35 Overview to System Maintenance

This chapter contains these topics:

35.1 Objectives

  • To purge four-point analysis records from the system

  • To maintain American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) tables

35.2 About Four-Point Records Purge

When you perform a four-point analysis, the system creates records in the Four-Point Analysis Maintenance (F41509) and Four-Point Temperature Maintenance (F415091) tables. As part of your depot operations, you might need to delete four-point analysis records that have built up in the system.

35.3 About ASTM Table Maintenance

If your depot holds asphalt and bitumen products or other products that require heated tanks, you must use specific temperature and ASTM density tables to perform volume conversions. You might need to review or change the table values specific to your depot operations.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Purge four-point analysis records

  • Work with ASMT tables