K JD Edwards World Help Menu Integration

This appendix contains these topics:

For UPK Content Sensitive Help, refer to this appendix, which is available after installing the UPK (User Productivity Kit) Help Menu Integration patch. This appendix contains set up instructions using Web Enablement.

K.1 Overview of Help Menu Integration

The Player deployment format from the Developer is not only useful in various training & educational initiatives; this output is also designed to provide in-application performance support for the end users.

There are specific add-ons and instructions for certain major enterprise applications to accommodate context-sensitive in-application performance support; these applications are referred to as target applications throughout this document. Content for target applications can generally be deployed using one of the following two methods:

  • Help Menu Integration - This method allows the target application end users to invoke context-sensitive in-application performance support material using the application's existing Help menu.

  • SmartHelp - This is a toolbar button for browsers that a target application end user may use to invoke context-sensitive in-application performance support material.

The mechanism for context-sensitivity for target applications is known as ExactMatch. This technique allows the Player to display a list of content material that is related to the end user's activity in the application. The relevancy of the content list is determined based on content items that contain exactly the same context information as recorded during content creation in the Developer.

For browser-based non-target applications, the SmartHelp toolbar button can still be used to deploy context sensitive in-application performance support; however, there is a difference in how the applicable list is generated. Unlike ExactMatch where the recorded context information is matched exactly with the end user's context in the application, a statistical analysis is used to rank the most probable content items in order to generate the list of applicable content items. This method of generating the applicable list is called SmartMatch.

Finally, content created for non-target applications prior to the introduction of SmartMatch technology may still be deployed using the SmartHelp toolbar button for the browser in a non-context sensitive manner. In this case, the Player displays all of the content items; however, the user may find the appropriate items using the Search feature or by browsing the content hierarchy.


Please refer to the Help Menu Integration Guide for each target application for specific instructions on Help Menu Integration as well as SmartHelp based content deployment.

K.1.1 Plan for Deploying In-Application Support

Once your organization decides to deploy content for in-application performance support, some of the fundamental questions that need to be addressed are:

  • What deployment mechanism is most appropriate for your organization, Help Menu Integration with a target application or SmartHelp based deployment?

  • Who needs to be involved?

  • When does it have to happen?

  • What needs to be done?

Understanding the answers to these questions will give your organization the information it needs to implement help menu integration and context sensitive help successfully.

K.1.1.1 Who Needs to be Involved?

A few roles across typical organizational boundaries are needed. They are:

  • Content Developer

  • Web Server Administrator

  • Application Administrator

  • Test User

K.1.1.2 When Does it Have to Happen?

For some target applications, steps must be taken before production recording begins in order to support context sensitive help. For most applications, application configuration can occur after and independently of production recording. If your organization wants context sensitive help, always check that context is being captured while recording.


Please refer to the Help Menu Integration Guide for each target application for specific instructions about Help Menu Integration as well as SmartHelp based content deployment.

K.1.1.3 What Needs to be Done?

These are the tasks each role needs to complete to successfully deploy in-application performance support content.

Content Developer

  • Create content in the Developer - While ExactMatch information for target applications and SmartMatch information for browser-based non-target applications will be automatically captured, it is recommended to validate that context is being captured.

  • Publish the player package

  • Give the published player package to the web server administrator

Web Server Administrator

  • Deploy the published player package to a web server

  • Provide the URL for the published player package to the application administrator

Application Administrator

  • Perform the configuration steps detailed in the Help Menu Integration guide for each application

  • Receive the player package URL from the web server administrator

  • Perform the Help Menu Integration guide steps for URL configuration

Test User

  • Verify the published player package appears from the application using the Help Menu Integration option or the SmartHelp button, as deployed

  • If you are deploying context sensitive help, the test user should coordinate with the content developer to note which parts of the application were used to create content and then verify that the Player launches with an appropriate list of applicable topics.


Please refer to the appropriate Help Menu Integration guide for specific instructions about

K.2 JD Edwards World Web Enablement Help Menu Integration

The ability to access context-sensitive Player help has been added to JD Edwards World Web Enablement. Some setup is required for this process to work correctly.

The instructions that follow are for the JWalk Java client interface. A button to launch Player content appears on the program menus; no configuration is necessary for this button to appear. However, it must be configured to point to the Player help content through entries in two text files.

K.2.1 Configure the Text Files

To launch the context-sensitive Player help content, the JD Edwards World Web Enablement administrator needs to set entries appropriately in the WV9100.JVM and DYNBLD9100.JVM text files. These files are located within the Deployment area of the JWalk server or client.

  • For the iSeries-i5 Installation:

    www/<HTTP server>, such as:


  • For the Windows NT-2000-2003 Server Installation:



    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\JWALKAPP\A9100APP

The Text File entries to be updated are:

  • UPKVIEWI - Set this to Y to display the Context aware icon on the program menus.

  • UPKVIEWH - Set this to Y to display the View Content Option from the Help Drop Down menu.

  • UPKHELP - This displays text when hovering over the Context aware icon.

  • UPKHELPOPT - This displays text for the option on the Help Drop Down menu.

  • UPKPath - This should be set to the path of the UPK server. For example:

    http://<server>/<virtual directory>/jdewalk/hemi/jdewalk_gateway.html_?CTXEX=

If you place the Player help content on the Windows server supporting the JWalk client interface, no additional configuration is necessary. If the help content is on a non-Windows server, you need to configure the odcustomurl.js file. See the following section for details.

K.2.2 Configure the JavaScript File

If the Player help content is located on a non-Windows server, you need to configure the odcustomurl.js file to point to the content location.

To configure the Javascript file

  1. In the jdeworld\hemi folder of the published UPK Help content, copy the odcontenturl.js file and rename it to odcustomurl.js.

  2. Open the odcustomurl.js file with Notepad or any text editor.

  3. Define the Gkod.Variables.OD_DEFAULT_URL variable to point to the location of the content.

  4. Save and close the file.