13 Work with Intrastat Requirements

This chapter contains these topics:

13.1 About Intrastat Requirements

Customs formalities and controls at the internal borders between member states of the European Union disappeared in 1993 with the creation of the European Single Market. With the elimination of custom formalities, the traditional systems for collecting statistics on trade between EU member states also disappeared.

Detailed statistical information regarding merchandise trade between members of the European Union (EU) is important for market research and sector analysis. To maintain the statistics on trade between European Union members, the statistical office of the European Union and the statistical departments of member countries developed the Intrastat system.

In compliance with the Intrastat system, information on intra-union trade is collected directly from businesses. Each month, businesses are required to send a statistical declaration or, in some member states, a combined statistical and fiscal declaration that gives detailed information regarding their intra-union trade operations of the previous month.

The major features of the Intrastat system are common in all member states, but the system allows national specificities to be taken into account. If you do business in a country that belongs to the European Union, and you use J.D. Edwards Sales Order Management and Procurement systems, you can meet Intrastat reporting requirements.

The major features of the Intrastat system are common in all member states, but the system allows national specificities to be taken into account. If you do business in a country that belongs to the European Union, and you use J.D. Edwards Sales Order Processing and Purchase Order Processing systems, you can meet Intrastat reporting requirements.


The information that is tracked by the Intrastat system is based strictly on the actual, physical movement of goods between member countries of the European Union. Intrastat information does not apply to the not the movement of monetary amounts or placement of orders between member countries.

Working with Intrastat requirements consists of the following tasks:

  • Updating the Intrastat Workfile

  • Revising the Intrastat Workfile

  • Printing the Intrastat Report

The following graphic illustrates the Intrastat reporting process.

Figure 13-1 Intrastat Reporting Process

Description of Figure 13-1 follows
Description of "Figure 13-1 Intrastat Reporting Process"

13.1.1 Before You Begin

Verify that you have set up the appropriate user defined codes for Intrastat reporting. SeeChapter 3, "Set Up for European Union (EU) Reporting."

13.2 Updating the Intrastat Workfile


From General Systems (G00), choose Tax Processing and Reporting

From Tax Processing and Reporting (G0021), choose EC VAT Processing

From EC VAT Processing (G00211), choose an option under the EU VAT Processing heading

The collection of Intrastat information is based solely on the Sales Order Management and Procurement systems. You print monthly Intrastat reports based on your company's sales and purchasing transactions for the previous month. To do this, you write all of the required information from the tables in the Sales Order and Procurement systems to a single repository file, the Intrastat Workfile (F0018T).

Use the following programs to update the Intrastat Workfile:

Program Description
Intrastat Workfile Update - Sales Updates the Intrastat Workfile with sales information based on the following tables:

Sales Order Header (F4201)

Sales Order Detail (F4211)

Update Extra Tax File - Purchases Updates the Intrastat Tax file with purchase information based on the following tables:

Purchase Order Header (F4301)

Purchase Order Detail (F4311)

Purchase Order Receiver (F43121)

In addition, the update programs collect information from the following tables:

  • Branch/Plant Constants (F41001)

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

  • Company Master (F0010)

  • Currency Code Master (F0013)

  • Item Master (F41001)

  • Item/Branch Information (F4102)

  • Address Book (F0101 and F0116)

  • Order Address (F4006)

  • Unit of Measure Conversion (F41002 and F41003)

  • User Defined Codes (F0005)

When you run the update programs, you use processing options and data selections to select transactions based on any of the criteria in the sales and purchasing tables. The system verifies that the transactions that meet your selection criteria qualify for Intrastat reporting. If so, the required information from the sales and purchasing tables, and any applicable information from the additional tables, is written to the Intrastat Workfile.

To ensure that the Intrastat Workfile contains the most current information, update the information in the Intrastat Workfile periodically. Depending on your company policy, you might update the workfile as often as nightly, but at least monthly.

The system creates records in the workfile only if the country of the supplier address is different than the country of the ship-to address. Codes for both countries must be included as valid values on user defined codes file for European Community Members (74/EC).


