7 Configuring Single-Instance Databases for High Availability and Disaster Tolerance

Oracle Fail Safe provides high availability for single-instance Oracle Databases (except Oracle Database Personal Edition) running on Windows clusters configured with Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters.

By making a single-instance Oracle Database highly available, you ensure that even when a cluster node is shut down or fails, applications that access that database suffers only a momentary loss of connection with the database while the database is restarted on another cluster node. Applications can automatically reconnect to the database after such a failover event occurs using transparent application failover, resulting in a failover that is not apparent to users.

See Also:

"Support for Multitenant Container Database (CDB)" in Oracle Fail Safe Release Notes for Microsoft Windows

This chapter discusses the following topics:

7.1 Discovering Standalone Single-Instance Databases

Oracle Fail Safe Server discovers standalone single-instance databases (those that are not in a cluster group) by looking for Oracle Database instance Windows services. Any service found on any cluster node that is not currently in a cluster group is displayed in the Oracle Fail Safe Manager's Available Oracle Resources list.

7.2 Oracle Net Configuration for Standalone Single-Instance Databases

The following sections briefly summarize the Oracle Net configuration for standalone single-instance databases.

7.2.1 Listener Must Use IP Address for Local Host, Not Host Name

If the system host name is used in the definition of a listener, then this listener listens on all IP addresses on that node, not just the IP address associated with the host name. The local listener also opens any cluster IP addresses causing a cluster group listener failure if it attempts to listen on IP addresses assigned to the group.

To avoid this problem, the listener must use the node IP address for its host entry instead of the host name. Whenever Oracle Fail Safe validates a cluster group or adds a database to a group, it searches ADDRESS entries that have a HOST set to the local node's host name. All HOST entries that use the local node name change to use the IP address for the node.

The following is an example of an invalid entry in an Oracle Fail Safe environment:


The following is an example of a valid entry in an Oracle Fail Safe environment:

      LISTENER =

7.2.2 Shared Server Configuration and a Standalone Database

When a database is configured for high availability, Oracle Fail Safe makes adjustments to the default listener. This affects the Oracle Net configuration for all databases, including standalone databases. Therefore, all standalone databases in an Oracle Fail Safe environment require some adjustments to the Oracle Net configuration if any database in the cluster has been made highly available.

If the shared server configuration for standalone single-instance databases relies on the default listener, then no listener parameters are specified in the database parameter file. (The default listener is a listener that listens on the host name of the node, the default port number, and TCP protocol.) In this case, the configuration will no longer work after Oracle Fail Safe has changed the default listener to use an IP address in place of the host name.

Resolve this problem by doing the following:

  1. Add the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter to the database initialization parameter file. The LOCAL_LISTENER parameter specifies a network name that resolves to an address of the Oracle Net default listener.

    Locate the database initialization parameter file of the database and add the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter to the file.

    LOCAL_LISTENER = network-name
  2. Determine the address of the Oracle Net default listener.

    Find the definition of the default listener in the listener.ora file of the database home. In the definition, identify the first address that uses the TCP protocol.

    For example, assume that the default listener is defined as follows:


    Then the first address is:

  3. Create a network-name entry in the tnsnames.ora file.

    In the tnsnames.ora file, create an entry for the network-name using the address found in Step 2.

    In this example, the entry is as follows:

    network-name= (ADDRESS=

    This change will take effect when the database is restarted.

7.2.3 SID List Entries

Oracle Fail Safe does not attempt to maintain listener SID lists. If you have an application that requires a cluster database to be in the listener's SID list, then manually edit the appropriate listener.ora file on each node of the cluster.

7.2.4 Configuring Oracle Net on Nodes with Multiple Listeners

When Oracle Fail Safe searches for a standalone database listener, it scans the listener Windows services to find one that is listening on the network address used by the database. If there are multiple listeners that are listening on a network address, then Oracle Fail Safe selects the listener service that is running. If none of the listeners are started, then Oracle Fail Safe chooses the first listener found that is listening on the network address.


To prevent network configuration errors, ensure that the listeners of standalone single-instance databases are in the intended state, stopped or started, before you run any Oracle Fail Safe operations.

7.3 Adding Single-Instance Oracle Databases to a Group

To configure a single-instance Oracle Database for high availability, add it to a group that currently contains at least one network name. Oracle Fail Safe adds all other resources that the single-instance Oracle Database requires. Typically, the group includes the following resources:

  • One or more network names, each of which consists of an IP address and network name

  • The Oracle Database instance

  • All disks used by the Oracle Database

  • An Oracle Net network listener that listens on the network name (or names) of the group for connection requests to the databases in the group

7.3.1 Before You Get Started

Before you add a single-instance database to a group, note the following:

  • All files used by the single-instance database must be on the shared cluster disks, except the database initialization parameter file, which can be placed on a private disk or on a shared cluster disk. See Section for more information about the placement of the initialization parameter file.

  • Resources must belong to one group only. Therefore, if two single-instance databases share the same disk drives, then both databases must be in the same group.

  • In a failover, the data in a temporary table does not fail over. Operations that involve the use of temporary tables and tablespaces (such as sorts and hash joins) re-create any needed temporary objects when restarted on the failover node. However, you must review applications that rely on the existence of specific data in temporary tables to be sure they function as expected.

    Refer to the Temporary Tables discussion in the Oracle Database Concepts manual for more information about temporary tables.

  • The group must contain at least one network name.

  • Database service names must be unique across the cluster.

  • The listener and all the databases in the group must use the same Oracle home.

7.3.2 Configuration Steps

Table 7-1 provides a quick reference to the tasks needed to configure a single-instance Oracle Database for high availability. For detailed instructions about a particular task, see the online help and tutorial. To access online help, select Help from the Actions menu on the right pane of Oracle Fail Safe Manager window. Or select Fail Safe Documentation in the middle pane of Oracle Fail Safe Manager, then select the HTML or PDF version of the Tutorial for step-by-step instructions.

