66 Sales Order Processing – Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

66.1 Control Pick List (P42522)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Override Next Status Code  
2. Enter '1' to not commit inventory. Set this option to 1 if you do not want the Control Pick List program to call the Inventory Commitment program (P42997) for stock items to determine the physical location from which to relieve inventory. If an order is already hard committed prior to running P42522, the existing commitment will not change.
3. Enter '1' to use Inventory Commitment Preference to source from multiple branches.

If left blank, the branch from the Sales Order Detail will be used.

4. Enter a '1' to not see future committed inventory  
5. Enter a '1'to print Backordered Lines.

If left blank, Backordered Lines will not be printed.


66.2 Print Pick Slips (P42520)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Range of Status Codes to be selected for processing.

Next Status Code From (Required)

Next Status Code Thru (Required)

You must enter the range of next status codes to be selected for processing. Only order lines that fall within this range will print. You can narrow down the orders that print by data selecting on specific status codes.
2. Override Next Status (Optional)  
3. Enter a '1' to prevent updating the Next Status Code from Order Activity Rules.

If left blank the Next Status Code will update.

Set this processing option to 1 if you use this version of the program to re-print orders. By setting this option to 1, the system will not advance the status codes on the order lines.
4. Enter the Global Print Message to print on each pick slip. Enter a global print message if you want the same message to print on every order. You set up messages in Print Message Revisions (P4016).
5. Enter a '1' to print Sales Order Header & Detail associated text.

Enter a '2' to print only Header associated text.

Enter a '3' to print only Detail associated text.

6. Enter a '1' to print Kit Component Lines.  
7. Enter a '1' to print Future Committed Inventory Lines.  
8. Enter a '1' to print Sales Order Detail Text Lines. A text line is a sales order line assigned a line type that has the Text Y/N flag set to Y in Order Line Types (P40205). Text lines are usually designated with a line type of T.
9. Enter a '1' to print lines with zero Quantities Shipped. Set this option to 1 to print backordered or cancelled lines. For either to print, the next status code on the order must fall within the range you specify in processing option 1. For example, to print cancelled lines, the next status code thru range must equal 999.
10. Enter a '1' to print only our item number.

Enter a '2' to print both our item number and the customer item number.

If left blank, only our item number will print.

11. If you wish to print the customer item number, enter the type of cross reference to retrieve.  
12. Enter a '1' to Hard Commit Inventory.

If left blank the inventory commitment from Order Entry will not change.

Set this option to 1 to have the P42520 call the Inventory Commitment program (P42997) for stock items to determine the physical location from which to relieve inventory. If an order is already hard committed prior to running P42520, the existing commitment will not change.
13. Enter a '1' to use the Inventory Commitment Preference to source from multiple branches.

If left blank, the branch from the Sales Order detail will be used.

14. Enter a '1' to print amounts in Foreign Currency.

Enter a '2' to print amounts in both Foreign and Domestic Currency.

If left blank only Domestic Currency amounts will print.

15. Enter the version of the TM shipment server (PSMR9100) to call.  
16. Enter which barcode symbology to print.

'1' = Code 39 (3 of 9)

'2' = Code 128

If left blank, bar codes will not print.

Set this option to 1 or 2 to have the system print bar code symbology corresponding to the order number, short item number, lot, location, and pick slip number.
17. Enter '1' to print lines committed to immature lots (lots not yet in effect).

If left blank, no pick slip number will be assigned to the sales line.


66.3 Bill of Lading (P42530)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Next Status Code (Required)  
2. Override Next Status (Optional)  
3. Enter a '1' to prevent updating the next status code from the Order Activity Rules.

If left blank, the next status will be updated.

4. Enter '1' to create a Bill of Lading number using the company number from the special handling code of UDC table 41/UC in conjunction with next numbers.

Enter '2' to create a Bill of Lading Number only using Next Numbers. If left blank, Bill of Lading number will not be generated.

