Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X


5.x, importing marketing responses   1


exposing Generate Reporting Relationships button   1

importing marketing responses   1

S_POSTN_RPT_REL, populating or rebuilding   1


exposing Generate Reporting Relationships button   1

populating or rebuilding S_PARTY_PER   1

Back to top


aborted processing

handling aborts of EIM delete process   1

merge process   1


deleting specific positions examples   1

importing example   1

importing multiple team members   1

ACT!, using   1

AMBIGUOUS import status   1

ASGN_* Flags, using when importing contacts   1

assets, importing example   1



attachment files columns   1

attachment status, tracing   1

audit trail, using   1

Back to top


base tables

about interface table mappings   1

about merging data   1

base table to interface table mapping example   1

caution, modifying data   1

conditions for mapping   1

deleting data from target base table   1

deleting data, about   1

deleting other than target base table   1

deleting rows   1

deleting rows, sample code   1

EIM tables overview   1

exporting data, about   1

importing data, about   1

loading data directly   1

multi-org, capability   1

nonexistent mapping, remedy   1

parent in non-target table mapping   1

parent-to-child pointer   1

role of primary foreign keys   1

sample view   1

searching for mappings to specific base table   1

second row property   1

viewing column mappings   1

viewing deleted rows   1

viewing interface table mappings to   1

without user keys examples   1

without user keys process issues   1

batch numbers, checking   1

BATCH parameter   1

batch processing, optimizing   1

batch ranges, using   1


insert and update to same record   1

BU_ID column, importing organizations   1

Back to top


call lists, importing   1


cascade delete, defined   1

case values, listed in Force Case property   1

child records, about merging   1


delete process   1

deleting data process initialization   1

export parameter   1

column mappings

about   1

between extension table and interface table columns   1

implicit and explicit mappings   1

primary foreign keys   1

sample view   1

setting primary key for m:m   1

viewing mapping to base tables   1

column values, preserving   1


common to interface tables   1

data deletion values   1

file attachments, required columns   1

handling columns with null value   1

initial values for file attachments   1

initial values for special columns   1

maintaining denormalized columns   1

mandatory columns   1

organization mapping, about   1

PR_ type columns   1

primary foreign keys   1

setting primary key for m:m   1

special column values for merge process   1

special columns, about   1

temporary columns   1

xxx_BU column   1

command-line interface, running EIM process   1

commit and rollback

avoiding aborts of EIM merge processing   1

handling aborts of EIM delete processing   1

updating rows   1


description   1

editing for import   1


description   1

editing for import   1


description   1

editing for import   1

CON_PRIV_FLG column, setting   1

configuration file

about parameters   1

about using to define process   1

avoiding aborts of EIM merge processing   1

DB2 caution   1

defining rollback segment   1

generic to all EIM processes   1

header parameters for EIM configuration file   1

inheritance rules   1

points about setting   1

predefined extended parameters   1

process parameters required keywords   1

setting extended parameters using the command line   1

setting extended parameters using the GUI   1

setting header parameters   1

setting process parameters   1

transaction logging parameters for merge   1

TRANSACTION SQL parameter   1

updating rows   1

configuration file, editing

about exporting processing   1

before import processing   1

delete process parameters table   1

deleting file attachments   1

deleting other than target base table   1

deleting rows from extension tables   1

deleting rows with user key values   1

explicit primary syntax   1

export process parameters table   1

exporting all data rows   1

exporting LOV and MLOV data   1

exporting recursive relationships   1

exporting selected data rows   1

for delete processing   1

handling aborts   1

header and process parameters   1

header parameters   1

header sections used   1

importing call lists   1

INSERT ROWS parameter   1

merge process   1

MISC SQL parameter   1

NET CHANGE parameter   1

process parameters   1

process section parameters used   1

running export process   1

