Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Managing Your Partners > About Tracking Partner Information >

Using the Partner and Partnership Profile

Siebel PRM lets you work with two profiles:

  • Partner Profile. A partner profile includes information about the partner or prospective partner company's business.
  • Partnership Profile. A partnership profile includes information about your company's relationship with the partner company.

The Partner Profile

You can use the Partner Profile screen to enter information about the partner company for your own use, such as its annual revenues, its number of employees, its sales revenues, and so on.

If this company applied to be a partner through your Siebel PRM Portal, it filled out a partner profile form. You can use the Partner Profile screen to view the information that it entered.

To enter or view a partner company profile

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.
  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner whose profile you want to display.
  3. Click the Profile view tab.
  4. If the Partner Profile is not already displayed, click Partner Profile in the link bar.
  5. Enter or view the information in the following table about the partner company in the Partner Profile form.

    Description of Business

    A short description of the partner company's business and background.

    Annual Revenue

    The partner company's annual revenues.


    The market segments in which the partner operates.

    # of Employees

    The number of employees at the partner company.

    # of Sales Employees

    The number of employees in the partner company's sales organization.

    # of Service Employees

    The number of employees in the partner company's service organization.

    Growth Strategies

    The partner's growth strategy.

    Routes to Market

    The partner's routes to market.


    A list of the partner company's special skills.

    Other Program Membership

    Other companies with which the partner has a relationship. (This partner is a member of these companies' partnership programs.)

    Partner's Competitors

    A list of the partner company's competitors.

  6. In the Products list, enter the partner's products and services that are relevant to your company. Add new records to the list, and enter the information in the following table in their fields.


    The name of the partner's product or service.


    The version of the partner's product or service.


    A description of the partner's product or service.

    Service Product

    Select this flag if the product is a service.

    Sales Product

    Select this flag if the product is a sales-related product.

    Part #

    Enter the part number associated with the product or service.


    Enter the type of product.

  7. In the Related Products list, add the brand owner company's products that are related to the partner's products that you entered. Add new records to the list, and enter the information in the following table in their fields.


    The name of the brand owner's product or service.


    Indicates the relationship of the brand owner's product to the partner's product. Examples are Component, Bundled, and Cross-Promoted.

    Integration Status

    Indicates the status of integration between the brand owner's product and the partner's product. Examples are Integration In Progress and Integration Completed.


    A description of the product.


    Vendor name of the product.

    Effective Start Date

    The start date of the validated relationship between the brand owner's product and the partner's product.

    Effective End Date

    The end date of the validated relationship between the brand owner's product and the partner's product.


    Indicates whether the product is orderable.

To work with a partner company profile

  • Modify a record by selecting a field and changing the information.

Entering the Partnership Profile

The Partnership Profile screen holds information about your relationship with the partner company and the way you work together, and so it supplements the partner profile, which holds information about the partner company itself.

When you are first planning how you can work together with a partner company, the Partnership Profile screen lets you clarify your future relationship by discussing the items on this screen with people at the partner company.

To enter or view a partnership profile

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.
  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner whose partnership profile you want to display.
  3. Click the Profile view tab.
  4. Click Partnership Profile in link bar in the Profile view, if the partnership profile is not already displayed.

    The Partnership Profile view appears.

  5. Enter or view information in the following table about this partnership in the Partnership Profile form.

    Description of Partnership

    Enter a general description of the partnership.

    Channel Sales Growth Rate

    Enter the annual growth rate of the partner's sales of your products.

    Yearly Channel Sales

    Enter the partner's yearly sales of your products.

    Quarterly Channel Sales

    Enter the partner's quarterly sales of your products.

    Start Date

    Enter the date when the partnership was initiated.

    End Date

    If the partnership is terminated, enter the termination date.

    Renewal Date

    Enter the date when the partnership is to be renewed.

    Fees Paid

    Select this flag to indicate that the partner has paid membership fees.

    Internal Benefit

    Enter the benefit of this partnership to your company.

    Partners Benefit

    Enter the benefit of this partnership to the partner company.

    Satisfaction Index (1 - 10)

    The channel manager can use this field to rate this partnership on a scale of 1 to 10.

    Joint Markets

    Select the market segments in which you and this partner jointly operate.

    Joint Routes to Market

    Enter a description of your company's and the partner's joint routes to market.

    Joint Growth Strategy

    Enter a description of your growth strategy for this partnership.

  6. In the Product Line list, enter your product lines that are relevant to this partnership, such as lines of products that you expect the partner to resell. Add new records to the list, and enter the information in the following table in their fields.

    Product Line

    Choose a product line from a list of your company's product lines.


    A description of the product line is entered automatically.


    A list of products in this product line is entered automatically.

    Product Line Manager

    The name of the product line manager is entered automatically.

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