25 Process Multiple Currencies

This chapter contains these topics:

25.1 Processing Multiple Currencies

Companies that do business internationally are often faced with additional accounting needs. This arises from doing business in different currencies and having to follow different reporting and accounting requirements. To process and report on transactions in multiple currencies, a company that operates internationally must:

  • Convert foreign currencies into the local currency

  • Convert different local currencies into one currency for reporting and comparisons

  • Adhere to regulations that are defined in the countries in which the company operates

  • Revaluate currencies due to changes in exchange rates

J.D. Edwards software provides the following multi-currency functionality throughout most base applications:

  • Conversion from one currency to another

  • Restatement of multiple currencies to consolidate into one currency

  • Revaluation of currencies due to changes in exchange rates

J.D. Edwards software handles multiple currencies by storing each currency in a different ledger, as follows:

Ledger Type Description
AA ledger Domestic transactions are posted to the AA ledger.
CA ledger Foreign transactions are posted to the CA ledger.
XA ledger Alternate currency transactions, if used, are posted to the XA ledger.

25.2 About Multi-Currency Features

You can designate a specific currency for the following:

  • Company

  • Account

  • Address book record

25.2.1 Data Entry in Foreign or Domestic Currency

You can enter all transactions in the original currency of the documents that you receive or send. You do not need to convert currencies before you enter transactions. For foreign entries, there is real-time conversion of foreign amounts to domestic amounts.

25.2.2 Daily Exchange Rate Table

Set up the Daily Exchange Rate Table to utilize the following multi-currency features:

Types of Rates Explanation
Default exchange rates When you enter a transaction, the system supplies the exchange rate from the Daily Exchange Rate Table.
Exchange rates for individual contracts You can specify exchange rates for individual customers and suppliers.
Spot rates You can enter an exchange rate when you enter a transaction. The value that you enter overrides the exchange rate from the Daily Exchange Rate Table.

25.2.3 Intercompany Settlements

You can enter transactions that cross company and currency boundaries. The system automatically generates the multi-currency intercompany settlements.

25.2.4 Gain and Loss Recognition

Gain and loss recognition features include:

Feature Explanation
Realized gains and losses Entries that represent exchange rate realized gains and losses are automatically created at the time of cash receipt or entry.
Unrealized gains and losses You can print a report to analyze open receivables and payables for booking unrealized gains and losses at the end of the month. Optionally, you can set up your system to create these entries automatically.

25.2.5 Detailed Currency Restatement

Detailed currency restatement features enable you to:

  • Maintain a dual set of accounting books, one in the domestic (local) currency and one in an alternate stable currency.

  • Restate amounts at the transaction level for a specified range of accounts.

25.2.6 Balance Currency Restatement

You can consolidate balances into a common currency. A user-specified ledger type determines where the system creates the new restated balances. In addition, you can set up an exchange table and conversion specifications according to standard restatement practices.

25.2.7 "As If" Currency Repost

This feature allows you to restate all transactions to a new ledger type using one exchange rate instead of the individual rates that were associated with each transaction over the course of time. The ”as of” currency repost features eliminates the exchange rate fluctuation for financial analysis.