UPDATE ROWS parameter   1

configuration file, process section

DELETE MATCHES parameter   1

deleting all rows in table   1

deleting data, parameter settings   1

merge code example   1

CONNECT parameter   1

contact list, making contacts visible   1


ASGN_*Flags   1

importing example   1

importing private contacts   1

making contacts visible   1


CREATED column, preserving value   1

CURRENT_DATETIME parameter   1

CURRENT_USER parameter   1

custom columns, running merge example   1

customizable products, importing   1

Back to top



importing position and employee data   1

initial values for special columns   1

Database Extensibility, specifying mappings   1

database server optimization   1

database, updating

EIM and audit trail   1

importing BU_ID column   1

importing call lists   1

importing contacts   1

importing customizable products   1

importing exported rows   1

importing file attachments   1

importing industry codes   1

importing international phone numbers   1

importing links into S_LIT Base Table   1

importing LOV and MLOV data   1

importing marketing responses   1

importing multiline fields   1

importing multiple team members   1

importing opportunities and revenues   1

importing parent and child relationships   1

importing party records   1

importing position and employee data   1

importing private contacts   1

importing solutions   1

maintaining denormalized columns   1

making contacts visible   1

suppressing inserts   1

suppressing updates   1

updating file attachments   1


DB2 configuration parameter settings caution   1

DB2, parallel processes caution   1

EIM process flow   1

importing considerations   1

process flow diagram   1

server space requirements for import   1

DB2 databases

caution, configuration parameter settings   1

EIM processing caution   1

DB2 sample SQL script   1

DEFAULT COLUMN parameter   1

default.ifb file   1


caution, about using   1

deleting data   1

deleting data from interface tables   1

header and process sections   1

sample code   1

DELETE EXACT parameter

deleting data from base tables   1

header and process sections   1

matching user keys   1

using   1

using example   1


code example   1

deleting data   1

deleting data from non-S_PARTY tables   1

deleting S_PARTY example   1

header and process sections   1

delete process

before running   1

cascade delete defined   1

delete process flow   1

deletion methods supported   1

overview   1

parameters   1

DELETE ROWS parameter   1



base table data   1

EIM table rows   1

file attachments   1

note, using EIM   1

rows from extension tables   1

deleting data

aborted processing, special considerations   1

all rows   1

child rows   1

deleting all rows   1

editing the configuration file   1

note, transaction logging for Mobile Web Clients   1

preparing interface tables   1

verifying results   1

denormalized columns, maintaining   1


Transaction Logging, and mobile Web clients   1

documents, importing   1

DUP_RECORD_EXISTS import status   1

DUP_RECORD_IN_EIM_TBL import status   1

duplicate reporting relationships, checking for   1

Back to top


EIM delete process

See EIM Delete Process

EIM delete process example

deleting data from non-S_PARTY   1

deleting data from S_PARTY   1

EIM exporting data

See Overview of EIM Export Processing

EIM functions

deleting data, about   1

exporting data, about   1

importing data, about   1

merging data, about   1

process flow   1

EIM import process   1

EIM log file, viewing   1

EIM merge process example

deleting data from non-S_Party tables   1

deleting specific positions from accounts   1

running merge with custom columns   1

using DELETE EXACT example   1

EIM processes

process flow   1

EIM processing

creating step-oriented task log   1

creating user key override log   1

creating user parameter substitution log   1

data not visible   1

DB2 databases caution   1

error flags   1

interface table mappings warning log   1

multiple row failure   1

optimizing performance   1

pausing or stopping warning   1

preparing to run   1

running from the command line   1

running using GUI   1

SQL trace flags   1

trace flag 32 tracing attachment status   1

trace flags   1

unable to edit quotes   1

viewing task log info   1

warning   1

EIM running optimization   1

EIM tables

about   1

checking row batching numbers   1

columns   1

deleting rows   1

extracting data from interface tables   1

file attachment columns   1

finding differences between repositories   1

maintenance   1

mandatory columns   1

naming conventions   1

