67 Electronic Nota Fiscal (Type 3) Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

67.1 Processing Options for Authorized Person Setup (P76B0112)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the number of Address Books authorized to create the file. The default value is 2.  

67.2 Processing Options for Authorized Person by NF (P76B1020)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the number of Address Books authorized to create the XML file. The default value is 10.

Use this processing option to specify the total maximum amount of authorized persons allowed to access the information in the XML file.

Note: Ensure the value entered does not exceed the limit of authorized persons that the fiscal authority sets.

2. Enter the range of Nota Fiscal Next Status to be selected for processing.  

67.3 Processing Options for XML Generator (P76B601)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the range of Nota Fiscal Status Codes to be selected for processing.

Next Status Code From (Required)

Next Status Code To (Required)

You must enter a valid value in both of the processing option fields.
2. Override Next Status code for the Nota Fiscal Record. (Mandatory)  
3. Override Next Status Code for the Sales Order Record. (Mandatory)  
4. Identify the Type of Transmission to be used


2 - SCAN

3 - SVC -AN

4- SVC - RS

If you select 3 or 4, the NFe is assigned a new number.

5. When SCAN is selected, enter the Series.

Allowed values between 900 - 999

6. Enter '1' for Numbering the Nota Fiscal  
7. Select the namespace of the NF-e to be carried through element root of each document XML.  
8. Enter the maximum number the NF-e allowed. Default blanks will assume 50.  
9. Enter the environment ID

1. Producao

2. Homologacao

10. Enter the version of the Nota Fiscal Layout version (UDC 76B/VN)

Default blanks assume version number 2.1

(not numbered) Enter the Emission Process version


Default blanks assume 2.1

Enter the value to print in the verProc element of the XML file.
11.Enter '8' if you send the information in Electronic Contingency DPEC before create XML file (Status 8)

Enter '7' if you send the information in Electronic Contingency DPEC after create XML file (status 7)

Blanks= It is not a contingency process

12. Enter the version of "Aplicativo de emissao do DPEC". Default blanks assume version number 1.10  
13. Enter '1' if the Business Unit selected below will be compare with the Detail Business Unit Blanks will compare with header Business Unit.  
14. Enter the Business Unit to process and to generate the name of the IFS file. This processing option is mandatory.  
15. Enter the default value of document type to obtain the Next Number to generate the name of the IFS file. If left blank, document type 'XM' will be used.  
16. Enter URL/Email Category Code


17.Address (xLgr)

Enter the number of line. Default blanks assume 1.

18. Number (nro)

Enter the number of line. Default blanks assume Number=0

19.Complement (xcpl)

Enter the number of line. Default blanks , assume 3

20.Neighborhood (xbairro) Enter the number of line.

Default blanks assume 4.

21. Enter the document type to be used for the invoice. If left blank, 'RI' will be used for the customer invoice.  
22. DANFE Format Fit The value that you enter in this processing option must be compatible with the value that you enter in the Transaction Type processing option. If you enter values 0-3, then the value in the Transaction Type processing option must be 55 (NFe). If you enter values 4 or 5, then the value in the Transaction Type processing option must be 65 (NFCe).
23. Transaction Type The value that you enter in this processing option must be compatible with the value in the DANFE Format Fit processing option.
24. Enter 1 to process Contingency EPEC  
25. Enter the version (P76B627)

If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used


67.4 Processing Options for Contingency EPEC (P76B627)

Processing Options Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the event layout version. Enter the layout version for EPEC contingencies.
2. Receptor Organization Code Default

The default value is 91.

Enter the Brazilian Federation Unit Code.
3. Event Type (UDC 76B/ET)

The default value is 110148

The event type of EPEC contingency is 110148.
4. Event Version Enter the event version for EPEC contingencies for Brazil. This information is used by the SEFAZ (Brazil' s fiscal authority) to validate the group detEvento.
5. Author Type

Default value is 1.

Enter the code that identifies who emits the contingency. The default value is 1 (empresa emitente - Issuing company)
6. Author Application Version Version of the application that generates the record or event for EPEC contingencies. Enter a value that identifies the organization.
7. NFCe Minimum Amount.

Identify to the consumer.

Default value is 1000 RS.

Use this processing option to specify the minimum NFC-e amount that the system uses to report the consumer's Tax ID (CNPJ/CPF) and State for XML EPEC Contingency.

67.5 Processing Options for Nota Fiscal-e Status Update (P76B650)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. STATUS CODE RANGE: Enter the Nota Fiscal Status Code to be selected for processing:

- You can select (Mandatory):

'1' Last Status or '2' Next Status

- Status Code From (Mandatory)

- Status Code Thru (Mandatory)


Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

- Nota Fiscal Update (P76B651)

- Nota Fiscal Inquiry (P76211B)

- Sales Order Detail (P4211)

- Name Search (P01200)


67.6 Processing Options for Nota Fiscal Update (P76B651)

Processing Options Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Override Accepted Next Status for:

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

2. Override Error Next Status for:

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

3. Override Denied Next Status for

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

4. Override Cancelled Next Status for

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

5. Override Contingency Next Status

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

6. Override Contingency SCAN Next Status

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

7. Override Contingency Form FS Next Status

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

8. Override Contingency FS-DA Next Status

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

9. Override Conting Elec 7 Next Status

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

10. Override Conting Elec 8 Next Status

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

11. Override Conting. SVC-XX

Next status

-Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

-Sales Order File (Mandatory)

12. Override Conting. Offline

- Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

- Sales Order File (Mandatory)

13. Override Conting. EPEC

- Nota Fiscal File (Mandatory)

- Sales Order File (Mandatory)


Enter '1' to submit the XML generation

DW Versions; Default ZJDE0001

- Contingency SCAN

- Electronic Contingency 8

- Contingency SVC-XX

- Contingency Offline

- Contingency EPEC

15. Enter '1' to submit the DANFE. Blanks

the DANFE will not be submitted.

