • "hide" is the additional parameter required to invoke that API.

Table 5-1 PCD Viewer Application Programming Interface

API Name Description Arguments and Values


Used to show or hide the title (or header navigation) bar in the PCD Viewer.

Argument: arg1

Value: hide or show


Used to show or hide the footer navigation bar in the PCD Viewer.

Argument: arg1

Value: hide or show


Used to navigate to the next item in a presentation (or messaging plan).

Argument: none


Used to navigate to the previous item in a presentation (or messaging plan).

Argument: none


Used to navigate to a specific item in a presentation (or messaging plan).

Argument: arg1

Value: The name of the item to which you want to navigate to.


Used to start time tracking on related messages or items. A related message does not necessarily have to be a literature record - it can be another file inside the ZIP.



Used to stop time tracking on related messages.

Argument: arg1

Value: The file name of the related message.

Setting the Server Uncompression Location

The following procedure shows you how to set the Server Uncompression Location system preference in Siebel CRM. You must set this system preference so that when you select the Generate link in Siebel Mobile, the messaging plan contents will be uncompressed to the location specified by the Server Uncompression Location system preference.

To set the server uncompression location 

  1. Log in to the Siebel business application.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the System Preference view.

  3. Query for the Server Uncompression Location system preference.

  4. Enter the server location path where you want uncompression to happen as shown in the following table.

    Platform Server Location Path
    Windows Server For example, the server location path for a Windows server is:

    Note that you must always provide the eappweb\PUBLIC\ENU path in the server location path (BuildFolder\) where you want uncompression to happen, and also for hybrid environments.

    Non-Windows Server For example, the server location path for a non-Windows server is:

    Where sblqa1 is the user. The path for decompressed files is filesystem/assets.

Showing Presentations in Siebel Mobile

You use the Detail link in the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Pharma to present interactive, promotional content to customers. The following procedure shows you how to deliver personalized content and presentations to customers.

To show presentations in Siebel Mobile 

  1. Navigate to the Call Details view.

    Tap the Side Menu icon on the application banner, tap Calls, and then drill down on a call in the calendar in the right pane. For more information, see "Displaying Call Details".

  2. Tap Detail in the work area.

    The messaging plan preview page that opens contains the following information:

    • A list of all accessible messaging plans (presentations), which are released and unexpired, appears at the top of the page.

    • The messaging plan items (presentation items or slides) associated with the selected messaging plan appear next in thumbnail fromat.

    • Tap the green Related label below a messaging plan item to show the related messages for that item (if there are any).

    If you can see the list of accessible messaging plans but only blank thumbnails, then tap Generate to uncompress the messaging plan. After the messaging plan has been successfully uncompressed, you can view and access all messaging plan items (in thumbnail format) and related messages.

    For the Generate link to work properly and uncompress the messaging plan to a suitable server location, the Server Uncompression Location system preference must be set first. For more information, see "Setting the Server Uncompression Location".

  3. Tap the messaging plan that you want to show, and then tap Launch to start the presentation.

    The messaging plan opens in the PCD Viewer.

    If Enable Direct Launch is set for messaging plans in Siebel CRM, then you can also tap any messaging plan item followed by Launch to start the presentation. In this case, the messaging plan item opens in full-screen mode in the PCD Viewer. To see any preceding items in the presentation, navigate back to them as needed.

  4. Navigate the presentation as follows:

    1. Use the Next and Previous arrows to scroll through the presentation.

    2. Tap anywhere at the bottom of the screen to activate a footer navigation bar showing the messaging plan items in thumbnail image format. Then do the following as required:

      • Tap any thumbnail image to open and show the selected messaging plan item in full-screen mode.

      • Use the Next and Previous arrows to scroll through the thumbnail images.

    3. Tap anywhere at the top of the screen to activate the header navigation bar. The following options are available on the header navigation bar:

      • Done. Tap when finished to go to the Feedback page. For more information, see "Recording Responses to Presentations in Siebel Mobile".

      • Exit. Tap to exit the PCD Viewer.

      • Full. Tap to show the presentation in full screen mode.

      • Related. Tap to go to and preview a slide's related messaging plan items. Tap Player in the header navigation bar to return to the main slide.

Recording Responses to Presentations in Siebel Mobile

You use the Detail button in the Siebel Mobile application for Siebel Pharma to present interactive, promotional content or presentations to customers and then to capture the customer responses to that presentation content. When you have finished showing a presentation by tapping Done in the header navigation bar, the Feedback page opens showing a summary of the presented material in thumbnail format and the time (in seconds) spent on each slide. On the Feedback page, you can capture the customer responses to the presentation content using the star rating control.

To record responses to presentations during a call 

  1. Tap Done when you have finished showing the presentation.

    The Feedback page opens showing a summary of the content that was presented in thumbnail format, and the time (in seconds) spent on each presentation item. For more information about showing presentations, see "Showing Presentations in Siebel Mobile".

  2. Capture the customer rating for each presentation item as follows:

    1. Tap the appropriate number of stars below each item as required.

      The significance of each star rating is as follows:

      • One star indicates Rejected.

      • Two stars indicates Not Interested.

      • Three stars indicates Need Data.

      • Four stars indicates Continue Discussion.

      • Five stars indicates Accepted.

      • No stars indicates No Feedback.

      The last option (no stars indicating no feedback) is allowed only if the Disable Response check box is selected for the messaging plan in Siebel CRM, making the capturing of customer feedback to presentations optional. For more information, see "Associating Literature with Messaging Plans in Siebel CRM".

      If the Disable Response check box is not selected (True) for the messaging plan in Siebel CRM, then response ratings must be logged for all presentation items before you will be allowed to submit the presentation feedback. For more information about creating messaging plans in Siebel CRM, see Siebel Life Sciences Guide.

      If the following message appears, then you cannot proceed until you provide a rating for each presentation item: Rating is a must.

    2. Tap Submit when you have recorded all feedback.

      The response ratings are logged under the Presentation Details related item for the call. For more information, see "Viewing Presentation Detail Information for a Call".

      A record for the product associated with the messaging plan is also created under Products Detailed for the call. For more information, see "Modifying Product Details for a Call".

      After you submit the presentation feedback, all feedback-related account and contact call records are editable until the respective call is submitted.