5. Enter a '1' to NOT commit inventory. If left blank inventory will be hard committed.  
6. Enter a '1' to NOT display future committed inventory.  
7. Enter a '1' to use the Inventory Commitment Preference to source from multiple branches. If left blank, the branch from the Sales Order detail will be used.  
8. Enter the volume unit of measure for all sales orders in total fields.  
9. Enter the weight unit of measure for all sales orders in total fields.  
10. Enter a '1' to display Prices and Costs.  
11. Enter a '1' to display Serial Numbers.  
12. Enter a '1' to NOT print Kit Components.  
13. Enter a '1' to print Lot/Serial Number and Location  
14. Enter '1' to print Country of Origin.  
16. Enter the global print message to print on each Bill of Lading.  
17. Enter a '1' to print Sales Order Header & Detail associated text.

Enter a '2' to print only Header associated text. Enter a '3' to print only Detail associated text.

18. Enter a '1' to print only our item number. Enter a '2' to print both our item number and the Customers item number.  
19. If you wish to print the customer's item number, enter the type of Cross Reference Number to retrieve.  

Enter Lot Category Codes to print.

Leave blank (default) to not print.

20. Lot Category Code 1  
21. Lot Category Code 2  
22. Lot Category Code 3  
23. Lot Category Code 4  
24. Lot Category Code 5  
25. Lot Category Code 6  
26. Lot Category Code 7  
27. Lot Category Code 8  
28. Lot Category Code 9  
29. Lot Category Code 10  
30. Enter a '1' to print amounts in Foreign Currency. Enter a '2' to print amounts in both Foreign and Domestic Currency. If left blank only Domestic Currency amounts will print.  

66.4 Shipment Confirmation (P4205)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the ranges of status codes to be selected for processing:

Next Status From (Required)

Next Status Thru (Required)

Only those order lines with a next status that falls within the from and thru range will display on the screen.
2. Enter Sales Order Type (Required) This serves as the default order type.
3. Line Type for new Sales Detail Lines entered through Additional Line Entry. If left blank, you will need to enter it manually for each line.

NOTE: You cannot enter new inventory items. This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

The line type you specify for new lines must have an inventory interface equal to N (non-inventory), which you specify in Order Line Types (P40205).

To add new detail lines you must set processing option 5 to 1.

4. Enter a Next Status Override code for the following:

- Sales Detail lines confirmed

- Additional Line Items entered

- Sales Detail line created by backorder of remaining quantities.

For confirmed and additional lines, if the options are left blank, will default the Next Status from the Order Activity Rules (F40203).

5. Enter '1' to be allowed to enter additional non-inventory lines.

If blank, the Additional Line Entry Display will be suppressed. This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

6. Enter '1' to display kit component lines.

If left blank kit component lines will be suppressed and confirmed with the parent item.

This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

7. Enter '1' to display text lines.

If left blank, all text lines will be suppressed from display and their status (except for configured component text lines) will be updated automatically.

This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

8. Enter '1' to be prompted to accept the order. This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.  
9. Enter '1' to receive an error when the item location is on hold.

If left blank, you will receive a warning.

10. Enter '1' to have the system preload the update option ('1') to option field. This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.  
11. Enter '1' to check availability and receive a warning if lack of availability.

If left blank, no warning will be given.

12. Enter '1' to prevent shipment from a location which currently has zero or negative On Hand Quantity, or if the result of the shipment will produce negative On Hand Quantity.

If left blank, the item will be allowed to be confirmed regardless of the On Hand Quantity.

Set this processing option to 1 to stop inventory balances from going negative.
13. Enter '1' to have the system prevent shipping a quantity that is greater than the quantity on the order.

If left blank, you will be able to over ship an order.

14. Enter '1' to use 15 character lot, leave blank to default to 12 chars.(This is used when calling the Multiple Location Window - P42053).This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation. If you choose to display the 15 character lot field, the Available Quantity column is pushed to the fold area in the Multiple Locations window.
15. Enter 1 to issue an error or 2 to issue a warning when the hard committed quantity exceeds the on hand quantity for a particular location. (This option only applies when you don't relieve inventory at Ship Confirm.)  
16. Enter '1' to issue error or '2' to issue warning when attempting to ship a direct ship order record which has not yet been received.  
17. Enter '1' to allow the Line Type of confirmed items to be overridden.

If blank, field will be protected.

