48 Periodic Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

48.1 Customer Price Group Generation (P40932)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Specify up to five customer group codes to be processed.

If no customer group codes are specified, all group codes will be used.

Customer Group Code 1

Customer Group Code 2

Customer Group Code 3

Customer Group Code 4

Customer Group Code 5


48.2 Item Price Group Generation (P40931)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Specify up to five item group codes to be processed.

If no item group codes are specified, all group codes will be processed.

Item Group Code 1

Item Group Code 2

Item Group Code 3

Item Group Code 4

Item Group Code 5


48.3 Base Price Report (P41830)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to perform updates to the Base Price file.  

If either option 2 or 3 is left blank, no price adjustments will take place.

2. Enter the base price adjustment type.

'A' - adjust price by amount

'%' - adjust price by percentage

'*' - adjust price to an override price

3. Enter the amount used to add, multiply, or override the price.

For 'A' (amount) adjustment:

Enter 10 to increase price by 10

Enter -10 to decrease price by 10

For '%' (percentage) adjustment:

Enter 10 to increase price by 10%

Enter -10 to decrease price by 10%

For '*' (price override) adjustment:

Enter 10 to change price to 10

4. Enter the effective date and the expiration date for the creation of new base price records.

If left blank, the selected price records will be changed.

Note: The effective date must be less than the expiration date.

Effective From Date

Effective Thru Date


48.4 Sales Price Level Conversion - Proof (P41816)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the price level to update to.  
2. If updating to price level '1', enter the branch to default the price from.

If updating from a price level '3', the price will default from the primary location.

3. Enter a '1' to run in final mode and update files.

If blank, no file updates will occur.

4. Enter a '1' to print only exceptions on the edit report.

A blank will print all items.

5. Enter a '1' to delete expired records.

If blank, expired records will not be deleted.


48.5 Order Repricing for Standard Pricing (P421301)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the next status code to be selected for processing. Any sales detail records with a different Next Status will be bypassed.

If option is left blank, will select all.

2. Enter the override next status code for the new sales detail records.

If left blank, will default to the Order Activity Rule (F40203).

3. Enter a '1' to make this program recognize the preset starting pricing category level associated with the corresponding Customer Pricing Group.

If left blank, the default starting level will be the first pricing category level in the Inventory Pricing Rule.

Enter a '2' to apply the price rule only if a level has been preset.

4. Enter '1' to allow sales order detail records to be repriced repeatedly.

If left blank, will only allow each detail line to be repriced once.

Note: Please refer to the help instructions for more detail on this processing option.

5. Enter '1' to print amounts in foreign currency or '2' to print in both foreign and domestic currency.

If left blank, will print in domestic currency only.


48.6 Update Sales Cost, Price, or Exchange Rate (P42950)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to update Sales Order with the most current unit cost.

If left blank, will not update cost.

2. Enter '1' to update the currency exchange rate. Please note that only the domestic amounts will be re-calculated, the foreign amounts will remain the same.

If left blank the currency exchange rate will remain the same.

3. Enter '1' to update the inter-company currency exchange rate. Foreign amounts will not be re-calculated.

If left blank, will not update the inter-company exchange rate.

4. Enter '1' to recalculate the unit price of the sales order.

If left blank, the unit price will remain the same.

5. Enter '1' to recalculate the Transfer Price for inter-branch sales. The pricing method specified when the order was entered will be used.  
6. Specify the date on which all base price and advanced price adjustment recalculations will be based:

' ' - Transaction/Order Date

'1' - Requested Ship Date

'2' - Promised Ship Date

'3' - Original Promised Date

'4' - Actual Ship Date

'5' - System Date

'6' - Invoice Date

'*' - Use System Constants value

'P' - Use Based-on Date Preference

NOTE: Processing options 7 thru 9 are supported only by the Advanced Price Adjustment Module (45).

7. Enter the Line Type of the new sales detail line item. This line item will contain the difference between the old sales price and the newly recalculated price.

If left blank, will update the new price directly to the item. This must be a non-inventory Line Type.

8. If you have specified in the last processing option to create a sales detail record to record the price difference, enter the override next status of the detail line.

If left blank, will use the original detail line's next status.

9. Enter '1' to base recalculation on the original order quantity.

If left blank, the system will recalculate based on the current quantities of the order.