45 Electronic Communications of VAT Processing Options

This chapter contains the following topic:

45.1 IYL Elec. Communications - TXT Generator (Workfile Generation) (P74Y0047)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Company This processing option is required.
2. Year of the Declaration This processing option must not be blank and it doesn't allow for a year greater than the current year.
3. Periodicity

M: Monthly

Q: Quarterly

Blank: Yearly

The Month value is used for the Black List or San Marino reports. Only the Black List report can be generated quarterly. If you leave the processing option blank, the system generates the Yearly List declaration.
4. Period/Quarter

1 to 12 for Monthly periodicity

1 to 4 for Quarterly periodicity

The valid values are:

If the value in the Periodicity processing option is M, valid values are 1 to 12. If the Periodicity processing option is Q, then 1 to 4 are valid values.

5. Process to run

1: Black list

2: San Marino

3: Yearly

6. Company Activity Code (Classification ATECO 2007) Specify an activity code from the ATECO 2007 activity codes list.
7. Type of Upload

0: Standard

1: In substitution

2: Cancellation

8: Electronic Code for previous amended declaration. Complete this processing option if you entered 1 or 2 in the Type of Upload processing option. Enter the declaration number of the original or cancelled declaration.
9. Document Number to Substitute or Cancel Complete this processing option if you entered 1 or 2 in the Type of Upload processing option. If you filed a previous declaration for the period, enter the document number that the government assigned to the previous declaration that you filed for the same reporting company.
10. Type of Supplier of the Declaration Enter a value from the Type of Supplier (74Y/TS) UDC table to specify whether the report is submitted by the reporting company or by someone else. If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses a value of 0 (company). Values are:

0: Company

1: Intermediary - Declaration created by the company. If you use this value, you must also provide the intermediary information in the address book records so that the system can include required information in the file.

2: Intermediary -Declaration created by the intermediary. If you use this value, you must also provide the intermediary information in the address book records so that the system can include required information in the file.

11. Threshold Amount for B2C transaction without invoice Specify the threshold to which the system compares the amount of a business-to-consumer (B2C) transaction for a customer or supplier when no invoice exists for the transaction. The system compares the document gross amount to the threshold amount. The system applies this threshold to transactions assigned a document type that has a value of 4 in the Special Handling Code field of UDC 74Y/DT.
12. Threshold amount for B2C transaction with invoice (year 2012 and 2013) Specify the threshold to which the system compares the amount of a business-to-consumer (B2C) transaction for a customer or supplier when an invoice exists for the transaction. The system compares the document gross amount to the threshold amount. The system applies this threshold to transactions assigned a document type that has a value of 1 in the Special Handling Code field of UDC 74Y/DT and the Partita IVA is not set up in the address book record.
13. Detailed or Summarized

0: Detailed, generates records in record type D

1: Summarized, generates records in record type C

14. Print Report in Detail/Summary

0: Detail

1: Summary

15. Generate Text File Y/N  
16. Recap Document Type for A/R  
17. Recap Document Type for A/P  
18. Enter the number of records allowed per file in order to avoid a size greater then 5 MB compressed for the file.  
19. Max Amount to check box control  
20. Phone type  
21. Fax Type  
22. Third Part Foreign Taxpayer ID

1: Partita IVA (F0101.TAX)

2: Fiscal Code (F0101.TX2)

23. Third Party Foreign VAT Reg Number

1: Partita IVA (F0101.TAX)

2: Fiscal Code (F0101.TX2)

24. Select the field to be used to populate the Invoice Number for Purchase

1: Invoice number (VINV)

2: Document Number (DOC)