This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

18. Enter '1' to allow Ship-To-Address to be overridden. If left blank, Ship-To fields will be protected.

This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

19. Enter '1' to automatically backorder or cancel any remaining quantity not shipped.

If left blank, will leave all remaining quantities shippable.

For kit master lines, all remaining quantities will be backordered or cancelled.

20. Enter '1' to call the Freight and Additional Charges Calculation program (P40210) after an order is confirmed for shipment and have the freight charges calculated automatically.  
21. Enter '1' to allow either the line item weight or the gross freight charges to be overridden when inside the Freight program (P40210).

This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

22. Enter '1' to automatically print invoices at completion of confirmation using subsystem.  
23. Enter the version of Sales Order Entry to call.

If left blank, will default to 'ZJDE0001'.

This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

24. Enter the version of TM Shipment Confirmation (PSMR9120) to call.  
25. Enter a '1' to initiate Receipt Routing from Ship Confirm for transfer orders only.

If left blank no receipt routing will be performed.

26. Enter the default route type to be used to search for a receipt route.  
27. Enter the value of the default route to be used for items without a receipt route setup. This option is specific to UCC 128 functionality.
28. Enter the version of Receipt by PO/Item/Account to call.

If left blank, will default to 'ZJDE0007'.

29. Enter the version of the Tare/Pack Detail program to call.

If left blank, will default to 'ZJDE0001'.

30. Enter the version of Test Results Revisions (P3711) to call. If left blank version 'ZJDE0002' will be used.

This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

31. Enter '1' to automatically print a Certificate of Analysis following completion of the confirmation.  
32. Enter the version of the Certificate of Analysis Extract (P37900) to call.

If left blank 'ZJDE0001' will be used.

Set this option to 1 to use this version for pack confirmation, in which case only status codes are bumped on the order line, that is, inventory is not relieved.
32a. Enter a '1' to run Certificate of Analysis Extract (P37900) in the subsystem.

If left blank, on-line process will be performed.

33. Enter a '1' to edit returns of lot controlled items. Use this option to create putaway requests in the Warehousing system for credit orders.
34. Enter '1' if this program is to be used for pack confirmation.

This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

35. Enter the request processing mode:

' ' = No putaway requests

'1' = Generate requests only

'2' = Generate requests and process using the subsystem

36. If processing putaway requests using the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to use.

If blank, XJDE0001 is used. (See Form ID P46171)

37. Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.  
38. Enter '1' to call Batch Assign Service Warranty (P42404) to automatically assign service warranties to sales order detail records.  
39. Enter the DREAM Writer version of P42404 to call.  
40. Display Warning/Error Message for Ship Ascending Dates Rule check:

Blank = Display Warning

1 = Display Error This option is not applicable to batch shipment confirmation.

41. Enter '1' to issue a warning when an immature lot (one not yet in effect) is entered and to include immature lots in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, a hard error will be issued and immature lots will not be counted as available.

42. Enter '1' to not default the lot on the sales order to the purchase order if lot assignment is optional for the item in the ship-to branch/plant (lot process type is '0' or blank in the Item Branch Information).

If left blank, whenever a lot is assigned to the sales order, it will default to the purchase order.

43. Enter '1' to display the Shipped Mode on the video.  
44. Enter the override next status code for reversals.  
45. Enter '1' to update the Sales Price and the Purchase Order Cost when the Sales Cost has changed and the Sales Price is based on cost or cost + markup.

If left blank, the sales price and purchasing cost will not be updated.


66.5 Batch Ship Confirm - Final (P42051)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

1. Enter "1" to run this program in final mode. If left blank, this program will produce only the reports and will perform no file or status updates.

2. Enter "1" to use Next Numbers to populate the shipment number if the shipment number is zero.

3. Enter "1" next to fields which will be used to trigger the generation of a new shipment number from "Next Numbers" to be assigned to sales detail records. For fields with a "1" entered, a change in value in this field will trigger the assignment of a new next number. If left blank and processing option 2 is set to "1", then a new "Next Numbers" value will be assigned to each sales detail record.

Note: If using this processing option, you must also set up the DW Data Sequencing to be in the correct order to assign shipment numbers.