not supported for export processes   1

populating, about   1

preparing for delete processing   1

preparing for export   1

preparing for import   1

preserving column values   1

second row property   1

viewing base mappings   1

EIM_ type interface tables   1

EIM_ASSET interface table, populating   1

EIM_CONTACT, using   1

EIM_OPTY_DTL, mapping example   1

EIM_SOLUTION interface table, importing from   1

employee data

about importing   1

activating position hierarchy   1

activating reporting relationships   1

importing as primary columns   1

importing example   1

importing procedure   1

Enterprise Integration Mgr component   1

error flags, activating   1

EVENT LOGGING, setting for EIM component   1

Excel spreadsheets, importing   1

existing rows, suppressing updates   1

explicit primary mappings

setting example   1

setting for m:m example   1


all rows setting   1

heading or process section   1

selected rows setting   1


about WHERE clause   1

other than S_PARTY syntax   1

S_PARTY syntax   1

WHERE clause example   1

export process parameters

EIM configuration file   1

header and process sections   1

exported row, viewing a list of   1

exporting data

about base table data   1

all rows   1

checking row batch numbers   1

configuration file, editing   1

EIM tables not supported   1

export process steps   1

extracting data from interface tables   1

multilevel hierarchies   1

note, using EIM   1

to organizations   1

preparing interface table   1

preserved column values   1

processing overview   1

recursive relationships   1

results, verifying   1

selected rows   1

starting export process   1

extended parameters

defining using the command line   1

defining using the GUI   1

predefined   1

extension columns, about creating mappings   1

extension tables

column mappings   1

deleting rows from   1

Back to top



data not visible   1

multiple row failure   1

unable to edit quotes   1

fields, importing multiline fields   1

file attachments

deleting   1

importing   1

updating   1


column   1

row, initial value   1


column   1

row, initial value   1


column   1

row, initial value   1

FILTER QUERY parameter   1

FIXED COLUMN parameter   1

foreign keys, resolving

example 1   1

example 2   1

example 3   1

examples   1

FOREIGN_KEY import status   1

Back to top


Generate Reporting Relationships button

exposing for 7.x   1

exposing prior to 6.x   1

GUI, running EIM process   1

Back to top


header parameters

editing configuration file   1

general header parameters   1

parameters used for deletes   1

setting   1

used for deletes   1

used for imports   1

hierarchical LOVs

importing and exporting example   1

hyperlinks, defining   1

Back to top



checking for   1

deleting data   1

initial value   1

merge processing   1

processing requirements   1


merge processing   1

processing requirements   1

IF_ROW_STAT column

deleting data   1

deleting imported rows   1

initial value   1

merge processing   1

processing requirements   1

status values   1

IF_ROW_STAT_NUM column   1

IfbFileName extended parameter   1


editing for import   1

header and process sections   1

performance   1


description   1

editing for import   1

performance   1

import processes

about creating mappings for extension columns   1

adding position to a party table   1

deleting data from non-S_PARTY   1

deleting data from S_PARTY   1

dropping indexes to improve performance   1

EIM merge process example   1

extension columns example, troubleshooting   1

from multiple EIM tables in a single .IFB file, example   1

hierarchical LOVs example   1

implementing multi-org hierarchy   1

importing accounts example   1

importing assets example   1

importing contacts example   1

importing employees example   1

importing opportunities example   1

importing party objects example   1

importing primary keys example   1



populating EIM_ASSET interface table   1

setting a primary example   1

setting explicit primary mapping example   1

setting explicit primary mappings for m:m   1

setting NO MATCH ROW ID   1

setting NULL   1

setting valid ROW_ID   1

updating a columns example 1   1

updating a table example   1

updating columns example 2   1

import processing

editing configuration file   1

explicit primary syntax   1

header and process parameters   1

header parameters   1

INSERT ROWS parameter   1

MISC SQL parameter   1

NET CHANGE parameter   1

process parameters   1

UPDATE ROWS parameter   1

IMPORT_REJECTED import status   1

IMPORTED import status   1


about base table data   1

fields that cannot be updated   1

