Siebel Database Upgrade Guide for DB2 for z/OS > Generating the Siebel Upgrade Files >

Preparing for Table Creation on the Staging Database

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

The PRET (pre-table) jobs are run against the staging database tables at the beginning of the upgrade; a small number of tables are altered by the PRET step to prepare the database for upgrading. There are two types of PRET jobs: jobs that you submit manually and jobs that run automatically. The manual PRET jobs perform the following tasks (this list varies according to your upgrade path):

  • Determine whether there are CLOBs in the schema
  • Query catalog tables for clustering index information

The automatic jobs drop some indexes, rename table(s) and add columns to tables. If you are using Siebel Scheduling, the automatic jobs use the unique job name prefixes you previously specified.

Complete the following procedures to prepare the staging database to generate unload, load, and schema files:

To run the PRET jobs

  1. On the Staging Database File Generation Menu select option 4: PRET Processes. The Staging Database PRET Menu is displayed. The panel ID is SBLPRETP.
  2. To build job cards for the PRET and pretfins job types, on the Staging Database PRET menu, select option 0: Add Jobcards & Siebel Logging, and press Enter.

    NOTE:  It is not necessary to set your preferred job scheduling method if you are using Siebel Scheduled mode which is implemented by default. If you want to use Vendor Scheduling mode, you must set the Scheduling option in the data set DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.EXEC(@PRETPTH) to a value of 2. For additional information, see Executing Jobs Using Siebel-Scheduled Mode or Vendor-Scheduled Mode.

    The pretfins jobcards are only built if you are upgrading a Siebel Industry Application. If you executed Household scripts on the midtier and transferred those files to the z/OS host, household jobcards are also built.

    Messages are displayed indicating the job type (PRET, pretfins, or Household), the number of jobs built and the jobcards added.

  3. To load Siebel logging tables for the staging database upgrade jobs, on the Staging Database PRET Menu, select option 1: Load Siebel Log Entries (2), and press Enter.
  4. Submit the job using the JCL in data set DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(LOADLOG3).
  5. After submitting the job, verify that the job ran successfully with a return code of 0. For information, see Verifying JCL Upgrade Jobs. Verify that additional log entries have been loaded to the TMP_SBLLOG_TAR table on the staging database.
  6. To run the staging PRET processes, on the Staging Database PRET menu, select option 2: PRET - PRET Jobs, and press Enter.
  7. Submit the job using the JCL in data set DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(STGPRET).

    This triggers the first PRET job, which then automatically submits the next PRET job in sequence. The number of PRET jobs that are automatically submitted varies according to your upgrade path.

  8. After submitting the job, verify that the job ran successfully with a return code of 0. For information, see Verifying JCL Upgrade Jobs.
  9. To run the staging pretfins jobs, on the Staging Database PRET menu, select option 3: PRETF - PRET-FINS Jobs, and press Enter.

    NOTE:  You only have to perform this step if you are performing an Siebel Industry Applications (SIA) upgrade.

  10. Submit the job using the JCL in data set DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(STGPRETF). This triggers the first PRET-FINS job, which then automatically submits the next PRET job in sequence. The number of PRET jobs that are automatically submitted varies according to your upgrade path.
  11. After submitting the job, verify that the job ran successfully with a return code of 0. For information, see Verifying JCL Upgrade Jobs.
  12. You have now completed the additive schema staging file generation process. You must now return to the midtier and restart the Siebel Upgrade Wizard to generate the nonadditive schema files, Temp table DDL files, and the load and unload files.
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