7 Performing Post-Migration Tasks

This section contains the manual table conversions that are required to finish the migration process if you are migrating from Oracle's JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases.

If you are migrating from JD Edwards World A7.3, see Appendix A for Post-Migration Tasks.

If you are migrating from JD Edwards World A9.2.1, see Appendix B for Post-Migration Tasks.

The following table lists the post migration UBEs that must be run to successfully use the previous data. Unless noted otherwise, run these conversions from a workstation in the environment to which you are migrating.

7.1 Running Post-Migration Tasks


CNC Administrator

Logon Status

On a workstation, logged on as user JDE in the environment to which you are migrating data.


Verify that Client Access ODBC data sources exist on the workstation for Business Data – <xxxx> and Control Tables – <xxxx>, where <xxxx> is the name of the temporary environment.

Table Conversion Workbench completed successfully.

Concurrent Tasks


For Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.2 release, you must Fast Path to the Post Install Menu (GH9619), select World Post Migration Conversions and run the UBEs for the applications you have installed.

This example shows the Post Install menu:

This graphic describes the Post Install Menu (GH9619)


For all conversion programs with a Table Conversion Prompting screen, select the ”properties” check box and the ”prompt for location” check box.

The properties for all Conversion Programs below that are marked with * must be run with the Input Environment set to the Temporary World environment – PYTEMP and the Output Environment set to the environment you are migrating data to – PY920. All other table conversions should have Input and Output Environment set to the same environment, which is the environment to which you are migrating data, PY920.

The location for all conversion programs below that are marked with ”*” must be overridden to run locally.

Do not run conversions more than once.

7.1.1 Convert Supplemental Data to F00092

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R96SDB731 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases.   Converts F41092, F08092, F00692, F12092, F48092, F01090, F00690, F08090, F12090, F41090, F48090 to F00092 This TC must be completed before executing other TCs, if you use supplemental data.

7.1.2 Data Massage F4072 – World A9.3 to EnterpriseOne

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R894072D When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing Module.   Convert F4072 JD Edwards World To One World Format.  

7.1.3 Service Billing Table Conversion from World

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R894805B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Billing Module.   Convert F4805 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R8948051B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F48051 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R8948091B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F48091 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R8948096B9* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F48096 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R894812B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F4812 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R894812HB* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F4812H from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R8948127B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module   Convert F48127 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R8948128B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module   Convert F48128 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R894822B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F4822 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R8948221B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F48221 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R8948520B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F48520 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R894860B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module   Convert F4860 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R894861B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module   Convert F4861 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R894862B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Service Billing Module.   Convert F4862 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  

7.1.4 Contract Billing Table Conversion from World

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R895201B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract Billing Module.   Convert F5201 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R895202B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module.   Convert F5202 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R895204B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module   Convert F5204 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R895212B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module.   Convert F5212 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R895213B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module.   Convert F5213 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R8952131B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module.   Convert F52131 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R895214B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module.   Convert F5214 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R895215B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module.   Convert F5215 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R895216B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module.   Convert F5216 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  
R8952161B* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Contract Billing Module.   Convert F52161 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne  

7.1.5 Property Management Table Conversions

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R891501D* – Tenant Lease Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Property Management Module.   F1501 Conversion to F1501B and F15017 This TC must be completed to convert to F1501B before executing other System 15's TCs since F1501B is checked.
R891521 – Log Conversions When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1503 Conversion to F1514, F1521, F1523, F1565  
R89159071 – Unit Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F159071 Conversion  
R891511B - Tenant Lease Billing Detail When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1511 Conversion  
R891511HB - Tenant Lease Billing Detail History When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1511H Conversion  
R8915011B – Billing Generation Control Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F15011 Conversion  
R891502B – Recurring Billing Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1502 Conversion  
R8915013B – Sales Overage Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F15013 Conversion  
R8915014B – Product Sales Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F15014 Conversion  
R8915015B – Minimum Rent/Recoveries Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F15015 Conversion  
R8915016B – Tenant Escalation Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F15016 Conversion  
R8915012B – Tenant Class Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F15012 Conversion  
R891533B – Tenant Class Account Exclusions When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1533 Conversion  
R891538B Expense Participation Register - we When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1538 Conversion  
R891548B – Escalation Billing Register When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1548 Conversion  
R891505B – Management Fee Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1505 Conversion  
R891505HB – Revenue Fee Generation History When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1505H Conversion  
R891525B – A/R Fee and Interest Master When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1525 Conversion  
R891513B – FASB 13 Control When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1513 Conversion  
R891540B – Sales Report Control When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1540 Conversion  
R891541B – Tenant Sales History When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1541Conversion  
R891541BW – Tenant Sales History Workfile When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1541Conversion  
R891544B – Sales Analysis Control When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   F1544 Conversion  
R8915CV1 – Conversion Master Audit Report When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   Property Management Conversion Master Audit Report  
R8915CV2 – Conversion Audit Detail Report When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   Property Management Conversion Audit Detail Report  
R8915CV3 – Property Management Metrics Report When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Property Management Module.   Property Management Metrics Report  

