22 Work with Additional Data Entry Requirements

This chapter contains these topics:

22.1 About Additional Business Practices

J.D. Edwards solutions for additional business practices in Italy consist of the following tasks:

  • Working with additional data entry requirements

  • Printing ledger reports

  • Printing open amount reports

  • Processing multiple currencies

22.2 Working with Additional Data Entry Requirements

J.D. Edwards solutions for additional data entry requirements in Italy include:

  • Accounting for petrol cards

  • Entering VAT-only vouchers for A/P (Bolla Doganale)

  • Working with invoices for free goods

  • Working with invoices for the European Union

22.3 Accounting for Petrol Cards

In Italy, companies that provide company cars for their employees are required to keep a petrol (gas) card for each vehicle. The petrol card is used to record the expense of petrol used on the company account to be charged as a company expense. In this way the company can verify that the petrol consumed on the company account corresponds to the petrol recorded on the petrol card.

There are many possible methods for accounting for petrol cards. See the following examples.

Example Method
Enter the employee expense report DR - Transit account

CR - Payable to Employee account

Post the petrol card in Accounts Payable DR - Purchases (Petrol) account

CR - Petrol Card (dummy supplier) account

Close petrol debt To close the debt to the dummy supplier (Petrol Card account), use the manual payment process and replace the Bank account with the Transit account that you used when entering the employee expense report.

DR - Petrol Card (dummy supplier) account

CR - Transit account

22.4 Entering VAT-Only Vouchers for A/P (Bolla Doganale)

In Italy, when a company imports goods from a European country, the VAT rate for the goods is zero, per intra-union regulations. Still, the Italian Customs Authority claims the payment of the VAT at the Italian domestic rate (which is usually about 19 percent). To pay the required VAT, set up the Customs Authority as an address book record with a person/corporation code of 5 (customs authority).

Normally in Italy, different document types are used for Bolla Doganale and standard vouchers. The same next numbers are used for both types of vouchers and both are printed sequentially on the Monthly VAT report (P004051). Alternately, you can print Bolla Doganale separately on the Monthly VAT Report and with a separate numbering scheme. To do this, set up next numbers by document type and print the Monthly VAT Report by document type.

You can also set up a special version of the Voucher Entry program (P04105) to default a specific document type from the A/P Functional Server (XT0411Z1) processing option for Bolla Doganale.

Set up a special version of the Voucher Entry program (P0411) to process Bolla Doganale. Use the processing options for the program to default a specific document type for VAT only vouchers.


You do not have to set up a special version of the Voucher Entry program if your company decides to use the same next number (Same As) for Bolla Doganale vouchers and standard vouchers.

When you enter Bolla Doganale vouchers for A/P, use the tax explanation code of VT. You can enter the tax amount with the gross amount equal to the tax amount for vouchers with a tax explanation code of VT.

You enter two types of Bolla Doganale:

  • Vouchers with VAT payment by Carrier/Customs Agency (Corriere/Transportatore)

  • Vouchers with VAT payment directly to the Customs Authority (Dogana)

For Bolla Doganale with VAT payment by carrier or customs agency, the entries are posted as follows:

Type of Payment Journal Entries
Bolla Doganale DR - VAT Recoverable account

CR - Payable to Bolla Doganale account

Customs agency voucher DR - VAT Transit account

DR - VAT Recoverable account

CR - Debt to Customs Agency account

DR - Customs Expenses account

Close the VAT only voucher DR - Payable to Bolla Doganale account

CR - VAT Transit account

NOTE: You create the entries to close the VAT only voucher through the manual or automatic payment process. To do this, replace the bank account with the VAT Transit account previously debited when the Customs Agency voucher was posted.

For Bolla Doganale with VAT payment directly to the Customs Authority, the entries are posted as follows:

Transaction Type Journal Entries
Bolla Doganale DR - VAT Recoverable account

CR - Payable to Bolla Doganale account

Payment to the Dogana DR - Payable to Bolla Doganale account

CR - Bank account

Close the VAT only voucher DR - Payable to Bolla Doganale account

CR - VAT Transit account

22.4.1 Working with Invoices for Free Goods

Invoices for free goods are invoices that have a zero value. In Italy, invoices for free goods must be entered into the system for fiscal and VAT reporting purposes.

When you enter invoices for free goods into the system, the first pay item represents the taxable amount with the relevant tax rate. You enter this pay item with a tax explanation code of V (VAT). The second pay item represents the gross amount (negative). To calculate the gross amount, add the first pay item taxable amount and the VAT amount. Enter the second pay item with a tax explanation code of E (exempt) with a tax rate of zero.

Pay Item Gross Amount Taxable Amount Tax Amount Tax Rate Code Tax Explanation Code
001 1000 190 IT19 V  
002 -1190 IT00 E    

The total invoice value is zero and the invoice can be posted to update the tax table.

The G/L distribution should debit the Cost of Goods Sold account and credit a specific expense account for free goods.

To close the invoice, record a cash receipt through the Receipts Entry program (P03103).

To close the invoice, record a cash receipt through the Receipts Entry program (P03B102).

22.5 Working with Invoices for the European Union

When a company within the European Union imports goods from other European countries, the VAT payable should be compensated with the VAT receivable. J.D. Edwards Accounts Payable system compensates for the VAT amount when you enter the voucher for the supplier.

To do this, you must set up various tax rates for the different types of sales and purchase transactions. For example:

Transaction Tax Rate
Purchase transactions A purchase tax rate code might be CEEA16 or CEEA19. The codes are defined as follows:

CEE = European Union

A = Purchases

19 or 16 = tax rate percentage

Sales transactions A sales tax rate code might be CEEV16 or CEEV19. The codes are defined as follows:

CEE = European Union

V = Sales

19 or 16 = tax rate percentage

For each type of tax rate code, you can set up specific G/L class codes. The system uses the G/L class codes to post your journal entries to different VAT accounts in your chart of accounts. For example, you might have a Domestic VAT account and EU VAT account.

When you enter invoices for the European Union, use a document type that is specific to the type of transaction and the appropriate currency code. The first pay item for the invoice represents the invoice amount with a tax explanation code of exempt (E). The subsequent pay items are used to compensate the VAT, as shown in the following example:

Pay Item Gross Mount Taxable Amount Tax Amount TAx Rate Code Tax Explanation Code
001 1000 E      
002 1190 1000 190 CEEA19* V
003 -1190 -1000 -190 CEEV19* V

You must print the information for sales and purchases that are applicable to VAT on separate Monthly VAT Reports (P004051). To do this, make the following data selections:

Data Element Setting
EU VAT Recoverable Batch Type V and W

Tax Rate Code CEEA16 and CEEA19

EU VAT Payable Batch type V and W

Tax Rate Codes CEEV16 and CEEV19


You should also set up your Summary IVA reports (P74093 and R74093) using the same data selection.