D Change Decimal Character

This appendix contains the topic:

These checklist items show what you must do to change the decimal character used in the Category Table of Contents to a comma character.


The user signon you use for the following procedure must have command entry authority.

D.1 Change the Decimal Character for the Category Table of Contents

  1. In the Selection field at the bottom of your screen, enter DSPSYSVAL QDECFMT. This displays your system's decimal format. If your format is 2, 3, I, or J, your system uses a comma for the decimal character.

  2. After you determine the decimal character your system uses, exit this screen.

  3. If your system does not use the comma, skip the following steps.

    Continue to the next checklist item.

  4. From the Post Upgrade Menu (G97R4), select Control File Updates.

  5. From the Control File Updates menu, select Data Dictionary Items.

    The Data Dictionary Items screen appears.

  6. In the Data Item field, inquire on HELP100A.

    The Data Item Glossary Revisions screen appears.

  7. In the Action Code field, type C.

  8. In the series of numbers displayed as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on, replace the decimal point (.) with a comma (,). Return to where you left off in Phase Four.