7.1.6 Homebuilder Table Conversions Prerequisites

Before converting JD Edwards World tables to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables, you must:

  • Be on JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or above. Successfully installed JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

  • Set up system constants in Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management.

  • Set up system activity rules in Homebuilder Management.

  • Create valid values for the new UDC tables in Homebuilder Management.

  • Set up area job master information and valid values in UDC 00/05.

  • Successfully convert JD Edwards World contracts to the format that Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system uses.

  • Review all of the special notes for conversion.

  • Sign on to the environment that you want to convert.

  • Verify that the table conversion settings are set to Login Environment.

  • Run the JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract conversion program. JD Edwards World Migration

Before using Homebuilder Management, you need to set up several components. The setup of these components is builder-specific and can support the specific business needs.

When you migrate existing data from JD Edwards World to Homebuilder Management for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you must convert specific JD Edwards World Homebuilder tables to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. To aid you in the conversion process, Homebuilder Management includes several conversion programs. The conversion process uses the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne table conversion tool, and in some cases, a batch update process. For tables that are new to Homebuilder Management and that do not contain numerous records, you must manually enter data in those tables using the setup programs.

Only editable fields are mapped for conversion. If you have modified any JD Edwards World tables or modified programs to allow you to edit fields that are not editable in the standard version of JD Edwards World, you must modify the conversion programs to map those fields. The conversion programs do not remove the JD Edwards World data from the tables after the conversion. The conversions are written to allow selection at the community level (except for takeoffs, for which area is the primary key). JD Edwards World User-Defined Code Values

Before you run the JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne conversions, you should add the valid values from the JD Edwards World UDC tables to the new UDC tables in Homebuilder Management.

This table lists JD Edwards World UDCs:

UDC Table Alias Description
44/O1 OP01 Option Type
44/O2 OP02 Option Category Code 2
44/O3 OP03 Option Category Code 3
44/O4 OP04 Option Category Code 4
44/SC SCS Sales Contract Status
44/F1 FD01 Plan Status
44/F2 FD02 Future Use 3
44/F3 FD03 Future Use 4
44/F4 FD04 Future Use 5
44/F5 FD05 Future Use 6

This table lists Homebuilder Management UDCs:

UDC Table Alias Description
44H4/OT OPMOT Option Type
44H4/01 OPM01 Option Category Code 01
44H4/02 OPM02 Option Category Code 02
44H4/03 OPM03 Option Category Code 03
44H5/ST HBSCS Sales Contract Status
44H3/01 PLC01 Plan Category 1
44H3/02 PLC02 Plan Category 2
44H3/03 PLC03 Plan Category 3
44H3/04 PLC04 Plan Category 4
44H3/05 PLC05 Plan Category 5 R44H4459

The following menu option is a duplicate records search and must be run so that the duplicates are corrected before proceeding with Table Conversions; Option 49/G44H411 submits and creates report R44H4459 Duplicate Records Search. Table Conversions

This table shows the tables that are converted from JD Edwards World to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management system:


All Conversion Programs marked with * must be run with the Input Environment set to the Temporary World environment – PYTEMP and the Output Environment set to the environment to which you are migrating data – PY920.

All other table conversions should have the same Input and Output Environment, the environment to which you are migrating data – PY920.