Table 7-1 Steps for Configuring Databases

Step Procedure Oracle Fail Safe Manager Procedure


Ensure that the Oracle Database software is installed on a private disk on each node in the cluster that you intend to be a possible owner for the Oracle Database.

See the Oracle Database documentation for installation information.


Create a group and add one or more network names.

In the Actions menu on the right pane of Microsoft Windows Failover Cluster Manager window, select Configure a Service or Application, the High Availability wizard opens. Select Other Server from the Select Service or Application page and click Next. Then in the Client Access Point page, set the network address and click Next. After this, choose a cluster disk from the list in the Select Storage page and click Next. Do not select any resource types and click Next to confirm your choices.


Create a sample database, if desired.

From Oracle Resources view, choose Create Sample Database action from the Actions menu in the right pane of the screen. You can use this sample database to try out the features of Oracle Fail Safe before using them on a production database. Do not use the sample database for production work.


Verify the standalone database.

Select the resource that you want to verify from the Available Oracle Resources list, then select Validate from the Actions menu of the Oracle Resources view. This operation performs validation checks to ensure that the standalone database is configured correctly on the node where it resides and to remove any references to the database that may exist on other cluster nodes.


Add the Oracle Database to the group.

Select the resource that you want to add from the Available Oracle Resources list, then select Add Resource from the Actions menu of the Oracle Resources view.This helps you configure the single-instance Oracle Database for high availability.


Modify the tnsnames.ora file on each client system.

Configure clients (modify the tnsnames.ora file on each client system using a network configuration tool) to recognize the virtual server. See Section 7.4 for more information.

7.3.3 Configuration Data for Oracle Databases

Oracle Fail Safe Manager provides the Add Resource to Group Wizard to assist you in configuring a single-instance Oracle Database for high availability. The pages presented in the wizard vary, depending on the number of network names currently in the group, and the number of nodes in the cluster.

Typically, each group has one network name, but more complex configurations may have multiple network names. To perform a typical configuration using the Add Resource to Group Wizard, you need the following data:

  • Identity of the single-instance Oracle Database, including instance name and specification for the database initialization parameter file

  • The database SYS password, if OS authentication is not used

If you add a database to a group that currently contains multiple network names, then you are also asked to specify the network name or names for the listener.

The following sections describe in detail the configuration requirements for single-instance databases. Naming a Cluster Resource

Microsoft failover clusters allow you to use any text string for the name of a resource. By default, Oracle Fail Safe uses the instance ID for the database. You can change the name to something more meaningful, if desired. For example, the cluster resource name is changed to Test Database here.

Figure 7-1 Add Resource to Group Cluster Resource Name Wizard Page

Description of Figure 7-1 follows
Description of "Figure 7-1 Add Resource to Group Cluster Resource Name Wizard Page" Choosing Nodes

If you are adding a database to a group and the cluster consists of more than two nodes, then you are asked to specify the nodes which must be possible owners for the database by specifying a list of selected nodes, as shown in Figure 7-2. To specify that a particular node must not be a possible owner for the database, select the node from the Selected Nodes list and click the left arrow.

Section 2.6.7 describes in detail the concept of the possible owner nodes list.

Figure 7-2 Add Resource to Group Wizard Page When All Nodes Are Available

Description of Figure 7-2 follows
Description of "Figure 7-2 Add Resource to Group Wizard Page When All Nodes Are Available"

If you are adding a single-instance database to a group and the cluster consists of two or more nodes, but one or more nodes are unavailable, then you are also asked to specify which nodes must be possible owners for the database. In this case, the wizard page displays which nodes are unavailable, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3 Add Resource to Group Wizard Page When Any Node Is Unavailable

Description of Figure 7-3 follows
Description of "Figure 7-3 Add Resource to Group Wizard Page When Any Node Is Unavailable" Selecting Network Names

If the group to which you are adding a single-instance database contains multiple network names, then the Add Resource to Group Wizard asks you to specify the network name or names for the listener, as shown in Figure 7-4. This page is not displayed if the group to which you are adding a database contains only one network name.

Figure 7-4 Add Resource to Group Network Name Wizard Page

Description of Figure 7-4 follows
Description of "Figure 7-4 Add Resource to Group Network Name Wizard Page"

Oracle Fail Safe includes support for multiple network names in a group. All databases in a group must use the same network names, and the network names must be added to the group before you add the databases to the group. The sequence for building a group is as follows:

  1. Create a group.

  2. Add one or more network names to the group.

  3. Add one or more single-instance databases to the group.

For example, if a group contains a database that is using two network names and you add a second database to the group, then the second database must use the same network names as the first database that was configured into the group. Oracle Fail Safe Manager checks to ensure that the same network names are used for all single-instance databases that you add to a group.

See Section 4.7 for information about configuring a resource in a group with multiple network names. Identifying Database Parameters

The Add Resource to Group Wizard requests database parameters information to uniquely identify the single-instance database that is being configured for high availability, as shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5 Database Parameters Wizard Page

Description of Figure 7-5 follows
Description of "Figure 7-5 Database Parameters Wizard Page"

Oracle Fail Safe uses this data to configure the database into the cluster (for example, to update the tnsnames.ora file). It also passes the data that you supply to Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters, where it is registered for use when the database is brought online, taken offline, or when Is Alive polling is performed. Oracle Fail Safe requests the name and location of the initialization parameter file.

When an Oracle Database starts, it uses the initialization parameter file to specify the name of the database, the amount of memory to allocate, the names of control files, and various limits and other system parameters.

In most cases, place the parameter file on a cluster disk so that it can be accessed regardless of which cluster node is currently hosting the database. However, a copy of the initialization parameter file can be placed on each node's private disk, if you ensure that the file exists at the same location on all cluster nodes that are configured to run a database. You may decide to place the parameter file on each node's private disk to set different parameters for the database, depending on which node is hosting it. This can be useful if some nodes have less memory or processing capabilities than others.


If needed, you can move the initialization parameter file after a database has been configured for high availability. See the Oracle Fail Safe Manager Help for information about how this is performed.

