Siebel VB Language Reference > Methods Reference for Siebel VB > Array Methods >

Erase Array Method

The Erase Array method erases the contents of a fixed array or frees the storage associated with a dynamic array. It does not return a value. The following table describes how it erases the contents of different element types.

Element Type


Sets each element to zero.

Variable-length string

Sets each element to a zero-length string ("").

Fixed-length string

Fills the string of each element with zeros.


Sets each element to Empty.

Custom type

Clears each member of each element as if each member is an array element. For example, it sets numeric members to zero, strings to "", and so on.


Sets each element to the following value:



Erase Array[, Array]

The following table describes the arguments that you can use with this method.



The name of the array to erase.


The following example prompts the user for a list of item numbers to put into an array. If the user must start over, then it clears the array. For information about the Dim statement, see Declare Variable Statement:

Sub Button_Click
   Dim msgtext
   Dim inum(100) as Integer
   Dim x, count
   Dim newline
   newline = Chr(10)
   x = 1
   count = x
   inum(x) = 0
      inum(x) = x + 1
      If inum(x) = 99 then
         Erase inum()
         x = 0
      ElseIf inum(x) = 0 then
         Exit Do   
      End If
      x = x + 1
   count = x-1
   msgtext = "You entered the following numbers:" & newline
   For x = 1 to count
      TheApplication.TraceOn "c:\temp\trace.txt", "Allocation", "All"
      TheApplication.Trace msgtext & inum(x) & newline
      Next x
End Sub

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