Order Number

Business Unit

Ship To Address Book Number

Sold To Address Book Number

Mark For Address Book Number

Carrier Number


4. Enter "1" to print the Confirmed Shipment Report. If left blank, the Confirmed Shipment Report will not print.

5. Enter "1" to print the Shipment Exception Report. If left blank, the Shipment Exception Report will not print.

6. Enter blank to not issue an error if the shipment number is zero. Enter "1" to issue a hard error if the shipment number is zero. Enter "2" to issue a warning error if the shipment number is zero.

7. Enter "1" to print kit components on the Confirmed Shipment Report.

If left blank, the kit components will not be printed on the Confirmed Shipment Report.

8. Enter "1" to print header text on the Confirmed Shipment Report. If left blank, the header text will not print on the Confirmed Shipment Report.

9. Enter "1" to print detail text on the Confirmed Shipment Report. If left blank, the detail text will not print on the Confirmed Shipment Report.

10. Enter a value to assign to the shipment status for new shipments created by the batch shipment confirmation process. This option only applies if using next numbers to automatically assign shipment numbers.


Enter the version to call. If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used:

11. Order Confirmation (P4205)


66.6 Print Delivery Notes (P42535)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter an override next status if desired.

If left blank, the next status from the Order Activity Rules will be used.

2. Enter a '1' to prevent updating the Next Status Code from the Order Activity Rules.

If left blank, the Next Status Code will be updated.

3. Enter a '1' to print Kit Component lines.  
4. Enter a '1' to print extended amount on the Delivery Note.  
5. Enter the transport reason to be printed on the delivery notes.  
6. Enter the global print message to print on each delivery note.  
7. Enter a '1' to print associated text, if option is left blank, no associated text will print.  
8. Enter a '1' to print only our item number.

Enter a '2' to print both our item number and the Customers item number.

9. If you wish to print the customer's item number, enter the type of Cross Reference Number to retrieve.  
10. Enter a '1' to write to Delivery Note History File.

If left blank, no delivery note number or history records will be generated. It will be a proof mode only.

Enter 1 to have the system update the Delivery Note History file (F4290)
11. Enter a '1' to print amounts in Foreign Currency.

If left blank, only Domestic Currency amounts will print.

12. Specify one of the following:

Enter a '1' to perform Processing Control Edit to determine which customers to process.

Enter a '2' to perform Processing Control Edit to determine which customers to process, but default to PRINT setup for delivery notes from the customer billing instructions and FAX setup listed below if not found.

If left blank, Processing Control Edit will not be performed to determine which customers to process. PRINT setup for delivery notes from the customer billing instructions and FAX set up from below will be used.

Document Control Revisions (P0170) allows you to specify how each of your customers receives delivery notes, that is, via hard copy or facsimile. You set this option to 1 to have the program locate control revisions for each customer, and then print or fax the delivery notes accordingly. If there are no control revisions set up for the customer, the program will not produce any output for the customer.

If the option is set to 2 and the program can't find control revisions for a customer, it will revert to Customer Billing Instructions (P4206) and processing option 13 to determine whether to print and/or fax the delivery notes.

13. Enter a '1' to fax the document.

If left blank, the document will not be faxed.

Set this option to 1 to have the program create a separate spool file for each customer and put it in the output queue you specify in the next option. You'll need to use a third party software package to actually extract, convert and send out the information via facsimile.
14. Enter the Fax Output Queue.

If left blank, the fax will be written to the same output queue as printed documents.


66.7 Cycle Billing - Final (P49700)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the value of the override next status to be used for an order that is already invoiced. (Required)  
2. Enter the value of the override next status for processing orders.

If nothing is entered, the value of the next status from the Order Status Flow will be used.

3. Enter the value of the version of Sales Order Update to retrieve processing options from.  
4. Enter a '1' to run the program in final mode.

A blank will indicate proof mode.

5. Enter the value of the default invoice cycle to be used for those lines for which a preference is not found.  

66.8 Periodic Invoice (P49870)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the date to be used as the invoice date. This date is also used to retrieve document next number information.

Leave blank if using processing option no. 2 below.


2. Select the date or date hierarchy to determine the invoice date.

Leave blank if date entered on processing option no. 1.

