42 Banking Requirements Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

42.1 Processing Options for Update Multi-Tiered A/R (P005142)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to indicate that Tax Information should not be printed.  
2. Enter the "As of" date to process. The batch program will calculate the discount as if the current date were this date. If left blank the system date will be used.  

42.2 Processing Options for A/P Payments - EFT for Italy (P04572I1)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the check print program to use if the pre-note status is set to 'P', requiring a check print.  
2. Enter the line number from address book for supplier name continuation.  
3. Enter the line number from address book for supplier street address.  
4. Enter a '1' to print value date. Default = blank will print due date  
5. Enter the following default values:

Device Name . . . . . Tape Density. . . . . Label Name. . . . . . Blocksize . . . . . . New Volume Name . . . New Owner ID. . . . . File Name . . . . .


42.3 Processing Options for A/P Payments - Checks for Italy (P04572I2)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the program name to translate payment amounts from numbers to words. (See User Defined Codes system code '98', record type 'CT' for program names.) If left blank, the translation program associated with the payment currency code will be used.  
2. Enter an override address format. If left blank, the address number's country format will be used.  
3. Enter the Forms Type for the Payments Spool File. If left blank, the default is 'APCHECKS'.  

42.4 Processing Options for A/P Payments - Register for Italy (P04576I)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter one of the following values: '1' = Print contract information '2' = Print job number information  

42.5 Processing Options for A/P Payments - EFT for Italy (R04572I1)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

Enter a '1' to print value date.

Default = blank will print due date.

Due Date or Value Date


1. Enter the following defaults

Device Name

Tape Density

Label Name

Block Size

New Volume Name

Tape (more)

New Owner ID

File Name


42.6 Processing Options for Create Payment Groups (P04570)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter in either a Pay Thru date or the number of displacement days from today. Pay Thru Date Displacement Days  
2. Enter the cutoff date for allowing discounts. Pay items with a due date prior to this date will not take a discount. If left blank, all discounts will be taken.  
3. Enter the payment amount range to be included in this pre-payment run. Also enter the pay instrument to be assigned to payments outside of the amount range. If currency conversion is turned on, enter the currency code for the amount range. Enter your amount range in whole numbers.

Minimum Amount.

Min Pay Instrument.

Maximum Amount

Max Pay Instrument.

Currency Code

4. Enter a '1' to create a different payment by company. Leave blank to process multiple companies on each payment.  
5. Enter a '1' to print a separate payment by due date. If left blank a separate payment by due date will not be printed.

Note: If choosing this option, the DREAM Writer sequence should be set to include Due Date after Alternate Payee Address Number.

6. Enter a '1' to create one payment per payee regardless of supplier.  
7. Enter a '1' to print a special attachment when payment detail information will not print on the stub.  
8. Enter the sequence ID which will order the payments when printed.  
9. Enter a '1' to print the full address for each payee on the Edit report. Leave blank to only print the payee alpha name.  
10. Enter a '1' to print contract information on the report.  
11. Enter a '1' to print job information on the report.  
Note: If choosing either option 10 or 11, payments should be sequenced by contract number.  
12. Enter a '1' to summarize pay items within a document on the pay stub and/or the attachment. If left blank, pay items will not be summarized.  
13. Enter a '1' to have the summary description on the pay stub default from the first pay item's remark. If left blank, the description will be retrieved from the vocabulary overrides for this program.  
14. Enter an override bank account to be used for payment. If left blank the bank account in the Accounts Payable detail record will be used.

Note: This must be a Short Acct ID.

15. Enter one of the following values to indicate which currency should be used for payment.

' ' - Bank Account Monetary Unit

'1' - Voucher Domestic Currency

'2' - Voucher Foreign Currency

'3' - Current Domestic Amount

16. Enter a '1' to use the business unit as a selection criteria in the creation of a Payment Control Group. If left blank, business unit will not be considered and one PCG may include vouchers with different business units.  
17. Enter a '1' if you will be using tape output and would like to see tape information on the edit report. If left blank, no tape information will appear on the report.  
18. Enter a '1' to issue an error on the edit report if the Payee's EFT/EDI bank information does not exist.  
19. Enter a '1' to issue an error on the edit report if a G/L Bank Account's X12 information does not exist.  
20. Enter a '1' submit the Calculate Withholding program (P04580) prior to running Pre-Payments. If left blank, Calculate Withholding will not be run.

