32 Understand AAIs for Bulk Stock

This chapter contains these topics:

32.1 About AAIs for Bulk Stock

You need to set up the automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) for the Bulk Stock Management system. The AAIs for bulk Stock Management identify the General Ledger (G/L) accounts that the system updates when recording transactions.

You must create AAIs for each unique combination of company, document type, and G/L class code you anticipate using.

The following identifies the AAIs used in the Bulk Stock Management system:

AAI Description
4122 Provides the inventory offset account. Used by the General Stock Movements program.
4124 Provides the offset account for expense or cost of goods sold. Used by the General Stock Movements program
4152 Provides the inventory account used in the reconciliations process.
4182 Provides the physical gain/loss account. Used by the General Stock Movements and Reconciliations programs.
4184 Provides the work-in-process account to record the interim gain or loss on bulk items. Used by the General Stock Movements program.

The following illustrates the accounting transactions for these AAIs.

Transaction Description
Decreasing inventory Debit AAI = 4182 Gain/Loss Credit AAI = 4152 Inventory
Increasing inventory Debit AAI = 4152 Inventory Credit AAI = 4182 Gain/Loss