Oracle Fail Safe requires that a text initialization parameter file (PFILE) be specified in the Parameter File field. To use a binary server parameter file (SPFILE) with databases configured for high availability, specify the location of the SPFILE from within the PFILE using the SPFILE=SPFILE-location parameter. The SPFILE must reside on a shared disk that is a member of the cluster group where the database resides. For example, the contents of the PFILE may include the following parameters:


(If you specify an SPFILE in the PFILE that Oracle Fail Safe uses, then be careful if and when you export the SPFILE. If you use a CREATE PFILE FROM SPFILE command without including file specifications, then you overwrite the PFILE that Oracle Fail Safe is using. Therefore, be sure to specify a unique file name for the PFILE to which the SPFILE is exported. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for detailed information about server parameter files.)

All Oracle database instances on each node of the cluster must use the same SPFILE and the file must be on shared storage. If the SPFILE is not currently stored on a shared disk, then create a copy using SQL*PLUS as follows:

CREATE SPFILE=shared disk path\spfiledb_unique_name.ora

Create a PFILE, ORACLE_HOME\dbs\initsid.ora that contains the name SPFILE=shared disk path\spfiledb_unique_name.ora. Database Authentication

The Authentication page is presented if the account under which Oracle Fail Safe was installed is not in one of the following Windows operating system groups: the ORA_DBA group, the ORA_SID_DBA group, or the ORA_home_DBA group associated with the database. When the account under which Oracle Fail Safe was installed is in the ORA_DBA group, the ORA_SID_DBA group, or the ORA_home_DBA group, it can use operating system authentication to access the database. If the account is not a member of the ORA_DBA group, the ORA_SID_DBA group, or the ORA_home_DBA group, then it must use the SYS account to access the database.

This page lets you specify whether Oracle Fail Safe should use operating system authentication or the SYS account to access the database and its instances, as shown in Figure 7-6.


The Database Authentication page is not presented if the account under which Oracle Fail Safe was installed, is a member of a group that lets it access the database using operating system authentication.

Figure 7-6 Database Authentication Page

Description of Figure 7-6 follows
Description of "Figure 7-6 Database Authentication Page"

If there is an Oracle Home User configured, then Oracle Fail Safe displays an additional set of password fields for the Oracle Home User. Ensure that you provide the Oracle Home User password too.

Figure 7-7 Database Authentication Page

Description of Figure 7-7 follows
Description of "Figure 7-7 Database Authentication Page" Database Resource Addition Confirmation

Finally, the Add Resource wizard asks you to confirm the operation. Note that the cluster group will be taken offline during the Add operation. The database and any resources in the group will be unavailable while Oracle Fail Safe adds the database to the group. Click Finish to complete the task of adding the Oracle Database to group.

Figure 7-8 Database Resource Addition Confirmation Page

Description of Figure 7-8 follows
Description of "Figure 7-8 Database Resource Addition Confirmation Page"

7.4 About Oracle Net Listener Resource Creation and Configuration

When you add a single-instance database to a group, Oracle Fail Safe creates and configures the Oracle Net listener resource and the database resource in the group. The new group listener configuration is based on the listener that the standalone database is using when it is being added to the group. The new listener will be given the same parameters as the original listener and it will use the same port numbers in its address list.

During normal operations, the cluster will periodically poll the listener to verify that the Windows service is started and that the listener responds to status commands. If those checks fail, then the listener is terminated and the cluster starts its failover policies to determine if the listener resource should be restarted or if the group should be failed over to a different node. Any resource failure discovered by the Oracle cluster resource control manager will be logged in the Windows application event log.

Oracle Fail Safe creates a dependency between the database and the IP address associated with the listener but not on the listener itself. This dependency is created to avoid a situation in which clients would stop responding when an IP address was taken offline before the database.

7.4.1 Client Connections to Highly Available Single-Instance Databases

Network objects (including databases) are identified by a network address. For a connection between a client and a database to be made, the network address in the tnsnames.ora file on the client and the network address in the listener.ora file on the server must match. In other words, a client uses a network address to send a connection request to a particular network object location, and the recipient listens for requests on this address and grants a connection based on its address information matching its client information.

When you add a single-instance database to a group, Oracle Fail Safe creates a listener for the group in the same Oracle home where the database resides. When Oracle Fail Safe configures the network name information, it updates the tnsnames.ora files in all Oracle homes on cluster nodes that are possible owners for the database. This enables Oracle Fail Safe to access the database instance using the updated configuration.

Section 7.4.2 describes how Oracle Fail Safe creates an entry in the listener.ora file and updates the tnsnames.ora file after you add a database to a group so that clients can connect to the database, regardless of which cluster node is hosting the database.


Oracle Fail Safe does not support the use of the TNS_ADMIN Windows environment variable or registry parameter. Oracle Fail Safe retrieves and updates Oracle Net files in the Oracle_Home\network\admin directory; it ignores the TNS_ADMIN Windows environment variable or registry parameter if either is specified.

7.4.2 Updating Oracle Net Configuration After Adding a Database to a Group

When you add a single-instance database to a group, Oracle Fail Safe changes the Oracle Net configuration for the database in the tnsnames.ora file, the listener.ora file, and the sqlnet.ora file as described in the following sections. Updates That Oracle Fail Safe Makes to the tnsnames.ora File

When you add a single-instance database to a group, Oracle Fail Safe ensures that all net service descriptors in the tnsnames.ora file are updated to use the network name or names used by the cluster group. First, Oracle Fail Safe scans the tnsnames.ora file for any existing net service descriptors that reference the database. Any existing descriptors are changed to use the address list of the group's TNS listener. Then, for each service name found in the database's service_names parameter, Oracle Fail Safe ensures that there is a net service descriptor in the tnsnames.ora file. If no net service descriptor is found, Oracle Fail Safe creates a new net service descriptor that contains an address list that matches the group's listener address list. If there are multiple Oracle homes on the node, then all net service descriptors for the database are duplicated to the tnsnames.ora files in the other Oracle homes. Similarly, the new net service descriptors are duplicated to all tnsnames.ora files on all other nodes in the cluster.

