19 Work with Pick Requests

You create pick requests to pick and ship items for a sales order. A pick request contains information about the item, such as:

  • Branch/plant

  • Item

  • Unit of measure

  • Quantity

  • Transaction document information

The system uses this information to create suggestions for picking, based on the picking instruction tables that you define.

This chapter contains these topics:

Before You Begin

  • Verify that you have set up inclusion rules on Branch/Plant Constants - Pg 2 to select the steps in the order activity rules for the order type that you want to process. Only the steps that you select will generate pick requests.

See Also:

19.1 Creating Pick Requests

You create pick requests to generate suggestions for picking locations. You can:

  • Create pick requests interactively

  • Create pick requests by batch

19.1.1 Creating Pick Requests Interactively


From Advanced Warehouse Management (G46), choose Outbound Operations

From Outbound Warehousing Operations (G4612), choose Sales Order Entry

After you enter a sales order, you can create a pick request to fill the sales order. This is the most common method of creating pick requests. (You can also create pick requests by batch.) You use these pick requests to create suggestions for picking locations.

You set the processing options for Sales Order Entry (or a manufacturing completions program) to determine whether you:

  • Create requests only

  • Create requests and process them using the subsystem

  • Do not create requests

If you create pick requests only, you must create and confirm location suggestions separately.

If you create and process pick requests using the subsystem, the subsystem creates pick suggestions. The subsystem also can confirm the pick suggestions, create tasks and trips, and print movement tags, slips, and audit reports (depending on how you set the processing options in each program).

If you do not create pick requests through Sales Order Entry, you must use the Batch Pick program to create pick requests.

To create pick requests interactively

On Sales Order Entry

Figure 19-1 Sales Order Entry screen

Description of Figure 19-1 follows
Description of "Figure 19-1 Sales Order Entry screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Sold To

    • Ship To

    • Quantity

    • Item

    • Unit Of Measure

    • Unit Price

    The system automatically inputs the order number and prompts you to confirm the order.

  2. Complete the following field:

    • Update

Field Explanation
Address Number A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system. Use this number to identify employees, applicants, participants, customers, suppliers, tenants, and any other Address Book members.
Amount - Price per Unit The list or base price to be charged for one unit of this item. In sales order entry, all prices must be set up in the Base Price table (F4106).

Form-specific information

If this item is not set up on the Base Price form, you must type a price in this field. This price overrides all other prices.

Note: If you enter the extended price, the system can calculate the unit price.

Amount - Extended Price The number of units multiplied by the unit price.
Update (Y/N) When you perform an action that requires the system to update a file, the system asks this question before it updates the file. If you enter Y, you indicate the data is valid for update and subsequent processing. If you enter N or leave this field blank, you indicate that you want the system to redisplay the screen so you can correct or modify the data.

19.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Pick requests for items with serial numbers Items with assigned serial numbers are tracked individually in the primary unit of measure, and you cannot group them into greater units of measure. The system creates one pick request for each item with a serial number.
FIFO flag in picking When you use commitment methods 1, 2, or 3, make sure the FIFO flag in the picking instructions is set to Y.
Two-phase processing You can confirm the movement of merchandise for a picking process in a two-phase process, if necessary. After you decide on a To location and an intermediate staging location, set the two-phase flag on the Item Profile screen to P for a physical location or to L for a logical location:

P – This is a two-phase confirmation for an actual location that the item will be moved to for staging. The system will print Move tags for each movement.

L – This is a two-phase confirmation where the item is not physically moved to a new location, so the system prints no Move tags. This is used when the item requires some intermediate task before you move it to its final location.

19.1.3 Processing Options

See Section 26.1, "Sales Order Entry (P4211)."

19.1.4 Creating Pick Requests by Batch


From Advanced Warehouse Management (G46), choose Outbound Operations

From Outbound Warehousing Operations (G4612), choose Batch Pick Requests

If you don't create pick requests during sales order entry, you must create pick requests by batch. Run the Batch Pick Requests program to select all orders at a desired status and create pick requests for them. You typically run the batch program during off-peak hours, when more system resources are available.

When you run the Batch Pick Requests program, the system can:

  • Select all sales orders at a status that you define through the Data Selection processing options

  • Create pick requests

  • Update each request's status in the Warehouse Requests table (F4600)

Batch Pick Requests is a DREAM Writer program.

19.1.5 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing sales order information You cannot make changes to the order after you begin processing it using the Advanced Warehouse Management system.

19.2 Locating Existing Pick Requests


From Advanced Warehouse Management (G46), choose Outbound Operations

From Outbound Warehousing Operations (G4612), choose Pick Requests

You might need to locate an existing pick request. For example, to verify that you have created a pick request for an item specified on a sales order, you locate the request using unique criteria, such as an order number, a document type, or an item number.

To locate existing pick requests

On Pick Requests

Figure 19-2 Pick Requests screen

Description of Figure 19-2 follows
Description of "Figure 19-2 Pick Requests screen"

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Branch/Plant

  2. Complete one or more of the following optional fields:

    • Status

    • Request Batch

    • Order Number

    • Document Type

    • Item Number

19.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Canceling pick requests You can use Pick Requests to cancel pick requests. You cancel requests to stop further processing and picking. For example, if the customer cancels the sales order, or the items are damaged, you would cancel the pick request.

You must first cancel any existing pick suggestions for the request before you cancel the pick request.