legacy data   1

note, using EIM   1

rows, viewing list   1

updating Siebel database   1

updating Siebel database for batches   1

importing accounts

unique constraint error   1

unique constraint error example   1

importing contacts

unique constraint error   1

unique constraint error example   1

importing data

data not visible   1

EIM and audit trail   1

explicit primary syntax   1

header and process parameters   1

importing BU_ID column   1

importing call lists   1

importing exporting rows   1

importing file attachments   1

importing initial batches   1

importing international phone numbers   1

importing links into S_LIT Base Table   1

importing multiline fields   1

importing parent and child relationships   1

importing party records   1

importing position and employee data   1

industry codes   1

INSERT ROWS parameter   1

large databases considerations   1

LOV and MLOV data   1

making contacts visible   1

MISC SQL parameter   1

multi-level hierarchies   1

multiple row failure   1

multiple team members   1

NET CHANGE parameter   1

private contacts   1

process flow described   1

results, verifying   1

running import process   1

troubleshooting the unique constraint error   1

troubleshooting the unique constraint error example   1

unable to edit quotes   1

UPDATE ROWS parameter   1

updating file attachments   1

viewing list of imported rows   1

importing data, preparations

about   1

adjusting case of values   1

data import order   1

initial values for file attachment columns   1

initial values for special columns   1

importing data, processes

fields that cannot be updated   1

importing contacts   1

importing customizable products   1

importing marketing responses   1

importing opportunities and revenues   1

importing party records   1

importing private contacts   1

importing solutions   1

insert and update on same record   1

insert and update, about   1

maintaining denormalized columns   1

making contacts visible   1

suppressing inserts   1

updates, suppressing   1

IN_PROCESS import status   1

INCLUDE parameter   1


dropping to improve performance   1

verifying exist for tables   1

industry codes, importing   1

inheritance rules   1

INSERT ROWS and UPDATE ROWS, updating   1

INSERT ROWS parameter

editing for import   1

syntax   1

inserts, suppressing when updating   1

interface table mappings

about   1

base table without user keys process issues   1

conditions for mapping   1

creating warning log   1

extension table columns   1

implicit and explicit mappings   1

nonexistent mapping, remedy   1

non-target EIM table mapping   1

role of primary foreign keys   1

sample view   1

tracing attachment status   1

viewing column mappings   1

viewing EIM tables mappings   1

without user keys examples   1

interface tables

checking row batch numbers   1

deleting data   1

EIM tables not supported   1

EIM_ type interface tables   1

from prior releases   1

PR_ type columns   1

preparing for data deletion   1

preparing for export   1

preparing for merge processing   1

preserving column values   1

required columns   1

setting primary key for m:m   1

temporary columns   1

viewing deleted rows   1

interface tables, import preparations

about   1

adjusting case of values   1

data import order   1

initial values for file attachment columns   1

initial values for special columns   1

international phone numbers, importing   1

Back to top


LANGUAGE parameter   1

LAST_UPD column, preserving value   1

legacy data, importing

importing initial batches   1

recommended order   1

using ACT!   1

List of Values

See Importing LOV and MLOV Data

log entries, SET BASED LOGGING   1

LOV data

about importing   1

error message   1

exporting   1

importing data into LOV table   1


importing and exporting example   1

Back to top



about creating extension columns   1

setting explicit primary mappings   1

setting explicit primary mappings for m:m   1

marketing responses, importing   1

Master Transaction Log, writing to   1

MAX_NEST_SUBST parameter   1

memory requirements for large databases   1

merge, limiting records and rows   1

merging data

about aborted merge process   1

about base table data   1

configuration file code, sample   1

configuration file, editing   1

interface tables, preparing   1

merge process overview   1

note, performance   1

note, using EIM   1

results, verifying   1

setting IF_ROW_MERGE_ID   1

transaction logging parameters   1

updating rows   1

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, importing   1

Microsoft Word documents, importing   1

