Siebel Order Management Guide

What's New in This Release

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Overview of Order Management

About Order Management

The Order Management Life Cycle

Scenario for Order Management

Roadmap for Working with Order Management

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Setting Up Order Management

Roadmap for Setting Up Order Management

Activating Workflows for Order Management

Setting Up Accounts and Contacts for Order Management

Setting Up Salespeople

Setting Up Products, Pricing, and Catalogs

Setting Up Shipping Information

Setting Up Tax Calculations

Setting Up Payment Terms and Other Payment Factors

Setting Up Inventory Locations

Setting Up Integration for Order Management

Setting Up Order Types

Defining Order Statuses

Creating Product Selection Favorites

Creating Activity Plan Templates

Letting Users Create Quotes and Orders from Accounts and Contacts

Setting Up Availability to Promise

Customizing the Sales, Quote, and Order Processes

Setting Up Asset-Based Ordering

Setting Up Order Cancellation for Non-English Implementations

Lists of Values to Update for Order Management

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Integrating Order Management with Back-Office Applications

Integration Strategy for Order Management

Smart Part Numbers and Order Management Integration

About ASIs for Order Management

Setting Up Quote and Order ASIs

Process of Integrating Quotes and Orders with Back-Office Applications

Setting Up Web Services for Quote and Order ASIs

Activating Workflows for Integration of Quotes and Orders

ASI Workflows for Quotes and Orders

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Integrating Order to Cash and Distributed Order Orchestration

Process of Integrating Order to Cash

Setting System Preferences for Order to Cash

Setting Up Integration Users for Order to Cash

Configuring Web Services for Order to Cash

Enabling Component Groups for Order to Cash

Configuring Workflow Policies for Order to Cash

Activating Workflows for Order to Cash

Setting Up Data Validation Rules for Order to Cash

Integrating Distributed Order Orchestration

Setting Up Data Validation Rules for Distributed Order Orchestration

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Integrating Order Management with Third-Party Product Availability Applications

About Third-Party Product Availability Applications

Process of Setting Up Third-Party Product Availability Applications

Checking Availability Fulfillment Methods

Setting the ATP Action Parameter in Quote and Order Business Components Properties

Verifying the External ATP Check Business Service User Properties

Configuring Web Services for Availability to Promise

Preventing Rollup of Availability Summary Data

Extending the ASI for Availability to Promise

Extending Returned Data for Availability to Promise

Customizing UI Terms for Availability to Promise

Requiring User Registration for Availability to Promise

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Integrating Order Management with Third-Party Credit-Check Applications

About Third-Party Purchase Order Credit Checking Applications

Process of Setting Up Purchase Order Credit Checking Applications

Verifying the External Credit Check ASI User Properties

Configuring Web Services for Purchase Order Credit Checking Applications

Activating the Workflows for Purchase Order Credit Checking Applications

Modifying User Properties for Purchase Order Credit Checking Integration

Turning Off Credit Checking

Customizing When Credit Checks Are Performed

Changing the Credit Auto-Approval Limit for Accounts

Skipping Credit Checks for an Account

Restricting Which Employees Can Administer Credit Checking

Extending the ASI for Credit Check Interface Request

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Integrating Order Management with Third-Party Taxation Applications

About Third-Party Taxation Applications

Installing Taxware Applications on Windows

Setting Up Taxware Applications on Windows

Installing and Setting Up Taxware Applications on UNIX

Enabling Tax Calculation

Enabling Tax Calculation with the Sales/Use Tax System

Enabling Tax Calculation with WORLDTAX

Taxing Customizable Products

Taxware Integration with Siebel eSales

Tax Calculator Business Service

Taxware Adapter Business Service

Customizing Taxware Integration

Passing Data from Other Fields in the Siebel Database

Passing Data from Fields Not in the Siebel Database

Calling the Tax Calculator Business Service from Other Places in Siebel eSales

Calling the Tax Calculator Business Service from Other Business Components

Handling Unicode Conversion Errors

Error Prevention During Codepage Conversion

Defining Required Fields in Codepage Conversion

Configuring Error Messages in Codepage Conversion

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Integrating Order Management with Oracle ATG Web Commerce

About Integrating Siebel Business Applications with Oracle ATG Web Commerce

Architecture of the Integration of Siebel Business Applications with Oracle ATG Web Commerce

About Siebel Commerce Object Aggregator

About Exporting Siebel Product Catalogs to Oracle ATG Web Commerce

Setup Tasks for Integrating Siebel Business Applications with Oracle ATG Web Commerce