'1' = System Date

'2' = Promised Delivery Date

'3' = Actual Delivery Confirmation Date Promised Delivery Date

'4' = Trip Load Date Order Load Date

'5' = Actual Load Confirmation Date Trip Load Date Order Load Date

3. Enter the document code to be used for periodic invoice.  
4. Enter the desired Print Control MCU (Cost Center).  
5. Enter the Output Queue number for periodic invoice.  
6. Enter a '1' to run this job interactively.

If a blank is entered, the job will be submitted to batch.

7. Enter the DREAM Writer version of the batch creation program to run (X49580A).  

66.9 Daily/Periodic Invoice (P49880)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the range of status codes to be selected for processing.

Next Status Code From (Required)

Next Status Code To (Required)

2. Override Next Status (Optional)  
3. Enter a '1' to prevent updating the Next Status Code from the Order Activity Rules.

If left blank, the Next Status Code will be updated.

4. Enter a '1' to print by Tax Group.

Enter a '2' to print by Tax Area.

Enter a '3' to print by Tax Authority.

If left blank, no tax information will print.

5. Enter a '1' to prevent A/R number from being assigned (used when creating a consolidated proof).  
6. Enter the global print message to print on each invoice.  
7. Enter a '1' to print sales order associated text.

If left blank, no associated text will print.

8. Enter a '1' to print kit component lines.

If left blank, no kit component lines will print.

9. Enter '1' to print lot number.

Blank will not print lot number.

10. Enter a '1' to print only our item number.

Enter a '2' to print both our item number and the customer item number.

If left blank, only our item number will print.

11. If you wish to print the customer item number, enter the type of cross reference to retrieve.  
12. Enter a '1' to summarize by item.

Enter a '2' to summarize items within each whole line number (Kit Grouping).

13. Enter a '1' to print amounts in foreign currency.

If left blank, only domestic currency amounts will print.

14. Enter the program name that translates total amounts from numbers to words.

(See User Defined Codes, system code 98, type "CT" for program numbers.)

15. Enter '1' to print unit price and type 1 adjustments separately.

Leave blank to not break out type 1 adjustments from the net price.

16. Enter a '1' if the Quality Management Test Results should be printed.

Otherwise default is ' '.

17. Enter a '1' if the Vehicle Seal information should be printed.

Otherwise, the default is ' '.

18. Enter '1' to print meter readings.

If left blank, no meter readings will print.

19. Enter the version of the preference processor (P40400) to be called to retrieve the document distribution preference.

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.

20. Specify one of the following:

Enter '1' to perform Processing Control Edit to determine which customers to process.

Enter '2' to perform Processing Control Edit to determine which customers to process, but default to EDI, PRINT, and FAX setup listed below if not found.

If left blank, Processing Control Edit will not be performed to determine which customers to process. EDI, PRINT, and FAX options listed below will be used.

21. Select the type of transaction being processed by this program.

This option is used by document control processing.

An entry of '1' = P49880-1 from UDC table 00/DP. This option is also used by EDI processing to determine which EDI files to update. This option is MANDATORY for EDI or Processing Control Editing.

1 = Invoice

2 = Order Acknowledgment

3 = Response to Quote

4 = Change Order Acknowledgment

22. Enter the following EDI defaults:

EDI Document Type (EDCT)

EDI Transaction Set (EDST)

EDI Translation Format (EDFT)

Trading Partner ID (PNID)

Transaction Set Purpose (TPUR)

Acknowledgment Type Code (ACKT)

Lines Status Code (LSTS)

Change Code (CHGC)

23. Enter '1' to create outbound EDI Unutilized Information records.

If left blank, Unutilized Information records will not be created.

24. Enter '1' to extract advanced pricing history information from F4074. (Valid for Invoices, Order Acknowledgments, and Change Order Acknowledgments.)

If left blank, pricing history will not be extracted.

25. Enter '1' to generate EDI data.

If left blank, EDI data will not be generated.

26. Enter '1' to print the document.

If left blank, the document will not be printed.

27. Enter '1' to fax the document.

If left blank, the document will not be faxed.

28. Enter the Fax Output Queue.

If left blank, the fax will be written to the same output queue as printed documents.


