16 Review Bulk Stock Information

This chapter contains these topics:

16.1 Reviewing Bulk Stock Information

Several programs let you review information on your bulk stock. You can review the following:

  • Current status of tank stock

  • Availability and demand of stock items

  • Transactions affecting stock

  • Quantities of commingled stock

  • Meter and tank readings used for reconciliation

Complete the following tasks:

  • Reviewing Product Transactions

  • Reviewing Monthly Tank Stock Status

  • Reviewing Commingled Stock

  • Reviewing Meter Readings

  • Reviewing Tank Readings

16.2 Reviewing Product Transactions


From Bulk Stock Management (G4150), choose Bulk Stock Management

From Bulk Stock Management (G41501), choose Bulk Product Transaction Inquiry

You can review the history of all transactions for a specific bulk product or product and location. These transactions might be the result of an intra-depot stock movement, a sale (posted after the customer sales update process), or a purchase receipt.

To review product transactions

On Bulk Product Transaction Inquiry

Figure 16-1 Bulk Product Transaction Inq screen

Description of Figure 16-1 follows
Description of "Figure 16-1 Bulk Product Transaction Inq screen"

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Item Number

  2. Complete one or more of the following optional fields:

    • Date From/Transaction

    • Date Thru/Transaction

    • Document Type

    • Branch/Plant

    • Tank ID

    • Owner/Duty

    • Lot

  3. Choose a transaction.

  4. Access Bulk Product Transaction Details.

Figure 16-2 Bulk Product Transaction Details screen

Description of Figure 16-2 follows
Description of "Figure 16-2 Bulk Product Transaction Details screen"

16.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Accessing Bulk Product Transaction Inquiry Alternatively, you can access Bulk Product Transaction Inquiry from the Intra-Depot Stock Movements menu or the Item Ledger.
Reviewing stock movements To review general stock movements, choose the General Stock Inquiry option for the transaction. This form displays the transaction information from the general stock movements form.

16.3 Reviewing Monthly Tank Stock Status


From Bulk Stock Management (G4150), choose Bulk Stock Management

From Bulk Stock Management (G41501), choose Monthly Tank Stock Status

Use Monthly Tank Stock Status to review a summary by month of all transactions that affect tank stocks. You can review only transactions that have been operationally reconciled.

To review monthly tank stock status

On Monthly Tank Stock Status

Figure 16-3 Monthly Tank Stock Status screen

Description of Figure 16-3 follows
Description of "Figure 16-3 Monthly Tank Stock Status screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Tank ID

  2. Complete one of the following optional fields:

    • Month/Year

    • Skip to Date

    The system displays data in the following fields, based on your search criteria:

    • Opening Stock

    • Incomings

    • Outgoings

    • Closing Stock

    • Gain/Loss

    • Percent of Total Outgoings

Field Explanation
Incomings The total of all unreconciled incoming transactions for the document types listed in the processing options.
Outgoings The total of all unreconciled outgoing transactions for the document types listed in the processing options.
Gain/Loss The operational gain/loss calculated for that day. Gains are shown as positive and losses as negative.
Percent of Total Outgoings The gain/loss expressed as a percentage of the total outgoings for the reporting period.

16.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Printing Tank Stock Status If you want to print the Monthly Tank Stock Movements report, choose the Print Monthly Tank Stock Report option.

See Section 18.3, "Reviewing Monthly Tank Stock Movements".

16.4 Reviewing Commingled Stock


From Bulk Stock Management (G4150), choose Bulk Stock Management

From Bulk Stock Management (G41501), choose Commingled Stocks Inquiry

Use Commingled Stocks Inquiry to review the inventory balances for tanks containing commingled or custody stock. You can display inventory balances in the following ways:

  • By owner, to view the balances for all tanks and products by a specific owner

  • By tank, to view the balance for a given tank for all owners

  • By product, to view the balance based on the current product in the Tank Master table (F41500)

Balances for some tanks by owner might be negative. This occurs when only one tank is current and all product has been withdrawn from that tank, regardless of ownership.