Note: The voucher withholding pay items created will not be posted.

21. Enter the DREAM Writer version number of the Calculate Withholding program to be run. If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used.  
22. Enter the User Exit program name. If left blank the name 'X04570E' will be used.  

42.7 Processing Options for Creating Payment Control Groups (R04570)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter a Pay Through date or the number of displacement days from today. If left blank, today's date will be used as the pay through date.

Pay Through Date

Displacement Days

2. Enter the cutoff date for allowing discounts. Pay items with a due date prior to this date will not take a discount. If left blank, all discounts will be taken.

Discount Cutoff Date


1. Enter the payment amount range to be included in the pre-payment run.

Minimum Amount

Maximum Amount

2. Also enter the payment instruments to be assigned to payments outside of the amount range.

Minimum Payment Instrument

Maximum Payment Instrument

3. If currency conversion is turned on, also enter the currency code of the amount range.

Currency Code


1. Enter the Sequence ID which will order the payments when printed.

Sequence ID

2. Enter '1' to print a special attachment when the payment detail information will not fit on the stub.

Print Attachments

3. Enter the Short Account ID of an override bank account to be used for payment. If left blank, the pay item's bank account will be used.

G/L Bank Account

4. Select the currency to be used for payment: '1' for domestic, '2' for foreign, '3' for current domestic or blank for the bank account's monetary unit.

Payment Currency

Process By

1. Enter '1' to create separate payments by company.

Company Processing

2. Enter '1' to create separate payments by due date.

Due Date Processing

3. Enter '1' to create one payment per payee regardless of supplier.

Payee Processing

4. Enter '1' to create separate payment control groups by business unit.

Business Unit Processing


1. Enter '1' to summarize pay items within a document on the pay stub or attachment. If left blank, pay items will not be summarized.

Summarized Code

2. Enter '1' to default the summary description on the pay stub from the first pay item's remark. If left blank, a generic description will be used.

Summary Description


1. Enter '1' to print the mailing address for each payee on the report.

Print Mailing Address

2. Enter '1' to print contract information on the report. NOTE: to produce separate payments by contract, Control/Statement Field (CTL) must be included in the sort sequence.

Print Contract Information

3. Enter '1' to print job information on the report. NOTE: to produce separate payments by job, Control/Statement Field (CTL) must be included in the sort sequence.

Print Job Information

Bank Tape

1. Enter '1' to print bank tape information on the edit report.

Print Bank Tape Information (FUTURE)

2. Enter '1' to issue an error when bank account information does not exist for the payee.

Payee Bank Account Error (FUTURE)


1. Enter '1' to submit the Calculate Withholding program prior to creating payment control groups.

Calculate Withholding

2. Enter the version number of the Calculate Withholding program to be run. If left blank, version ZJDE0001 will be used to calculate Withholding Version

Calculate Withholding Version


42.8 Processing Options for Work with Payments (P04257)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to process the payments interactively. Leave blank to submit the write or update in batch mode without a submittal message.  
1a. Enter Job Queue for Batch Process  
1b. Enter '1' to submit job on Hold  
2. Enter a '1' to display the business unit fields. If left blank, the business unit fields will not display

Note: The selection and display of the business unit would only be applicable if you ran your Payment Control Group using business unit as a control field.

3. Enter '1' to use the first voucher's exchange rate (thus ignoring any gains/losses) or an effective date to use to retrieve the exchange rate. If both options are blank, the G/L date assigned to the payment will be used to retrieve the exchange rate. Voucher Exchange Rate or Effective Date  
4. Enter a '1' to allow Currency Spot rates to be entered when Writing payments. If left blank, no spot rates will be allowed.  
5. For BACS, enter a '1' to allow entry of BACS processing dates. If left blank, BACS processing will not function.  
6. Enter one of the following options for output:

' ' - Each Payment Control Group (PCG) will be output to a separate tape file or spool file.

