4 Customize the EBB Processing Environment

This chapter contains the topic:

4.1 Customizing the EBB Processing Environment

The install process creates an EBBJOBD in object library. EBBJOBD uses the EBB Submit the monitor program. You might want to customize this job description for your environment. For example, if you are using a special user profile, customize the job description by including the special user profile on EBBJOBD.

To run EBB using a special user profile, the profile must be active with the appropriate JD Edwards World authorizations.

To customize the EBB processing environment

  1. End the subsystem where you run EBB.

  2. Locate the next available sequence number on your system by entering DSPSBSD SBSD(xxxxxx)on the command line.

    Replace xxxxxx with the name of the subsystem.

  3. Choose Job Queue Entries.

    Sequence numbers appear to the left of each jobq entry.

  4. To add the EBB jobq to the subsystem, enter the following on the command line:


    Replace xxxxxx with the name of the subsystem and ## with the next available sequence number for the subsystem.

  5. Restart the subsystem where EBB runs.