Siebel Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel Application Object Manager > Guidelines for Siebel Application Object Manager Tuning >

Memory Consumers in Siebel Application Object Manager

This topic is part of Guidelines for Siebel Application Object Manager Tuning.

In addition to the caches described earlier, this topic discusses major memory consumers in Siebel Application Object Manager components. For more information about some of these topics, see Tuning Customer Configurations.

NOTE:  Specific performance and scalability testing is required to determine the size of Siebel Application Object Manager memory required.

  • Database client libraries. Database client libraries have their own caches, caching metadata, connections, cursors, and data. Some of these caches can be reduced in size by using Siebel database connection pooling, described in Configuring Database Connection Pooling for Siebel Application Object Managers.
  • Scripts. A script defined on a business component, applet, or business service is loaded into Siebel Application Object Manager memory when the script is first invoked.

    For Siebel eScript, garbage collection is performed according to settings that are optimized for each release in order to use server memory and other resources appropriately.

  • Heavy configurations. Performance is affected when an application is heavily configured, because the memory for the Siebel Application Object Manager increases proportionally in this case.
  • Navigation pattern. Numerous scenarios that can be used to navigate in the application can make using global caches ineffective.
  • Session timeouts. Higher session timeout values mean more active sessions on the server at a time, therefore more memory being used. Lower session timeout values can mean more frequent logins.
  • Users per Siebel Application Object Manager. More users per Siebel Application Object Manager means more sharing of global resources between the users. While the amount of memory used per user on this Siebel Application Object Manager is less, more memory is used overall.
  • Number of applets on views. More applets configured on views means more business components will be needed at a time, hence higher overall memory usage.
  • PDQ size. The list of items in the PDQ (predefined queries) list are maintained on the server for the current business object. The higher the number of items in this list, the more memory it consumes. The size of PDQ strings also determines memory usage.
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