8 Account Balance by Currency

This chapter contains these topics:

8.1 Overview

Account Balance by Currency separates transaction amounts for originating currency in both the CA and AA ledgers. This allows you to view on-line inquiries or run reports by a specific currency. Account Balance by Currency effectively gives the currency amount ledger (CA) meaning in that there will be CA balances by specific currency. When the CA ledger is posted without Account Balance by Currency activated, the CA amounts may be a summary of several currencies.

8.2 Activating Account Balance by Currency


From Multi-Currency (G11), enter 29

From Multi-Currency Setup (G1141), choose Designate Company Currency

To activate account balance by currency

On Designate Company Currency

Figure 8-1 Designate Company Currency screen

Description of Figure 8-1 follows
Description of "Figure 8-1 Designate Company Currency screen"

On Designate Company Currency

Complete the following field:

  • Currency Balances

Field Explanation
Currency Balances A value of 1 denotes that the system should post Account Balances table (F0902) records for this company by currency for accounts that are included in the account ranges specified in the AAI item PBCxx.

8.3 Setting Up Account Balance by Currency

Use the PBC series of AAI items to define the accounts needed for Account Balance by Currency. You can set up AAIs for company 00000, or you can set up specific AAIs for an individual company, business unit or account. The AAI items in this series are:

AAI Item Description
PBCxx PBCxx, used in pairs, defines a range of accounts to use Account Balance by currency or defines down a specific account. You can define up to 48 ranges. For example:

PBC01 - Beginning account number of a range

PBC02 - Ending account number of a range

PBC03 - Beginning account number of the next range

PBC04 - Ending account number of that range

Note: You CANNOT skip ranges; you must use 01-02, 03-04, 05-06 not 01-02, 05-06.


You can not have your Retained Earnings Account in any of the ranges. This account is defined by AAI item GLG4. The Annual Close program (P098201) does not recognize Account Balance by Currency.

8.3.1 Example of Account Balance by Currency:

  1. The Company Currency is U.S Dollars (USD).

  2. Set Up of AAIs for PBC* (Notice account 50.1110 is not in the range).

    Figure 8-2 Multiple AAI Revisions screen

    Description of Figure 8-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-2 Multiple AAI Revisions screen"

  3. Make transaction in currency of U.S. Dollars (USD).

    Figure 8-3 Journal Entry screen (U.S. dollar entry)

    Description of Figure 8-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-3 Journal Entry screen (U.S. dollar entry)"

  4. Make transaction in currency of Mexican Pesos (MXP).

    Figure 8-4 Journal Entry screen (Mexican Peso entry)

    Description of Figure 8-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-4 Journal Entry screen (Mexican Peso entry)"

  5. Make a transaction in currency of Great Britain Pounds (GBP).

    Figure 8-5 Journal Entry screen (British Pounds entry)

    Description of Figure 8-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-5 Journal Entry screen (British Pounds entry)"

  6. View on-line inquiry, Account Balance by Month for account 50.1105 in Mexican Pesos (MXP) currency. Notice that you will see the $200 amount. This occurs because the account balance for the CA record is marked specifically in MXP.

    Figure 8-6 Account Balance by Month screen for Account 50.1105

    Description of Figure 8-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-6 Account Balance by Month screen for Account 50.1105"

  7. View account 50.1110.BEAR for the CA ledger and currency of MXP. Notice this occurs because this account balance is not marked specifically for MXP.

    Figure 8-7 Account Balance by Month screen for Account 50.1110

    Description of Figure 8-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-7 Account Balance by Month screen for Account 50.1110"


    You cannot see Account Balance by Currency for account 50.1110.BEAR.
  8. View on-line inquiry, Account Ledger Inquiry for account 50.1105.

    Figure 8-8 Account Ledger Inquiry screen

    Description of Figure 8-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-8 Account Ledger Inquiry screen"

  9. Press F8 to see Account Balance by Currency.

Figure 8-9 Account Balance by Currency screen

Description of Figure 8-9 follows
Description of "Figure 8-9 Account Balance by Currency screen"

If you set up Enhanced Subledger Accounting, you can access the Enhanced Subledger Additional Selections window to view or change the display of the values in the Enhanced Subledgers or Enhanced Subledger Types fields by choosing Additional Selections (F6).

The Records in the Summary File (F0902)

Business Unit Object Fiscal Year Ledger Type Period Bucket 1 CRCD CRCX
50 1105 17 AA 1000 USD USD
50 1105 17 AA 770.42 GBP USD
50 1105 17 CA 500 GBP GBP
50 1105 17 AA 18.15 MXP USD
50 1105 17 CA 200 MXP MXP
50 1110 17 AA 1,788.57   USD
50 1110 17 CA 502.00   USD


The amount in the CA ledger for account 50.1110.BEAR appears to be 502, this would seem incorrect, but the value is not based on decimals. The GBP currency has 2 decimals and the MXP has none. When you combine them, they appear as 502 and not 700.00. The amount has no meaning because there are mixed currencies with mixed decimal places (500.00 GBP + 200 MXP).