When adding a single-instance database to a group, if you do not specify a domain name in the Oracle Net service name Oracle Fail Safe chooses a domain name to append to the net service name as follows:

  • Oracle Fail Safe looks for the default domain name in the Oracle home of the latest database version on the node. If found, this default domain name is appended to the net service name. For example, assuming Oracle Database 12c is the latest database version on the node, if you specify MyDB as the Oracle Net service name, and the default domain name in the Oracle Database 12c home is example.com, then the net service name will become MyDB.example.com.

  • If there is no default domain name in the Oracle home of the latest database version on the node, then Oracle Fail Safe appends nothing to the net service name. For example, if you specify MyDB, then the net service name will also be MyDB.

If you define an archive log destination as a service name, as shown in the following example, then Oracle Fail Safe will not automatically update the tnsnames.ora file on all cluster nodes. On each cluster node, edit or add the service name entry to the tnsnames.ora file manually.

log_archive_dest_2='SERVICE=standby OPTIONAL REOPEN=120'

All client systems that connect to the database must have their tnsnames.ora files updated to use the cluster group's network name for the HOST parameter in each network service descriptor's address list that references the database. Edit each client's local tnsnames.ora file manually or use a network configuration tool. Updates That Oracle Fail Safe Makes to the listener.ora File

When you add a single-instance database to a group, Oracle Fail Safe makes the following changes to the listener.ora file:

  1. Creates a new Oracle Fail Safe listener that is configured to listen on the network name associated with the single-instance database

  2. Stops and restarts the standalone database listener to accept the changes that have been made

  3. Starts the new Oracle Fail Safe listener

When a new cluster group listener is created, Oracle Fail Safe duplicates the port numbers from the original listener to the new listener. For example, if the original listener had ADDRESS entries with ports 1521 and 1522 in the ADDRESS_LIST, then the new listener will create an ADDRESS_LIST that contains the same port numbers.

When a new group listener is created, Oracle Fail Safe forces all databases in the cluster group to use secure registration through the IPC protocol. So, Oracle Fail Safe creates a parameter, SECURE_REGISTER_group_listener_name with the value, IPC.

When a database is added to a cluster group and there is no listener configured for the group, then Oracle Fail Safe will copy the parameters from the database's current listener to the new group listener. For example, if the database is currently using the default listener named "listener", and that listener has the parameter INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_LISTENER in the listener.ora file, then Oracle Fail Safe will create the parameter INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_group_listener_name for the new listener and assign it the value used for the INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_LISTENER parameter. Updates That Oracle Fail Safe Makes to the sqlnet.ora File

When you add a single-instance database to a group, if operating system authentication has been chosen for the database, then Oracle Fail Safe adds the SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(NTS) parameter to the sqlnet.ora file (assuming the parameter is not set).

7.4.3 Using External Procedures with Databases Configured for High Availability

Oracle Fail Safe does not create external procedure parameters for new group listeners. If your application uses external procedures, then you must manually edit the listener.ora and tnsname.ora files on each node in the cluster and add the parameters needed for the external procedures used by your application.

7.4.4 Support for Databases Using Shared Servers

The following sections describe how Oracle Fail Safe supports single-instance databases that use a shared server configuration.


When you set up a database to use a shared servers configuration, ensure that Oracle Fail Safe can continue to use a dedicated server connection for its internal operations. Do this by specifying the (SERVER=DEDICATED) parameter in the connect data portion of the net service name entry for the database in the tnsnames.ora file on each cluster server node. (By default, if shared servers are used and no SERVER parameter is specified, then the listener establishes a connection using shared servers.) Shared Servers for Databases

To use a shared server configuration, it may be necessary to make modifications to the database parameter file.

You can specify listener information in either the LOCAL_LISTENER or the DISPATCHERS parameter for a shared server configuration.

If the shared server configuration uses the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter to specify full listener information (full listener information specifies both host and port values), then Oracle Fail Safe automatically updates the database parameter file for the shared server configuration during the Add Resource to Group operation.

The single-instance database runs in shared server mode after you add it to a group. Do not make any further changes to the database parameter file.

The following example shows a shared server configuration that will be updated automatically by Oracle Fail Safe:

dispatchers = "(PROTOCOL=TCP)(DISPATCHERS=1)"
local_listener = "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="

After you add the database to a group, Oracle Fail Safe updates the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter to use the listener information for the group.

However, if the shared servers configuration uses the DISPATCHERS parameter to specify full listener information, then remove the host and port values from the DISPATCHERS parameter. Oracle Fail Safe always writes the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter to the database parameter file.

When you remove a database from a group using Oracle Fail Safe Manager, it deletes the LOCAL_LISTENER parameter from the database initialization file. You must add the parameter back into the database initialization file by following the instructions in Section 7.2.2.

7.5 Security Requirements for Single-Instance Databases

To manage a single-instance Oracle Database, use a database administrator account that has SYSDBA privileges. This lets you administer Oracle Databases from a remote client.

When you create a single-instance sample database or add a single-instance database to a group, Oracle Fail Safe must use operating system authentication or the SYS user account to access the database. Use an authentication password file and set the initialization parameter, REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE, in the database initialization parameter file (initdatabase-name.ora) to either SHARED or EXCLUSIVE if users access the database using the SYS account. Set the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE to NONE if users only access the database using operating system authentication.


Oracle Fail Safe does not support setting the Windows registry DBA_AUTHORIZATION parameter to the value of BYPASS.

Refer to Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about database administrator authentication and the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter.

7.5.1 Synchronizing Password Files on Cluster Nodes

Database password files are stored on private disks. Changes that you make to the password file on one cluster node are not automatically applied to the corresponding file on the other cluster nodes.