To review commingled stock

On Commingled Stocks Inquiry

Figure 16-4 Commingled Stocks Inquiry screen

Description of Figure 16-4 follows
Description of "Figure 16-4 Commingled Stocks Inquiry screen"

Complete one of the following fields:

  • Tank

  • Product

  • Owner

The system displays inventory balances relating to the search criteria, as well as the following field:

  • Stock Commingled

Field Explanation
Stock Commingled A stock value that identifies the type of commingled stock. If any tank for a product contains commingled stock, you must set up all tanks for that product as containing commingled stock. You also use this field to divide product in the tank into two quantities. For example, enter a value if you want to separate duty-paid from unpaid product in the same tank. If the stocks are commingled, you must record all the product movements at the "owner" level. Valid values are:

Y or 1 - Stocks are commingled for custody

N or 0 - Stocks are not commingled

D or 2 - Stocks are commingled for duty

B or 3 - Stocks are commingled for both custody and duty

Form-specific information

The Stock Commingled field on Additional Tank Information must identify a tank as commingled to display on Commingled Stocks Inquiry.

16.4.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reviewing transactions While you review commingled stock, you can access the Bulk Product Transaction Inquiry program to review additional product and transaction information.
Reviewing quantity information You can review quantity information for commingled stock and determine your current and future needs with the Summary Availability program (P41202) from the Bulk Stock Management menu. (G41501).

16.5 Reviewing Meter Readings


From Bulk Stock Management (G4150), choose Bulk Stock Reconciliations

From Bulk Stock Reconciliations (G41502), choose Meter Reading Inquiry

Use Meter Reading Inquiry to review meter readings for a given product or meter for a specific time period. You can view records of reconciled stock, unreconciled stock, or both, depending on the status codes set in the processing options. The system stores records in the Multi-Meter Readings table (F41515).

To review meter readings

On Meter Reading Inquiry

Figure 16-5 Meter Reading Inquiry screen

Description of Figure 16-5 follows
Description of "Figure 16-5 Meter Reading Inquiry screen"

Complete one or more of the following fields:

  • Branch/Plant

  • Status Code From

  • Status Code Thru

  • Status Range - Based On

  • Product

  • Meter Number

16.5.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Accessing Meter Reading Inquiry Alternatively, you can access Meter Reading Inquiry from Multi-Meter Readings on the Bulk Stock Reconciliations menu.
Deleting meter readings You cannot delete meter readings from Meter Reading Inquiry.

16.5.2 Processing Options

See Section 41.3, "Meter Readings Inquiry (P415207)".

16.6 Reviewing Tank Readings


From Bulk Stock Management (G4150), choose Bulk Stock Reconciliations

From Bulk Stock Reconciliations (G41502), choose Tank Reading Inquiry

Use Tank Reading Inquiry to view all of the physical tank dip readings as of a specific date and time. The system displays information from the Tank Master (F41500) and Bulk Product Transactions (F41511) tables. If no dip reading is available as of the specified date, the system retrieves the data from the Default Tank Information table (F41508).

To review tank readings

On Tank Reading Inquiry

Figure 16-6 Tank Reading Inquiry screen

Description of Figure 16-6 follows
Description of "Figure 16-6 Tank Reading Inquiry screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Branch/plant

    • Date/Time

    • Skip To Item Number

  2. Access the detail area.

  3. Review the following fields:

    • Pumpable Stock

    • Ullage

Field Explanation
Pumpable Stock The book stock minus the unpumpable stock.
Ullage The capacity of the tank, minus the book stock, minus the pipeline volume.

16.6.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reviewing tank density You can display tank readings in two different formats:
  • Gross dip and related data

  • Tank density and related data

To display tank density, change the processing option for this program.

Reviewing tank totals To review totals of book stock, pumpable stock, and ullage, choose the Tank Reading Inquiry Total Window option. The program retrieves the totals from the most current records for each product and tank listed on the Tank Reading Inquiry form.
Recording dip readings While you review tank dip readings, you can access the Multi-Tank Dip Reading Input program to record dip readings for the tank.

16.6.2 Processing Options

See Section 41.4, "Tank Reading Inquiry (P415203)".