Menu Option Conversion Program JD Edwards World Description JD Edwards World Tables Homebuilder Management Description Homebuilder Management Tables
1 R890006A* Community Master Conversion F0006 Community Master F44H101
2 R44H9301* Plan Master Conversion F4452 Plan Master F44H301
3 R894453* Lot Master Conversion F4453 Lot Master

Lot Master History



4 R894461A* Option Master Conversion F4461 Option Master F44H401
5 R44H9501* Sales Master Conversion F4450 Sales Master

Lot Sales History



6 R894451* Option Selection Conversion F4451 Option Selections F44H511
7 R894455* Supplier Assignment (Takeoff) Conversion F4455 Vendor Assignment F44H604
8 R44H96001 Item Master Conversion F4101



Item Master Homebuilder Extension F44H4101
9 R44H4459 Item Pricing Pre- Conversion Review F4459 Material Item Pricing File F44H4459
10 R44H96003* Item Price Conversion F4459 Material Item Pricing F44H603
11 R894457* Takeoff Master Conversion F4457 Takeoff Master File F44H602
12 R44H960111 Bid Header and Detail Conversion F4301


Bid Header F44H601


13 R44H9711 Create Work File Records Conversion F4311 Create Work File Records F44H711 Technical Considerations for Conversions

This section discusses technical details for different processes in the conversion. Lot Master

Initially, the Lot Master Conversion program (R894453) creates the Lot Master table (F44H201) from the JD Edwards World Lot Master table (F4453). Subsequently, the Sales Master Conversion program (R44H9501) updates Table F44H201 with data from the JD Edwards World Lot Proceed Header table (F4450). Sales Master

In JD Edwards World, data item LNT (Loan Type) is a free-form text field. In Homebuilder, UDC 44H/LT is associated with the LOANTYP field. The Sales Master Conversion program maps the values in the LNT field in table F4450 to the LOANTYP field in table F44H501. To prevent post-conversion validation errors, JD Edwards recommends reviewing the values in the LNT field in table F4450 for consistency and add the values to UDC table 44H/LT before running the conversion.

The Sales Master Conversion program determines the sales status based on the values entered in the processing options and the values in the House Type (HSTY) field on the table F4450 Lot Proceed record. In JD Edwards World, the values B, C, M, P, S, T, Z, and blank are hard-coded. The conversion program recognizes only these eight values. If you have added additional valid values to 44H5/HT and used those values in the Lot Proceed records, you must modify either the data or the conversion program before running the conversion. Material Item Pricing

Before running the F44H603 Material Item Pricing Table Conversion program (R44H96003), you must revise any JD Edwards World item price data to eliminate any records that do not satisfy the unique key requirement. Run the Item Pricing Pre-Conversion Review (R44H4459) to search for unique key violations between the Material Item Pricing tables for JD Edwards World (F4459) and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (F44H603).

This table lists the keys for the Material Item Pricing tables:

F4459 (JD Edwards World) Keys F44H603 (JD Edwards EnterpriseOne) Keys
1. CTYC (City) 1. HBAREA (Area)
2. LITM (2nd Item Number) 2. ITM (Short ID Number)
3. AN8 (Supplier Number) 3. AN8 (Supplier Number)
4. MCU (Subdivision) 4. HBMCUS (Community)
5. PRN (Price Revision Number) 5. CPHASE (Phase)
  6. EFFF (Effective Date)

The R44H4459 program reads all the records in table F4459 in this order:

  • CTYC

  • ITM

  • AN8

  • MCU

  • EFFF

The report prints a list of these key values that are in the current F4459 table, as well as the Short ID Number and Effective Date values.

To avoid duplicate key errors, you should either delete all but the current records, or change the effective dates to create a unique record prior to running the F44H603 Material Item Pricing Table Conversion program (R44H96003). Conversion Programs and Tables

Run the conversions in the order that they appear in this guide as menu items have been moved around to accommodate the different migration paths from World. If you do not use items and takeoffs, you do not need to run R44H96001, R894455, and R44H96003.

These tables are created from existing data in JD Edwards World:

Menu Option Conversion Program JD Edwards World Description JD Edwards World Tables Homebuilder Management Description Homebuilder Management Tables
1 R890006A Community Master Conversion F0006 Community Master Conversion F44H101
14 R44H9711 Create F44H711 Workfile Records F4301/F4311 for lot start created commitment document types. Create Conversion Lot Start Workfile Entries F44H711

The Item Master (F4101) table has not changed and does not require conversion from JD Edwards World.