Therefore, if you add an account to the password file on one cluster node, then you must add that account to the password file on the other cluster nodes that are configured to run the database instance. If there are accounts in addition to SYS stored in a password file, then you must grant SYSOPER and SYSDBA privileges for the additional accounts on the other cluster nodes for a single-instance fail-safe database.

If you add a single-instance database to a group with the Oracle Fail Safe Manager Add Resource to Group Wizard, then Oracle Fail Safe creates a database instance on the other nodes that are configured to run the database and uses the default value for the maximum number of users in the password file. The password file on the node where the instance is created contains only the password for the SYS account that you supply in the Add Resource to Group Wizard.

On the other nodes configured to run the database instance, perform the following steps to synchronize the password files on the other cluster nodes:

  1. If the number of accounts in the password file exceeds the default maximum, then create a new password file. Otherwise, skip to Step 2.

    To create a new password file, refer to instructions about creating password files in the Administrator's Guide for your Oracle Database release.

  2. Move the group containing the single-instance database to another node configured to run the database instance.

  3. Grant privileges to accounts other than SYS on the node to which you move the database.

  4. Repeat Step 2 and 3 for each node in the cluster configured to run the database.

    Now the local copies of the password file are identical on all nodes configured to run the database instance.

7.5.2 Changing the SYS Account Password

The password for the SYS account is normally stored in a password file that is located in the Oracle home associated with the database. Since each cluster node has an Oracle home that is used for a database that means that there are multiple password files that must be maintained when a database is a cluster resource. To change the password for the SYS account use the Oracle Fail Safe Manager utility so that the change can be propagated to each Oracle home in the cluster that is associated with the database. Do not attempt to manually change the SYS account password using SQL*Plus or any other utility since that will interfere with the password maintenance strategy used by Oracle Fail Safe.

The password for a database can be changed on the Properties page for a database resource. In Oracle Fail Safe Manager, select the database from the cluster resource list and then click on the Properties action in the Actions menu. The resource properties page is displayed. If operating system authentication is not used, then the password fields are displayed.

Description of db_gen_prop.gif follows
Description of the illustration db_gen_prop.gif

For a typical database, the password change will take effect immediately. However, if the database password file is being shared, that is, the database initialization parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE has been set to SHARED, then the database must be re-opened before the password change can take effect. In other words, the database cluster resource must be taken offline and then brought back online, or the cluster group that owns the database has to be moved to another node in the cluster before the password can be changed. Oracle Fail Safe updates the password file while the database is offline.

7.5.3 Upgrading a Fail-Safe Database with the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant

This section describes how to use the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant to upgrade a single-instance fail-safe database from one release to another or to move a single-instance Oracle Database from one Oracle home to another.

For each single-instance database you upgrade or move to a new home, perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the single-instance database from the group.

  2. Run the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant from the Oracle home to which you are moving or upgrading your single-instance database.

  3. Be prepared to provide the location of the database parameter file for the single-instance database you are upgrading. During a database upgrade, the database parameter file is converted. If the database parameter file is on a cluster disk, then your parameter file is appropriately located for Oracle Fail Safe to make the conversion. If the database parameter file is located on a private disk, then the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant only converts the local copy. In this case, you must edit the copy on the other cluster nodes and make the appropriate changes.

  4. Specify the location of the converted database files as asked by the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant. Either leave the data files in their current location, or specify a cluster disk that is currently accessible by the local node. If you choose the latter, then ensure the cluster disk is not being used by another group.

  5. When all databases in the group have been upgraded or moved to a new home with the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant, use Oracle Fail Safe Manager to put the databases back into the group and then place the databases online, as follows:

    1. To add an available resource to a group, select the resource you want to add to a group, then select Add Resource from the Actions menu of the Oracle Resources view.

    2. The Add Resource to Group guided process wizard opens to assist in the configuration of the cluster resource.

If one database in a group is moved with the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant to a new Oracle home, then all databases in the group must use the same Oracle home.

7.6 Optimizations for Single-Instance Database Recovery

Oracle Databases configured with Oracle Fail Safe for high availability ensure fast failover and fast recovery during both unplanned and planned outages (such as software upgrades and scheduled maintenance). You can take advantage of Oracle fast-start and disaster-recovery features, control time spent during database recovery, and ensure continuous monitoring of databases configured with Oracle Fail Safe for high availability.

Oracle Fail Safe and Oracle Database technology optimize the time it takes to shut down a database on one node and complete instance recovery on another node for both planned and unplanned failovers. The Oracle Database checkpoint algorithms optimize the time it takes to perform instance recovery for planned and unplanned failovers.

When you use Oracle Fail Safe Manager (or PowerShell cmdlets) to carry out a planned failover, Oracle Fail Safe checkpoints the single-instance Oracle Database before it is shut down. The single-instance database is started on the other node in a restricted mode so that instance recovery can be completed quickly and the database made available to the database clients promptly. (If you use Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters to carry out a planned failover, then it does not checkpoint the database before shutting it down.)


If you use a tool other than Oracle Fail Safe Manager, Oracle Fail Safe PowerShell cmdlet, or Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters to take a database offline, then Oracle Fail Safe considers it a failed resource and attempts to place it back online.

For unplanned failover, the instance recovery time is controlled by the database recovery processing. See the Oracle Database documentation for details on fast-start recovery operations.

7.7 Performing Administrative Tasks on a Single-Instance Fail-Safe Database

Perform administrative tasks on a database configured for high availability as you would for any database, with one exception. Use Oracle Fail Safe Manager or the PowerShell cmdlets command-line interface (see Chapter 5) to take a database offline (and stop cluster monitoring of the database) during any operation that restricts access to the database or for which you want to temporarily disable the possibility of failover. This includes not only cold backup operations but also administrative operations that must be performed while users continue to access the database, or operations that could affect response times during the periodic Is Alive polling of the database by Microsoft Windows Failover Clusters.

Use the following steps to perform administrative tasks on a database that is configured in a group with Oracle Fail Safe Manager:

  1. Use Oracle Fail Safe Manager or the Fail Safe PowerShell cmdlets to take the database offline, shut down the database, and suspend monitoring of the database by the cluster. All users connected to the database will be disconnected.