Installing Siebel Commerce Object Aggregator

Enabling ATG Web Commerce Integration

Enabling Cascading Deletions of Web Content Export Job Details

Enabling the Export of Nested Catalog Hierarchies to Oracle ATG Web Commerce

Creating Separate Web Content Export Jobs for Each User

Process of Exporting Records to Oracle ATG Web Commerce

Creating a Web Content Export Job Detail for Siebel Products or Promotions

Creating a Web Content Export Job Detail for Siebel Catalogs

Creating a Web Content Export Job Detail for Siebel Price Lists

Submitting an Export Contents Job

Correcting Errors in an Export Contents Job

Maintaining Product Data for Integration with Oracle ATG Web Commerce

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Distributed Order Orchestration

About Oracle Fusion Distributed Order Orchestration

Scenarios for Distributed Order Orchestration

Tasks for Using Distributed Order Orchestration

Tracking Orders with Distributed Order Orchestration

Revising Orders with Distributed Order Orchestration

Cancelling Orders with Distributed Order Orchestration

Using Return Merchandise Authorization Orders with Distributed Order Orchestration

Checking Availability to Promise with Distributed Order Orchestration

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Creating and Managing Catalogs

About Siebel Catalog

Roadmap for Creating Catalogs

Process of Setting Up Catalogs

Creating Catalogs

Assigning Access to Catalogs

Selecting Languages for Catalog Translation

Process of Setting Up Categories

Creating Categories

Adding Products to Catalogs

Adding Literature to Catalogs

Updating the Category Item Count

Removing the Category Item Count

Assigning Access to Categories

Selecting Languages for Category Translation

Building Catalog Hierarchies

Displaying Advisor Projects in the Get Advice View of Catalogs

Example Process of Creating Display Templates for Categories

Creating a Category Detail View

Creating Drilldown Objects for the View

Editing the Web Layout of the New Display Template

Adding the New Display Template and View to the Application

Process of Setting Up Attribute Search

Making Classes Searchable

Making Attributes Searchable

Removing the List Price Field from Attribute Search

About Dynamic Product Catalogs

About Configuring Dynamic Product Catalog Applets

Configuring the Show Navigator Button of the Dynamic Product Catalog

Displaying Products Not In the Price List

About the Siebel Sales Catalog in Open UI

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Setting Up Product Recommendations

About Product Recommendations

Scenario for Product Recommendations

Creating Product Recommendations

Turning Off Product Recommendations

Guidelines for Implementing Product Recommendations

Product Recommendation Technical Reference

Product Recommendation Driver Workflow

Product Recommendation Get Recommended Products

Product UpSell CrossSell Service

ExecuteUpsell Business Service Method

ExecuteCrossSell Business Service Method

Configuring Recommendation and Scoring Logic

Unified Messaging Service and Product Recommendations

Customizing Message Response Logging for Product Recommendations

Customizing Duplicate Message Suppression for Product Recommendations

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Creating a Quote or Sales Order

Process of Creating a Quote

Starting a Quote

Using Auto Quote from an Opportunity

Performing Common Tasks for Creating Quotes and Sales Orders

Verifying a Quote Manually

Process of Creating a Sales Order That Is Not Based on a Quote

Starting an Order

Performing Common Tasks for Creating Quotes and Sales Orders

Submitting an Order

Common Tasks for Creating Quotes and Sales Orders

Adding Line Items to a Quote or an Order

Working with Line Items of Quotes and Orders

Selecting a Nondefault Price List

Viewing and Recalculating Prices

Applying a Manual Discount

Adding Shipping Information

Calculating Shipping Charges

Calculating Taxes

Checking Availability to Promise (ATP)

Entering Payment Information for Quotes or Orders

Changing the Default Price List and Rate List

How End Users Work with Product Promotions

About Selecting Product Promotions from a Catalog

About Using Coupon Product Promotions

About Using Bundle Product Promotions

About Product Promotion Recommendations

Editing Bundle Product Promotions

Process of Enabling the Automatic Configuration of Customizable Products

Setting Up Siebel Tools for the Automatic Configuration of Customizable Products

Setting Up Siebel Business Application for the Automatic Configuration of Customizable Products