These tables are new in the Homebuilder Management system and are not converted from JD Edwards World:

Description Homebuilder Management Table JD Edwards World Table Explanation
Homebuilder Constants F44H001 F4463 Manual setup
Vendor Assignment F44H604 F4454 Manual setup
Homebuilder Activity Rules F44H002 N/A New table; manual setup
Extended Homebuilder Data Template F44H0920 N/A New table; manual setup
Extended Homebuilder Data Headings F44H0921 N/A New table; manual setup
Extended Homebuilder Data F44H0929 N/A New table; manual setup
Option Relationships F44H402 N/A New table; manual setup
Closing Worksheet Accounting Instructions F44H590 N/A New table; manual setup
Closing Worksheet Entries F44H591 N/A New table; manual setup
Closing Worksheet Data Mapping F44H599 N/A New table; manual setup
After Start Purchasing F44H711P N/A New table; to be used forward
Construction Milestones F44H790 N/A New table; populated by a third-party scheduling system

These tables in JD Edwards World are not used in the Homebuilder Management system and, therefore, are not converted:

Description JD Edwards World Tables
Lot Proceed Detail Temporary F4451T
Lot by Lot Tax File F4460
Bid Master F4464
Alternate Subdivision Maintenance F4465
Media Object Storage F4462
Takeoff Revisions F4458
Lot Proceed Entry (History) F4456

These conversion programs convert JD Edwards World tables to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. You must run each conversion program independently, not as a batch process.


When JD Edwards World tables contain a high volume of data, the conversion programs might run for an extended time. Allow adequate time to run and verify the results of the conversion before you use the Homebuilder Management system in a production environment.

You are strongly advised to back up the database before running the conversion programs.

7.1.7 Change Management Table Conversions

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R8953101 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Change Management Module.   Convert F53001 from JD Edwards World to F53101 in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R895301B When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Change Management Module.   Convert F5301 from JD Edwards World to F5301B in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  
R895311 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Change Management Module.   Convert F5302 from JD Edwards World to F5311 in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.  

7.1.8 Payroll Table Conversions

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R8906107A* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll Module.   Convert F06107 and F0626 to F07107  
R890624A When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Payroll Module.   Convert F0624 to F0724  
R90605A* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Payroll Module.   Convert F0605 to F0705  
R89069226* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and using the Payroll Module.   Unemployment Insurance Rate file conversion  

7.1.9 HR Table Conversions

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R0500103 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases.   Populate SSN in F0101, CCPR in F060116. Data massage.  
R890508093 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases.   Copies F00092, F08093 to F00165. Data massage.  
R8908042* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases.   Doing data massage on F08042 from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Assign new Seq.# to avoid duplicate keys.  
R8908350 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and have data in the F08350 file. Data must be in the F08350 file. This table must be populated in order to use the benefit application Enrollment With Eligibility, P08334. Populates data into the F08350B tag table. F08350B contains plan sequences for preferred order of plans.
R8908351 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases and have data in the F08351 file. Data in the F08351 file. This table must be populated in order to use the benefit application Enrollment With Eligibility, P08334. Populates data into the F08351B tag table. F08351B contains category type, a code that identifies categories for DBAs that use special flex calculation plans, such as lump sum employer flex credits and employee flex deductions when remaining flex credits are negative.
R89089901B When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases.   COBRA Initialize table for 910 - F089901  
R8908601C* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases The processing option of this job should be set based on whether only World software was used to enter Health and Safety information from the source environment. A processing option value of 1 indicates that World software was used, while a processing option value of 0 or Blank indicates that World software was not used exclusively for information entry and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications might have been used to enter Health and Safety information This table conversion checks for and handles these scenarios:

1. Processing Option is set to 1 (Yes - only World was used to enter Health and Safety information)

2. Processing Option is set to 0 or Blank (No- World software was not used exclusively to enter Health and Safety Information

In Release 9.1, Country (CTR) and Incident Occurred on Employer's Premises (ONPRM) columns were added to F08601.
R89060117 When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases.   Populates the Employee Master tag tables (F060117 and F060120) from F060116.  

7.1.10 Localization Conversions

Conversion Program Run this Job Reqs Purpose Notes
R8976B140* When migrating from JD Edwards World A9.3.1 or A9.4 releases. None Migrates the F76B140 from World to EnterpriseOne.

Run the table conversion only if the client has the Brazil localization module. If the client does not have the Brazil localization module, the table conversation probably does not exist in their system.


7.1.11 Additional Post Install Tasks

Please reference Manual Table Conversions in the ”JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Upgrade Guide Release 9.2 IBM iSeries with DB2/400” for information on the additional batch programs to execute from the Convert Xe/ERP 8.0 to Current Release menu. These additional tasks are contained within the World Post Migration Conversions menu and should be executed as needed to convert migrated data for use in EnterpriseOne 9.2.