66.10 Status Code Update (P42040)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the default Status Codes to be selected for processing:

Status Code (Last)

Status Code (Next)

Enter the "Next Status" value to be used for update.

Enter a '1' to protect the Update to Next Status field.

Enter the Order Type you wish to see.

(Default of blanks will display all Order Types.)

Enter the version of Sales Order Entry you wish to execute from the selection exit.

If left blank, version 'ZJDE0001' will be called.

Enter a '1' to preload the update option.WAREHOUSE PROCESSING:

Enter the request processing mode:

' ' = No pick requests

'1' = Generate requests only

'2' = Generate requests and process using the subsystem.

If processing pick requests using the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to use.

If blank, XJDE0002 is used. (See Form ID P46171.)

Enter an override next status for sales order lines for which requests have been generated.


Enter '1' to include immature lots (those not yet in effect) in the calculation of availability.

If left blank, an immature lot will not be counted as available.

Enter 1 in this option if you want immature lots included in the availability calculation for an item which displays when you press F4 to open the fold.

66.11 Enter Receipts (P4312)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Order Type  
2. Receipt Document Type If an order line does not display for receipt, check the Next Status on the line (via Purchase Order Entry- P4311) to verify it matches one of the three status codes you set below.
Incoming Acceptable Next Status Codes:  
3. Status Code 1  
4. Status Code 2  
5. Status Code 3  
Outgoing Next Status Codes:  
6. Partial receipt If you perform partial receipts, you want to update the next status on purchase order lines:

1. To indicate that a partial receipt has taken place, and

2. So you can lock down the status in Purchase Order Entry so users cannot make changes to partially received lines.

7. Close balance of line Should normally be 999.
8. Cancel balance of line Should normally be 999.

Enter a '1' to:

9. Select all lines for receipt.  
10. Be prompted to accept the receipt.  
11. Display lot/layer information.  
12. Display Sales Order Backorders. Set this processing option to 1 to have the Backorder Release screen (V42117) display after you perform a receipt to release backorders that might exist for the items you just received.
13. Record serial number information for inventory items.  
14. Protect lot number, lot expiration date, and lot status on orders with automatically generated or assigned lot numbers.  
15. Enter a '1' to protect prices, or a '2' to make prices non-display.

If left blank, the update of prices is allowed.

16. Enter a '1' to require manual entry of the quantity.

If left blank, the quantity field will be loaded.

17. Enter a '1' to display description.

If left blank, the item/account number will be displayed.

18. Enter the format to be displayed.

1 = Receipts by Purchase Order

2 = Receipts by Item

3 = Receipts by G/L Account

(If left blank, format 1 is used.)

19. Enter a '1' to display the landed cost screen, or a '2' to perform blind landed cost processing.

If left blank, no landed cost processing is performed.


Enter a '1' for a warning message, or a

'2' to prohibit entry.

If left blank, no tolerance checking is performed.

20. Quantity, Unit Cost, Amount  
21. Receipt Date  
22. Enter a '1' to update the supplier when an item is purchased the first time, or a '2' to update the supplier every time the item is purchased.

If left blank, no supplier update is performed.

Use this option to update the Supplier address number in the branch record for an inventory item (P41026). The address number is then used by the Purchase Order Generator program (P43011) to create orders for the supplier.
23. Enter a '1' to default the Location and Lot Number from the primary item balance location, if the Location and Lot Number are both blank.  
24. Enter '1' to have the Lot Master Category Codes window display when creating a new lot.

Enter '2' to have the window display for new and existing lots.

25. Enter '1' to receive an error if quantity on hand for the item location will go negative.

Enter '2' to skip receiving any error or warning.

If left blank, you will receive a warning.


Enter the version for each program:

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

26. Open Order Inquiry (P430301)  
27. G/L Functional Server (XT0911Z1)  
28. SO Backorder Release (P42117)  
29. Receipt Traveler (P43512)  
30. Receipt Routing (P43250)  
31. Enter a '1' to automatically print a Receipt Traveler Document following each receipt.  
32. Enter a '1' to display the kit parent item, or a '2' to display the kit component items.

If left blank, no kit information is displayed.

Note: Stock items must be received at the component level.

33. Enter a '1' to capture supplier analysis information.

If left blank, no supplier analysis information is captured.

