1 Overview to Change Management

This chapter includes the following topics:

1.1 Overview

JD Edwards World Change Management system allows you to track changes to a project through multiple revisions and approval stages. The Change Management system provides the following features:

  • An approval process that allows you to move a change request through a series of approval stages. You do this by assigning user defined status codes to each line item of account distribution information. These status codes can have ledger types assigned to them, and hence control the update of account balances in various ledgers.

  • The ability to create requotes, which provide an audit trail for multiple quotations and stages of approval outside the General Accounting and Job Cost systems. The system tracks changes by change request number.

  • The ability to track changes by subledger detail.

  • A document control feature that is shared with the Contract Billing and Subcontract Management systems.

  • A search facility that supports a wide range of search criteria, such as job, type, and priority.

When you enter a change request, you assign user defined status codes to each line item of account distribution information. These status codes indicate where the line item is in the approval process. As you revise account distribution information for a line item, you can update the status codes to move the request through the approval process.

Status codes that represent stages in the approval process might have ledger types in the Job Cost system assigned to them and thus affect the Account Ledger (F0911) and Account Balances (F0902) tables. When you revise account distribution information, the system automatically updates the balances for the ledger types assigned to the status codes. When you change status codes, the system moves amounts and quantities from the old ledger type to the new ledger type, thus keeping the ledger types in balance. Status codes are defined in the Status Code Update Table.

At any time after a change request is created, you can enter information about related documents and activities, such as engineering drawings, submittals, and tasks that need to be performed.

The Change Management system is linked to the Subcontract Management and Contract Billing systems so that you can link information in the change request to the relevant contract in either system. Therefore, you need to enter information about a change request only in the Change Management system.

1.2 System Integration

The Change Management system serves as a focal point for integrating the Job Cost, Subcontract Management, and Contract Billing systems.

Figure 1-1 Change Management System

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Change Management System"

When you change account distribution information in a change request, the system updates the balances for the ledger types specified by the status codes that are assigned to each line item of the change request. For example, you can define a status code that automatically updates the Job Cost budget ledger type.

In addition, you can access and retrieve Change Management information from either the Subcontract Management or Contract Billing systems.