  2. Use a tool such as SQL*Plus to start the database and to perform your administrative tasks. While the database is started, users can access the database.

  3. Use a tool such as SQL*Plus to shut down the database once you complete the administrative tasks.

  4. Use Oracle Fail Safe Manager or the Fail Safe PowerShell cmdlets to place the database online again. The cluster will resume monitoring the database.

If, during an administrative task, you perform an operation that changes the configuration of the database (such as adding a new tablespace and associated data file), then you must run the Validate group operation. Adding a new data file can introduce a new disk dependency in the group. When you run the Validate group operation, it checks to ensure that the disk is a cluster disk and that it does not belong to another group. If adding the new data file introduces a new disk dependency in the group, then the disk is added to the same group as the database and the information in the cluster registry is updated to ensure that the new disk correctly fails over with the database.

7.8 Database Homes

Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), Oracle Database supports the use of Oracle Home User specified at the time of installation. Oracle Home User must be the domain user account. Oracle Home User is associated with an Oracle home. Ensure that all nodes in a cluster that use the same Oracle home use the same Oracle Home User.

When Oracle Fail Safe accesses a database, it usually uses the same Oracle Database home to access any database on the system. The database home that Oracle Fail Safe uses is chosen when the server starts. Oracle Fail Safe scans all database homes to look for the home that has the highest software version. Initially, it only looks at homes that have their \bin path included in the system PATH environment variable. If Oracle Fail Safe does not find any database homes in the system PATH, then it scans all the database homes looking for the home with the highest version.

Note that since Oracle Fail Safe chooses a database home when it first starts, it will not be aware of any database homes that are installed after Oracle Fail Safe started. The Oracle Fail Safe server and resource monitors must be restarted before Oracle Fail Safe considers a new database home for use. After installing a newer version of Oracle Database, the Cluster Service service should be restarted on all nodes so that Oracle Fail Safe can use the new database home.

If there are databases being managed by the cluster then there must be a database home installed on a local disk of each node in the cluster. If a database home is installed on a shared cluster disk then it's \bin directory should not be included in the system PATH environment variable.

There are two different Oracle Fail Safe components that may access a database:

  1. The Oracle Fail Safe server (OracleMSCSServices)

  2. The Oracle Fail Safe database resource DLL (FsResOdbs.dll)

The server will normally only access a database when configuring a database resource (add or delete resource) or during verify operations. During typical system operation the Oracle Fail Safe server does not access any databases.

The resource DLL is invoked by the Windows Cluster Service when a database or a listener resource is referenced by the cluster. For example, when a database is brought online during IsAlive polling when the resource fails over to another virtual node, and so on. On systems with multiple database homes, there may be a requirement to have each database on the system accessed using the same database home software that is being used by the instance for that database. It is possible to configure a resource to run in a separate resource monitor process by selecting the "Run this resource in a separate resource monitor" check box on the resource properties page displayed by the Oracle Fail Safe Manager. When that option is enabled, instead of always using the highest version database home on the system, the resource monitor process for the database uses the database home that is used to run the database instance when accessing the database. When referencing database listener resources, the resource DLL always uses the software from the \bin path used to start the listener service, regardless of the setting of the "Run this resource in a separate resource monitor" option.

See Section 4.3.1 for information regarding the user accounts used by Oracle Fail Safe components when accessing databases.

7.9 Configuring Transparent Application Failover (TAF)

For standalone single-instance databases, transparent application failover (TAF) instructs Oracle Net to reestablish a failed connection to a database by connecting to a different listener. This lets the user continue work using the new connection as if the original connection had never failed. The transparent application failover feature does not work the same way for a single-instance Oracle Fail Safe database as it does for a standalone single-instance database. For a Oracle Fail Safe database, a transparent application failover instructs Oracle Net to reconnect to the same listener, which has moved to another cluster node due to a group failover.

For a standalone database, the term failover in the phrase "transparent application failover" refers to Oracle Net failing over a connection from one listener to another. For a Oracle Fail Safe database, the term failover in the phrase "transparent application failover" is a bit of a misnomer as the application does not fail over, but the listener to which it is connected fails over, and then a connection is reestablished.

These differences in implementation do not affect how you manage transparent application failover.

To take advantage of transparent application failover when connected to a database configured with Oracle Fail Safe, the client applications must connect through Oracle Net to an Oracle Database.

With transparent application failover, clients must not explicitly reconnect after a group fails over. The OCI connection handles reconnection and state recovery automatically for the client application. In fact, applications that are not actively updating the database at the time of a failure may not notice that failover is occurring.

Refer to the Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide for complete information about transparent application failover.

7.10 Handling Errors and Troubleshooting Problems with Databases

The following sections describe how to specify a script to handle errors if they occur when Oracle Fail Safe attempts to bring a highly available single-instance database online and how to troubleshoot specific problems that you may encounter with single-instance Oracle Databases configured for high availability. For general information about troubleshooting Oracle Databases, see the Oracle Database documentation.

7.10.1 Handling Errors That Occur When Bringing a Database Online

Specify a script to handle errors that may occur when Oracle Fail Safe is attempting to place a single-instance database online. Oracle Fail Safe uses the same script for all single-instance fail-safe databases on the cluster.

To specify an error handling script:

  1. Create a script to handle the error or errors.

  2. Name the script FsDbError.bat.

  3. Ensure that the script returns 0 if it succeeds and any nonzero integer if it fails.

  4. Place the script in the following directory on each cluster node that is a possible owner for a database resource and ensure that the file owner has local Administrator privileges on that cluster node:


If Oracle Fail Safe cannot bring a single-instance database online, then it spawns a process to run the script, then it passes the error code, the database name, the database SID, the TNS service name, and the database parameter file specification to the script and executes the script, as follows:

FsDbError.bat error-code database-name SID TNS service name parameter-file-spec

For example:

FsDbError.bat ORA-01113 OracleDB OracleDB OracleDB.WORLD D:\Ora\admin\OracleDB\pfile\initOracleDB.ora

The process in which the script is running waits for the script to finish within the period of time specified as the Pending Timeout value for database resources. If the script does not finish within the pending timeout period, then the script is terminated.

