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Accessing and Delivering Messaging Plans

PCD enables sales representatives to provide high impact presentations using multimedia visualization content created by the marketing teams. The PCD Viewer provides the mechanism to start an interaction session, switch between different product messages, show related collateral, show detailed level messages, or collect feedback.

PCD Viewer auto-loads the optimal set of messaging plans for each customer visit. You can capture electronic signatures for samples during a call or visit. PCD Viewer tracks the messages presented and the time spent on each message. You can indicate a physician's response and add notes based on a call or conversation.

You can start an interactive customer interaction session in several ways by accessing the PCD Viewer from the Contact Call Detail screen, the Account Call detail screen or the Account Contact Call Detail screen.

To start the PCD Viewer from the Call Detail screen

  1. Navigate to the Activities screen, then the Contact Call Detail view.
  2. Create a New Call.
  3. For Contact Calls, add any samples drops, if required.

    NOTE:  You will need to pre-record the sample drops if signature needs to be captured from contact. Signatures for Samples can be captured only for contacts valid to receive and sign for samples. For more information about signature capture, see Completing Contact and Account Call Activities. For more information about samples, see Managing Pharma Samples.

  4. Click Detail to display the PCD Viewer.

    PCD viewer auto-loads the optimal set of messaging plans for each customer interaction.

  5. Review the loaded messages and the various messages plans in preview mode.
  6. Click the Click To begin button from the PCD Viewer toolbar when you are ready to meet your contact.
  7. Present the various messages and message plans. For more information about presenting your message, see Using the PCD Viewer.
  8. Click Open Questionnaire if a questionnaire is associated to a message.

    In PCD Viewer, if a presentation item has an associated Questionnaire, the toolbar displays a flashing (or glowing) button. You can click this flashing button to display the Questionnaire and capture a physician's response.

  9. Capture the physician's response and click on Close to close the dialog box when complete.
  10. Click Close or Sign from the PCD Viewer toolbar when you have completed the details.

    If you click Sign, the Signature Capture view is displayed when the call data is validated.

    If the validation for Signature Capture fails, an error message is displayed. Update the call data as directed by the error message, and then click Sign to try capturing the signature again. Once you successfully save the signature, you return to the Contact Call view.

    NOTE:  For Account Call, the PCD Viewer toolbar does not display the Sign button.

    If you click Close, you return to the Contact Call view.

    PCD automatically updates the:

    • Presentation Details Applet with tracking information about your customer interaction, navigation path, content used and time spent on each asset.
    • Products Detailed Applet based on the Messaging Plans for various products used by you during the customer interaction.
    • Questionnaire applet based on the questions and response you captured during your customer interaction.
  11. Update the call data as required and then submit the call.
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