MISC SQL parameter

explicit primary syntax   1

primaries supported   1

MLOV data

exporting   1

importing   1

mobile users, generating reporting relationships   1

Mobile Web Client

note, transaction logging   1

requirements   1

MS SQL sample SQL script   1

multiline fields, importing   1

multilingual List of Values

See Importing LOV and MLOV Data

multi-org capability   1

multi-org hierarchy, implementing   1

Multiple Organization Visibility organizations, support for   1

Back to top


NET CHANGE parameter

editing for import   1

equal FALSE outcomes   1

example   1

handling of columns with null value   1

NO MATCH ID, setting   1

non-target table mapping   1

NULL, setting   1


using example   1

Back to top


ODBC_DATA_SOURCE parameter   1


description   1

performance   1


description   1

editing for import   1

performance   1

sample code, deleting rows   1


importing   1

importing example   1

Oracle database server

EIM table example   1

Oracle sample SQL script   1


caution, deleting warning   1

exporting data to   1

importing BU_ID column   1

organization mapping   1

Back to top


parallel processing, run-time optimization   1


optimization settings   1

process parameters optional keywords   1

parent and child relationships, importing data   1

PARTIALLY_IMPORTED import status   1

party objects, importing example   1

party records, importing   1

party table, adding position   1

PASSWORD parameter

defined extended parameter   1

header parameter   1


adding position to a party table   1

database server optimization   1

dropping indexes to improve performance   1

implementing multi-org hierarchy   1

log entry parameter settings   1

note, export considerations   1

note, import parameters for improving   1

note, merge table limit   1


optimization parameter settings   1

optimizing batch processing   1

populating EIM_ASSET interface table   1

run-time optimization   1

set tracing configuration parameter   1

setting NO MATCH ID   1

setting NULL   1

setting valid ROW_ID   1

table optimization for processing   1

phone numbers, importing   1

PICKLIST_VALUE import status   1

Position Administration view, importing data   1

position data

about importing   1

activating position hierarchy   1

activating reporting relationships   1

importing as primary columns   1

importing procedure   1

position hierarchy, activating   1

position, adding to a party table   1

PR_PROD_LN_ID column, populating   1

primary foreign keys, implicit and explicit mapping   1

private contacts, importing   1

PROCESS parameter   1

process parameters

generic to all EIM processes   1

optional keywords   1

required keywords   1

setting   1

used for imports   1

process section parameters

editing configuration file   1

parameters used for deletes   1

used for deletes   1

products, deleting data warning   1

Back to top


queries, using primary foreign keys   1

quotes, unable to edit   1

Back to top



optimizing database server   1


limiting for merge process   1

recursive relationships, exporting   1

redundant array of independent disks

See Database Server Optimization for EIM

reporting relationships, generating   1


finding differences   1

REQUIRED_COLS import status   1

revenues, importing   1

ROLLBACK import status   1


description   1

editing for import   1

rollback segment, defining   1

ROOT_DIR parameter   1

ROW_ID column

deleting data   1

initial value   1

merge processing   1

processing requirements   1


deleting from extension tables   1

deleting identified by user key values   1

limiting for merge process   1

suppressing insertions of unmatched rows   1

suppressing updates   1

updating   1

viewing list of exported rows   1

Back to top


S_BU base table, exporting names   1

S_CALL_LST base table, importing   1


S_LIT Base Table, importing URL links   1

S_OPTY, mapping example   1

S_PARTY table

importing records   1


S_PARTY_PER, populating or rebuilding   1

S_POSTN.PR_EMP_ID, importing position data   1

S_POSTN_CON.ROW_STATUS Flag, using   1

S_POSTN_RPT_REL, populating or rebuilding   1

S_RESITEM base table, importing to   1


DB2 sample SQL script   1

MS SQL sample SQL script   1

Oracle sample SQL script   1

second row property, setting   1

secondary tables, importing exported rows   1

Server Manager, defining rollback segment   1

server space requirements   1

SESSION SQL parameter   1

SET BASED LOGGING parameter   1

sfscleanup.exe, using   1

SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes, using   1

Siebel base tables

See Importing Data