Oracle Fail Safe logs an event to the Windows Event Log to indicate whether the script succeeded, failed, or was terminated by Oracle Fail Safe. If the script failed, the error code is also written to the event log.

Regardless of whether the script succeeds or fails, Oracle Fail Safe continues to attempt to bring the single-instance database online as defined in the database restart and failover policies.

7.10.2 Troubleshooting Problems

In most cases, the first step in troubleshooting a problem is to select the Validate cluster, Validate group, or Validate standalone database action. These tools are described in general in Chapter 6. If the Validate actions do not reveal the source of the problem, review the Windows Application Event Log to see if any error messages have been posted. When the operation fails, Oracle support may also ask to have tracing enabled. See Appendix A for more information on enabling Oracle Fail Safe tracing.

When you select Validate action for a group containing a single-instance database, Oracle Fail Safe performs the following tasks:

  • Queries each database in the group to determine which disks it uses. Then, it validates that the disks are cluster disks and have been added to the group. If the disk validation fails (for example, because a disk has been added to the database since it was configured for high availability), then the Validate group action prompts you before fixing the problem.

  • Detects disk drive changes and updates resource dependencies, if necessary.

  • Ensures that the Oracle Net configurations are correct.

  • Repairs any misconfigured resources in the group.

You can select the Validate group action at any time. However, you must run it when any of the following occurs:

  • A group or resource in a group does not come online.

  • Failover or failback does not perform as you expect.

  • You add more disks to a single-instance database that is configured in a group.

  • A new node is added to the cluster.

For example, assume that you add a new disk to a single-instance database, but you do not use Oracle Fail Safe Manager to update the cluster configuration. If a server node subsequently shuts down, failover does not occur correctly because the cluster software was never notified that there was a change in the configuration. To prevent this from happening, you must verify the group containing a single-instance database whenever you make a structural change to the database. When you verify the group, Oracle Fail Safe automatically detects changes and updates the cluster configuration for you. In the previous example, Oracle Fail Safe would add the new disk to the group for you.

If any problems are found during the group verification, then Oracle Fail Safe prompts you to fix them or returns an error message that further describes the problem.

7.10.3 Problems Adding a Database to a Group

While adding a database to a group, detailed error information might not be displayed by the Oracle Fail Safe Manager when a listener or database resource fails to come online. The Oracle Fail Safe resource control manager will log error information in the Windows application event log. For additional error information, refer to Appendix A.

7.10.4 Problems Placing a Group Online

If there is a problem placing a group that contains a single-instance database online, then try the following:

  • Validate the group.

    When you select Validate (from the Oracle Fail Safe Manager group Actions menu), Oracle Fail Safe checks the group configuration and attempts to fix any problems that it finds.

    If the Validate group action finds a problem, then it returns an error message that should help you resolve the problem manually.

  • Check the Oracle Net listener log.

    Oracle Net logs an entry to the listener log file every time an error is encountered or a database is accessed through the listener. Check for errors in the log file that may help you to identify the problem.

  • Check the Oracle Net configuration data.

    The listener.ora file on the server system and the tnsnames.ora file on both the client and server systems must contain valid virtual server addresses for the groups in your cluster.

  • Bring each resource in the group online individually.

    If multiple single-instance databases are in the group, then this helps you to identify the database causing the problem.

  • Ensure that the single-instance database Pending Timeout value specified in the Advanced Policies property page is sufficient.

    If a group containing a database fails to come online or frequently fails over, then check that the Pending Timeout value is set correctly. Failure to come online and frequent failovers occur if the Pending Timeout value for the database is set too low.

    Set the Pending Timeout value to specify the length of time you want the cluster software to allow for the database to be brought online (or taken offline) before considering the operation to have failed. Set the value high enough to prevent a cluster system from mistaking slow response time for unavailability, yet low enough to minimize the failover response time when a failure does occur.

    Set the Pending Timeout value by modifying the database properties, as follows:

    1. In the Oracle Fail Safe Manager tree view, select the database name.

    2. Click the Advanced Policies tab.

    3. In the Pending Timeout box, modify the Pending Timeout value.

  • If users use the SYS account to access the database, then ensure that the initialization parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE in the database initialization parameter file (initdatabase-name.ora) is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE.

  • If users access the database using operating system authentication only, then ensure that the initialization parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE in the database initialization parameter file is set to NONE.

  • If the account password that Oracle Fail Safe uses to access a database has changed, then update that change in Oracle Fail Safe Manager.

    If the password for the account through which Oracle Fail Safe accesses a database changes and you do not update the information through Oracle Fail Safe Manager, then the attempts at polling the database will fail. See Section 7.5.2 for information about how to update database password changes for Oracle Fail Safe.

7.10.5 Group Fails Over During Processing-Intensive Operations

Sometimes, processing-intensive operations (such as an Import operation) can cause Is Alive polling to fail and may result in an undesired group failover. In such cases, you can disable Is Alive polling for the database by issuing the (Get-OracleClusterResource dbname).IsAliveEnabled=$false command. However, be aware that when you disable Is Alive polling, Oracle Fail Safe suspends monitoring the instance until Is Alive polling is reenabled. You reenable Is Alive polling with the (Get-OracleClusterResource dbname).IsAliveEnabled=$true command.

Oracle recommends that you run these PowerShell cmdlets commands from within a script so that you can ensure that Is Alive polling is reenabled when the processing-intensive operation completes.

For information about the PowerShell cmdlets commands, see Chapter 5.

7.10.6 About Database Authentication

If there is a problem when Oracle Fail Safe tries to bring a single-instance database online or offline, then the problem may be caused by the way database authentication has been set up. Try the following to solve the problem:

  • If you select Use SYS account for authenticating database in the General property page of Oracle Database, then ensure that the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter in the database initialization parameter file (initdatabase-name.ora) is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE.