DANFE DW Version.Default ZJDE0001

16. Enter the XML Reduced D.W. Version.

ZJDE0001 default.


67.7 Processing Options for Trigger Program for the File F76B652 (X76B653)

Processing Options Processing Options Requiring Further Description

Enter the version for each program.

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.

- Nota Fiscal Update (P76B651)


Enter the version for program

P76B670 - Cancelled/Unused NF-e

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used


67.8 Processing Options for DANFE Generation - Brazil (P76B660)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the range of Nota Fiscal Status Codes to be selected for processing

Next Status Code From

Next Status Code To

The DANFE will print for any Nota Fiscal in this status range.
2. Override Next Status code for the Nota Fiscal Record (Optional)  
3. Override Next Status Code for the Sales Order Record (Optional)  
4. Enter '1' to print DANFE in contingency mode. Only used for Contingency NFe
5. Enter a '1' to avoid converting decimal numbers (cents) to words.  
6. Enter the Form of Emission:

'2' - Contingency FS

'5' - Contingency FS-DA

Select the Contingency Form model.

This information prints in the DANFE Additional Barcode.

67.9 Processing Options for Cancelled/Unused Nota Fiscal (P76B670)

Processing Option P75B670 Processing Option Requiring Further Description
01. Enter '1' to generate the Cancellation Event XML file.

Blanks, to maintain the old version.

02. Select the namespace of the NF-e to be carried through element root of each document XML.  
03. Enter the environment ID

1. Producao

2. Hologacao

04. Enter the XML layout version

Default value: 1.00

05. Event XML layout version  
06. Enter XML layout version of Request of Cancellation  
07. Enter the default value of document type to obtain the Next Number to generate the name of the IFS file.

If left blank, document type 'XC' will be used.

08. Enter '1' to generate Unused Nota Fiscal or Blanks to generate Cancelled Nota fiscal.  
09. Cancel Event Description.

Default value: "Cancelamento"

10. Enter the maximum number the NF-e allowed.

Default value: 20

11. Time gap where the NFe can be cancelled after government acceptance (in hours)  
12. Event Code

Default value: '110111'

13. Event receiving organization

Default value: '91'

14. Enter the Next Number to be used in order to retrieve the Batch Id

Default value: 08

15. Enter the transaction type to be processed. The default value is 55. Transaction type 55 is an electronic nota fiscal for a business consumer. Transaction type 65 is a nota fiscal for an final consumer (NFCe). The values of 55 and 65 are set up in the second and third positions of the Special Handling Code field in UDC 00/DT.

67.10 Processing Options for Unused NF-e Numbers (P76B678)

Processing Options Processing Options Requiring Further Description

01. Select the namespace of the NF-e 01 to be carried through element root of each document XML.

Environment ID

02. Enter the environment ID

1. Producao

2. Hologacao

Process Version

03. Enter the version of the NF-e 1.0

Default blanks assume version number 1.0

04. Enter the default value of document type to obtain the Next Number to generate the name of the IFS file.

If left blank, document type 'XC' . will be used.


67.11 Processing Options for Tax Netting Process (P76B4011)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Module to be processed:

42-Sales, 43-Purchase. If left blanks both modules will be processed.

2. Enter the Mode of processing.

Blank=Proof Mode.

'1' Final Mode

3. G/L Summary or Detail. Specify whether the system writes entries to the Account Ledger File (F0911) as a summary of the records processed or in detail. Blank=Write entries in detail. '1' Write entries in summary.  
4. G/L Date. Blank=Current Date. Specify whether the system writes records to the F0911 table by GL Date or by the current date.
5. Date From. Blank=Current Date. Specify the starting date for the date range for which the system processes records
6. Date Thru. Blank=Current Date. Specify the ending date for the date range for which the system processes records
7. Document Type. Blanks use "JE" Document Type. Specify the document type that the system assigns to the records that it writes to the F0911 table. The document type that you specify must exist in the Document Type - All Types UDC table (00/DT). If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns a document type of JE.
8. Domestic Ledger Type. Blank= Use "AA" Ledger Type. Specify the ledger type that the system assigns to the records that it writes to the F0911 table. The ledger type that you specify must exist in the Ledger Types UDC table (09/LT). If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns a ledger type of AA.
9. Print Details or Errors Only. Blank = Print in Detail. '1' Print Errors Only. This applies only to Proof Mode.  
10. Enter the version for G/L Functional Server (XT0911Z1). If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.