Siebel database

fields that cannot be updated   1

tables, importing file attachments   1

updating after import   1

updating for batches   1

Siebel Visual Basic, about using   1

SIEBEL_FILE_DIR parameter   1

single-org, converting to multi-org   1

SKIP BU_ID DEFAULT parameter   1

solutions, importing   1

special columns

data deletion values   1

delete process   1

described   1

merge process   1

spreadsheets, importing   1


activating trace flags   1

note, support   1

SQL_ERROR import status   1

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, using   1


deleting data   1

exported data, checking status   1

IF_ROW_STAT column   1

IF_ROW_STAT_NUM column   1

import status, verifying   1

merge process results   1

viewing Task Info log   1

step-oriented task log, creating   1


setting parameter   1

system fields, updating   1

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T_DELETED_ROW_ID column, using   1

table optimization

configuration parameters   1

EIM table maintenance   1

verifying indexes exist   1

TABLE parameter   1

TABLE_OWNER parameter   1

TABLEOWNER parameter   1

target base table

deleting all rows   1

deleting from base tables   1

target tables, importing exported rows   1

Task Info log, viewing   1

team member, importing multiple team members   1

text files, importing   1

trace flags

activating   1

optimization settings   1

parameter 1 sample   1

parameter 2 sample   1

parameter 32 sample   1

parameter 4 sample   1

parameter 8 sample   1

TraceFlags extended parameter   1

transaction logging

disk area allocated for   1

note, Mobile Web Client   1

parameters for merge   1

transaction processing, disabling   1

transaction rollback areas   1


configuration file   1

general process parameter   1

TRIM SPACES parameter   1


checking import results   1

data not visible after import   1

error flags, sample   1

import of extension columns example   1

multiple row failure   1

SQL trace flags   1

trace flag parameter 1 sample   1

trace flag parameter 2 sample   1

trace flag parameter 32 sample   1

trace flag parameter 4 sample   1

trace flag parameter 8 sample   1

unable to edit quotes after import   1

viewing Task Info Log   1

TYPE parameter   1

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unique constraint error, troubleshooting   1

unique constraint error,troubleshooting example   1

Universal Time Coordinated time scale   1

unmatched rows, suppressing insertions   1

UPDATE ROWS parameter

header and process sections   1

import process parameter   1

in merge processing   1

syntax   1


general process parameter   1

updates, suppressing when updating   1

URL, importing   1

usage examples

about creating mapping for extension columns   1

adding position to a party table   1

deleting data from non-S_PARTY   1

deleting data from S_PARTY   1

dropping indexes to improve performance   1

EIM merge process example   1

implementing multi-org hierarchy   1

import processes

from multiple EIM tables in a single .IFB file   1

importing accounts example   1

importing assets example   1

importing contacts example   1

importing employees example   1

importing extension columns example, troubleshooting   1

importing opportunities example   1

importing party objects example   1

importing primary keys example   1

importing/exporting hierarchical LOVs example   1



populating EIM_ASSET interface table   1

resolving foreign keys   1

resolving foreign keys, error message   1

resolving foreign keys, S_POSTN.OU_ID   1

resolving foreign keys, special user key   1

setting a primary example   1

setting explicit primary mappings example   1

setting explicit primary mappings for m:m   1

setting NO MATCH ID   1

setting NULL   1

setting valid ROW_ID   1

updating a table example   1

updating columns example 1   1

updating columns example 2   1


general process parameter   1

USE SYNONYMS parameter   1

user key columns, updating   1

user key override log, creating   1

user keys

base table mappings examples   1

base tables process issues   1

deleting data, sample code   1

deleting rows   1

user parameter substitution log, creating   1

USERNAME parameter   1


optimization settings   1

UTC time scale, note   1

UTLEIMDIFF utility, using   1

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valid ROW_ID, setting   1

Visual Basic, about using   1

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Word documents, importing   1

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xxx_BU columns   1

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