Enter 1 to have the system create a record in the Supplier/Item Relationship file (F43090) if it doesn't already exist, and also to update order information to the file.
34. Enter a '1' to purge the associated text when the line is fully received.

If left blank, the text is retained.

35. Enter a '1' to send a PPAT message to the purchase order originator regarding the receipt.  
36. Enter a '1' to initiate the receipt routing process.

If left blank, all items will be received directly into stock.

37. Enter the default route type to be used to search for a receipt route.

If left blank, the program will search for route type equivalent to blank.

38. Enter a '1' to summarize journal entries.

If left blank, journal entries are written in detail.

NOTE: If tracking commitments in the PA/PU ledgers, this option may NOT be used.

39. Enter the Directed Putaway mode:

' ' : No Directed Putaway Requests

'1' : Request Putaway only

'2' : Request Putaway and process using the subsystem

'3' : Receive directly to reserved locations (No requests).

40. If processing putaway requests through the subsystem, enter the DREAM Writer version to be used.

If blank, XJDE0001 is used. (See Form ID P46171).

41. Enter the DREAM Writer version of On-Line Reservations to be used.

If blank, ZJDE0001 is used. (See Form ID P46130)

42. Enter a '1' to perform warehouse Cross-Docking. This is only valid with processing option 12 to perform sales backorder processing set on.  
43. Enter the date to be used when retrieving the currency exchange rate.

If left blank, the purchase order exchange rate will be used.

1 = G/L Date

2 = Current Date

44. Enter a '1' to protect the exchange rate field.  
45. Enter '1' to record the difference between ambient and standard quantities received as a temperature gain/loss.

Enter '2' to update the unit cost as the extended cost divided by the standard quantity.

Leave blank if quantities are purchased and received in standard.

46. Enter a '1' if you want Receipts Routing integration with the Four Point Analysis file.  
47. Enter the DREAM Writer Version for the Bulk Stock Movement program called for Lot Controlled product.

If left blank, ZJDE0005 will be used.



48. Enter a '1' if related sales order lines should be automatically load and deliver confirmed.  
49. Enter the sales order next status code beyond which sales orders will not be automatically load and deliver confirmed.  
50. Enter the version of the transportation transaction server to be used to automatically load and deliver confirm orders.  
51. Enter the next status code that the related sales order line should be updated to upon full receipt of the purchase order line. Use this option to update the Next Status on a direct ship sales order that corresponds to a purchase order to ensure that it is ready for ship confirmation or update.
52. Enter '1' to update the location or lot from the receipt to the related sales order line  
53. Enter '1' to automatically confirm the shipment of the related sales line upon receipt of the PO line.  
54. Enter the version for Batch Order Confirmation (P42051).

If left blank, ZJDE0002 will be used.

55. Enter the version of Tst Results Revisions (P3711) to call.

If left blank, ZJDE0002 will be used.

56. Enter '1' to initiate Cascading Receipts  
57. Enter the type of tolerance check to perform in Cascading Receipts

1 = Percentage Tolerance

2 = Units Tolerance

58. Enter the tolerance value.

This is used in conjunction with the previous option.

59. Enter a '1' to automatically submit the G/L Post.

If left blank, post WILL NOT be automatically submitted

60. Enter the DREAM Writer version of the G/L Post to be used. If left blank, ZJDE0033 will be used.

This is used in conjunction with the previous option.

61. Enter a value for processing when the G/L Date of the receipt is outside the fiscal year of the G/L Date on the original order

' ' - Ignore

'1' - Issue Warning

'2' - Issue Hard error

Set this option to accommodate encumbrance and commitment accounting such that relief of a commitment cannot occur after the year in which the commitment was entered. Commitment accounting only applies to order lines types with an Inventory Interface of A or B.
62. Enter a value to prevent a cancellation in a different fiscal year. (Leave blank to ignore the fiscal year check).

'1' - Issue Warning

'2' - Issue Hard Error


66.12 Text Messages (P4016)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to display Item Notes.

If left blank, Print Messages will be displayed.

2. Enter a '1' to display only the messages that have not yet reached the expiration date.

If left blank, all messages will be displayed.