Workflows to Activate for Automatic Configuration of Customizable Products

Headless Configuration Service

ISS Promotion Management Service

Adding a Promotion Line Item

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Working with Quotes

About Quotes

Updating Opportunities from Quotes

Including Quote Items in a Forecast

Accessing An Existing Quote

Revising a Quote

Viewing Change History for Quote Line Items

Adding Line Item Fields to the Change History

Converting a Quote to an Order

Converting a Quote to an Agreement

Displaying Charts to Analyze Quotes

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Working with Sales Orders

About Orders

Accessing an Existing Order

Submitting an Order

Associating an Activity Plan or Activity with an Order

Approving an Order

Checking the Status of Order Shipments

Viewing Shipping Details for Orders and Order Lines

Placing an Order on Hold

Canceling an Order

Revising an Order

Viewing Change History for Sales Order Line Items

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Using Asset-Based Ordering

About Asset-Based Ordering

Basic Concepts of Asset-Based Ordering

Customer Profile in Asset-Based Ordering

About Products and Assets

About Quotes and Orders for Asset-Based Ordering

Quote and Order Concepts in Asset-Based Ordering

Scenario for Asset-Based Ordering

Creating a Quote Using Asset-Based Ordering

Creating a Quote That Modifies an Asset

Ungrouping Quote or Order Line Items

Editing Quote Line Items Using Asset-Based Ordering

Converting Quotes to Orders Using Asset-Based Ordering

Editing Order Line Items Using Asset-Based Ordering

Submitting an Order Using Asset-Based Ordering

Revising a Submitted Order Using Asset-Based Ordering

Creating a Follow-On Order

Modifying the Service Profile

Deactivating an Installed Asset

Suspending and Resuming Service

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Workflow and Method Reference for Order Management Interface

Order Management Interface Workflow Reference

Account - New Order Workflow

Account - New Quote Workflow

Contact - New Order Workflow

Contact - New Quote Workflow

Goto_Quote Workflow

Goto_Order Workflow

Verify Header (Quote) Workflow

ISS Validation (Agreement) Workflow

ISS Validation (Order) Workflow

ISS Validation (Quote) Workflow

ISS Approval (Quote) Workflow

ISS Approval (Order) Workflow

ISS Approval (Agreement) Workflow

ISS Post Approval Workflow (Quote) Workflow

ISS Post Approval Workflow (Order) Workflow

ISS Post Approval Workflow (Agreement) Workflow

Order Management Interface Methods Reference

Validate Method

SetApprovalDecision Method

CreateNewApprovalTasks Method

GetApprovalStatus Method

RefreshBusinessComponent Method

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Workflow Reference for Employee Asset-Based Ordering

About Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering

Workflow to Ungroup Quote Line Items

SIS OM Ungroup Quote

Workflow to Ungroup Order Line Items

SIS OM Ungroup Order

Workflow to Edit Quote Line Items

SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item

Workflow to Convert a Quote to an Order

SIS OM Quote To Order PMT Version

CUT Quote To Order PMT Enhancement

CUT Quote To Order PMT Enhancement - Sub-process

Workflow to Edit Order Line Items

SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item

Workflow to Submit an Order

SIS OM Submit Order Process

Workflow to Apply an Order to the Service Profile

SIS OM Apply Completed Service Order Line Item to Service Profile

Workflows to Modify the Service Profile

SIS OM New Products & Services Process

SIS OM New Products & Services Process - VORD

Workflows to Redisplay the Service Profile

SIS OM Profile Process

SIS OM Profile Process - Order

Workflows that Allow Users to Modify a Service Item

SIS OM Modify Products & Services Process

SIS OM Active Quote Sub-Process

SIS OM Active Order Sub-Process

SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow

Workflows to Disconnect a Service Item

SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process

SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-process

Workflows That Allow Users to Suspend or Resume Service Items

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Products & Services Process

SIS OM Suspend / Resume Asset Sub-process

Workflows for Contact-Based Asset-Based Ordering

Workflows for Quotes and Orders Assets Catalog Views

Workflows that Support the Automatic Configuration of Customizable Products

ISS Promotion Upgrade Process

Headless Configuration Web Service

SIS OM Get Future Asset Subprocess

SIS OM Sync Delta Subprocess

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Product Data Service and Import Export API Reference

About the Product Data Service API

Product Data Services API Architecture

Product Data Services API Methods Reference

GetCatalogs Method

GetCatalogCategories Method

GetCategoryProducts Method

GetProductDetails Method

PublishCatalog Method

GetFavorites Method

GetFavoriteItems Method

GetRelatedProducts Method

GetRelatedPromotions Method

GetProductAttributeDomain Method

GetProductChildren Method

GetSearchOptions Method

GetSearchParameters Method

ExecuteSearch Method

AddFavoriteToQuote, AddFavoriteToOrder, AddFavoriteItemtoQuote, AddFavoriteItemtoOrder, SaveQuoteAsFavorite, and SaveOrderAsFavorite Methods

DeleteQuote Method

InsertQuote Method

UpdateQuote Method

DeleteQuoteItem Method

InsertQuoteItem Method

UpdateQuoteItem Method

DeleteOrder Method

InsertOrder Method

UpdateOrder Method

DeleteOrderItem Method

InsertOrderItem Method

UpdateOrderItem Method

GetActiveQuote Method

SetActiveQuote Method

GetActiveOrder Method

SetActiveOrder Method

PDS PublishCatalog Test Sample Workflow

ISS Authoring Import Export Business Service Reference

ExportVOD Method

ExportFullVOD Method

ImportVOD Method

ADMValidate Method

ADMPreview Method

ADMExport Method

ADMImport Method

ReleaseSingleObject Method

ReleaseJwsObjects Method

Post_EIM_Upgrade Method

CleanupSingleObject Method

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