'1' - Group PCGs for the same bank account into one file.

'2' - Group all selected PCGs into one file regardless of account.

7. Enter a '1' to request the following:

Save Spool File

Hold Spool File

8. Enter the version number for the Write program. If left blank, the Payment Instrument Default version will be used.

NOTE: This processing option will override any entry to the Controls Window also.

9. Enter a '1' to force the assignment of payment numbers to be in sequential order. This option is only valid if you have selected to output separate PCGs or those with the same bank account to one spool file. (Refer to previous Proc Option).

Note: This option is only valid for hard-copy payments and reserves the bank account payment number from the bank account file (F0030). If working with EFT, segregate PCGs by Prenote Code and use this option on only those PCGs with Prenote Vendors.

10. Enter a '1' to bypass clearing the prenote code in Bank Transit file.  
11. Enter the version number for the register program. If left blank, the Payment Instrument Default version will be used.

NOTE: This processing option will override any entry to the Controls Window also.

12. Enter a '1' to submit the A/P payment post after the payments have been updated. If left blank, the post WILL NOT be automatically submitted. This will allow you to review the payment batch and post it at a more convenient time.  
13. Enter a '1' to process void payments through the system (post to G/L, and the bank reconciliation). If left blank, void payments will not be processed.  
14. Enter '1' to automatically submit the Positive Pay Workfile Build (P04585) after the payments have been updated. If left blank, the Positive Pay file will not be built.  
11.Any values entered into the following options will be loaded upon entry into the program:

Bank Account



Payment Instrument

Print Queue

Currency Code

Business Unit

Sequence (Payment Review)

16. Enter the version number for the Bank Tape Review program. If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.  
17. To override standard A/P Payment processing (DREAM Writer XT0413, version ZJDE0001), enter an override version number. This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup.  
18. Enter a '1' to display the payment control group amounts in the alternate currency amount.

Exchange rate effective date

If blank, default is system date

19. To override standard G/L processing (DREAM Writer XT0911Z1, version ZJDE0001), enter an override version number. This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup.  
20. Enter a '1' to protect the Next Payment Number from change. If left blank, you may change the Next Payment Number.  
21. Enter one of the following options for handling the G/L Date:

' ' = No Date Restriction (Default)

'1' = Current or Future Date Only

'2' = System/Current Date Only


42.9 Processing Options for Work with Auto Payments (P04571)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter a version number for the print program, or leave blank to use version ZJDE0001:

Print Program Version

2. Specify how Payment Control Groups will be output to tape or spool files; enter '1' for separate files by bank account, '2' for one file, or blank for separate files by PCG:

Payment Control Group Output

3. Enter '1' to create the spool file with the requested status:

Save Spool File (FUTURE)

Hold Spool File (FUTURE)


1. Enter a version number for the register program, or leave blank to use version ZJDE0001:

Register Program Version

2. Enter '1' to post void payments to the General Ledger:

Post Void Payments

3. Enter '1' to automatically submit the A/P payment post after the payments have been updated:

Submit Post Program


1. If payment groups are processed by business unit, enter '1' to display the business unit fields:

Display Business Units

2. Enter '1' to set the default selection for Next Status:

Write Status

Update Status

3. Specify preloaded selection criteria:

G/L Bank Account

More Display

1. Specify preloaded values for additional selection criteria:

Payment Control Group Version


Print Que

Business Unit

Payment Instrument

Currency Code


1. Exchange rates will be based on the payment's G/L date unless you… specify an effective date or enter '1' to use the voucher's rate


1. Enter '1' to process payments interactively, or leave blank to submit the print and update for batch processing:

Interactive Process


1. Enter '1' to allow entry of BACS processing dates. If left blank, BACS processing will not function.

BACS Processing


42.10 Processing Options for Receipt Entry - Country Server for Italy (P031031IT)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the Pay Instruments. The Default Pay Instruments is "C".


42.11 Processing Options for Receipt Entry - Country Server for Italy (P031031IT)

Processing Option Processing Option Requiring Further Description

1. Enter the Pay Instruments. The Default Pay Instruments is "C".