    Section 7.5 describes how to correctly set up this parameter for database authentication.

  • Ensure that Oracle Fail Safe has access to the databases in the group.

    For some operations that Oracle Fail Safe performs, such as a group verification and polling the database to ensure that it is online, Oracle Fail Safe must have access to the databases in a group. If the database account password has changed, then it must be updated in Oracle Fail Safe Manager. Otherwise, Oracle Fail Safe cannot monitor the database using Is Alive polling. This situation will be logged to the Windows Application Event log.

    Section 7.5.2 describes how to correctly update the database password.

7.10.7 Problems with Virtual Server Configurations

If you encounter problems when trying to establish a connection to either a standalone database or a database configured in a group, then you must check the Oracle Net configuration for the database.

Oracle Fail Safe provides the Validate group and Validate standalone database operations to help you verify and repair the Oracle Net configuration. See Section 6.1.2 and Section 6.1.3 for details. Problems Configuring the Network Name

Oracle Fail Safe changes the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files, and stops and starts listeners when configuring the network name information. The following list describes potential problems and the action you can take to correct each problem:

  • FS-10070 Oracle Net: name

    This message code reports any problems parsing (reading or updating) the Oracle Net listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files:

    • If these files are no longer valid due to improper update or file damage, then Oracle Fail Safe cannot use these to configure virtual server information. You must retrieve a valid version of these files or re-create the files using Oracle Net Assistant.

    • If these files are valid, then check that the net service name, the database SID, and the network name of the group used in the operation are correct. Incorrect information may cause the virtual server configuration to fail. Ensure that a database SID is not included in multiple listeners. On systems with multiple Oracle homes, check all of the listener.ora files.

  • FS-10066 Failed to start Windows service name for the Oracle Net listener

    Oracle Fail Safe starts a listener after changing the definition of a listener or creating the definition of a new listener.

    The most common reason for this error is that another listener is already listening for an address. There can be only one listener on the system listening for a particular address or database SID. For example, if LISTENER_A has the following definition, then no other listener on the system can listen for key ORCL using the IPC protocol, or port 1521 on host server_A using the TCP protocol, or ORCL SID name:


    Any other listeners that try to use the same address or database SID as LISTENER_A will fail to start.

  • Another common cause for failing to start a listener is the network name. The network name used by the listener must be active on the node where Oracle Fail Safe tries to start the listener.

See the Oracle Net documentation (including information about the log directory) for additional information about troubleshooting problems with the network configuration. Problems Creating Listeners

Oracle Fail Safe Manager uses the Listener Control Utility (LSNRCTL) to create new listeners, and captures the output in a file located in your Oracle home.

For example, if the Oracle home and network directory path is C:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN, and the network name on which the listener listens is ntclu-155, then the listener output files will be written to the following directory and file:


Each listener has its own output file that is named using the Create_listenername and the .log extension. (In the example, the listener name is fslntclu_155.) If you experience difficulties when creating a new listener, then you can use the output file to help you diagnose the problem. Archived listener.ora or tnsnames.ora Files

Whenever Oracle Fail Safe makes changes in the listener.ora or tnsnames.ora files, the original version of the file is archived. If you need to reference an Oracle Net service name definition or a listener definition as it was before Oracle Fail Safe changed the definition, then you can look at the archived versions of the configuration files.

Oracle Fail Safe retains previous versions of the configuration files. When a file is updated, the previous version of the file is renamed to filenametimestamp.ora. Note that filename.ora is the most recent file.

7.10.8 Security Access and Authentication Problems

Access and authorization problems occur most frequently when you are attempting to perform operations through Oracle Enterprise Manager.

The following list addresses some typical authentication problems:

  • From Oracle Enterprise Manager, the following error is returned when you try to connect to Oracle Fail Safe:

    FS-10101: Failed to authenticate the user username on the cluster.

    In Oracle Enterprise Manager, ensure that the User Credentials for the cluster are those of a Windows Administrator on all cluster nodes and that the user name and domain are specified correctly.

  • Jobs that you submit to Oracle Fail Safe from Oracle Enterprise Manager fail with the error Failed to authenticate user.

    • Ensure that you have a Windows account that was set up with "Log on as batch user" access rights on each node in the cluster.

    • In Oracle Enterprise Manager, ensure that the User Credentials for each node in the cluster match the user name and password for your local account on each node in the cluster.

  • When you try to perform an operation on or access a database that is configured in a group, the ORA-01031: Insufficient privileges error is returned.

    • When you create a sample database or add a database to a group, ensure that the authorization information for the database uses the SYS account with a password.

    • If you are attempting to access the database from Oracle Enterprise Manager, then ensure that the User Credentials for each database match the database SYS account.

7.10.9 Clients Cannot Access a Database

If users and client applications are unable to access a database that is configured in a group, then perform the following steps to fix the problem:

  1. Update the tnsnames.ora file to use the virtual server for the group.

  2. Select the Validate group action to validate the network (Oracle Net) configuration.

7.11 Using Highly Available Databases with Oracle Data Guard

While Oracle Fail Safe provides high availability to single-instance Oracle Databases, Oracle Data Guard provides disaster tolerance. For example, Oracle Fail Safe can ensure nearly continuous high availability for a given system, but does not protect against a disaster that incapacitates the site where that system resides. Similarly, while Oracle Data Guard provides excellent disaster recovery features, the time required to switch operations from the primary site to a physically separate site can range from several minutes to hours. By combining Oracle Fail Safe with Oracle Data Guard, your databases can be highly available and disaster tolerant.

If you have an Oracle Support contract, then you can find information about using Oracle Data Guard with Oracle Fail Safe, by logging into My Oracle Support and searching for note 259902.1 at


7.12 Use of Startup Triggers

Oracle Fail Safe does not support the use of triggers to open or close pluggable databases. For example, a trigger similar to the following should not be used for a database in a failover cluster:

END after_startup;