To collect the correct data in the Intrastat Workfile, you must have assigned all of your inventory items the appropriate commodity code information and all of your orders must include the appropriate freight handling codes.

13.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Explanation
Interbranch processing The system writes interbranch records to the Intrastat Workfile based on how you set the processing options for the update program. Depending on the structure of your company and country-specific reporting requirements, you can specify that records are written at cost, cost plus markup, or at the taxable purchase price.
Multi-currency The system creates records in the Intrastat Workfile based on the currency of the company specified in the Branch/Plant Constants for each transaction.
Country codes You must specify a country code for both the branch/plant and the supplier. For countries that require regional information, use the State field of the address in the Address Book record to specify the region. The system searches for the address number based on the Branch/Plant Constants file (F41001). If no address number is specified, the system uses the address number specified in the Business Unit Master file (F0006).

If the original country or origin is required information for your Intrastat reports, specify the Country of Origin in the Item/Branch Master table.

Performance issues Depending on your data selection and the number of transactions in the Sales Order and Purchase Order systems, the amount of time it takes to run the update programs can vary. To minimize the impact that update programs can have on system performance, you can do the following:

Specify your data selection as carefully as possible so that only the necessary records are written to the workfile

Update the Intrastat Workfile as part of your nightly operations

13.3 Revising the Intrastat Workfile


From General Systems (G00), choose Tax Processing and Reporting

From Tax Processing and Reporting (G0021), choose Italian VAT Processing

From Italian VAT Processing (G00211), choose Direct Extra Tax File Adjust

You can revise existing data in the Intrastat Workfile. You might need to do this to correct missing or inaccurate information.

To enter information in the Intrastat Workfile

On Direct Extra Tax File Adjust

Figure 13-2 Direct Extra Tax File Adjust screen

Description of Figure 13-2 follows
Description of "Figure 13-2 Direct Extra Tax File Adjust screen"

  1. To locate an intra-union trade transaction, complete the following fields:

    • Order Number

    • Order Type

    • Document Company

    • Order Suffix

    • Line Number

  2. Complete any of the remaining optional fields.

Field Explanation
Document (Order No, Invoice, etc.) The number that identifies an original document. This can be a voucher, an order number, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry number, and so on.
Order Type A user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the type of document. This code also indicates the origin of the transaction. J.D. Edwards has reserved document type codes for vouchers, invoices, receipts, and time sheets, which create automatic offset entries during the post program. (These entries are not self-balancing when you originally enter them.)

The following document types are defined by J.D. Edwards and should not be changed:

P Accounts Payable documents

R Accounts Receivable documents

T Payroll documents

I Inventory documents

O Purchase Order Processing documents

J General Accounting/Joint Interest Billing documents

S Sales Order Processing documents

Order Company (Order Number) A number that, along with order number and order type, uniquely identifies an order document (such as a purchase order, a contract, a sales order, and so on).

If you use the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year facility, the Automatic Next Numbers program (X0010) uses the order company to retrieve the correct next number for that company. If two or more order documents have the same order number and order type, the order company lets you locate the desired document.

If you use the regular Next Numbers facility, the order company is not used to assign a next number. In this case, you probably would not use the order company to locate the document.

Order Suffix In the A/R and A/P systems, a code that corresponds to the pay item. In the Sales Order and Purchase Order systems, this code identifies multiple transactions for an original order. For purchase orders, this is always 000. For sales orders with multiple partial receipts against an order, the first receiver used to record receipt has a suffix of 000, the next has a suffix of 001, the next 002, and so on.
Line Number A number that identifies multiple occurrences, such as line numbers on a purchase order or other document. Generally, the system assigns this number, but in some cases, you can override it.

13.4 Printing the Intrastat Report

You print Intrastat reports based on the information in the Intrastat Workfile (F0018T). Although the information on the Intrastat report is common for most all European Union members, report formats vary from country to country.

To print an Intrastat report for Italy you must create a custom World Writer report or use a specialized software package.