2.6 FS-10250 to FS-10299

FS-10250 The database name %s specified for this operation is different from the database name %s found in the parameter file
Cause: The database name value in the parameter file is different than the user input value.
Action: Resolve the difference and run this operation again.
FS-10251 The service name parameter %s found in net service name %s is different from the value %s found in the parameter file
Cause: The service name parameter value in the parameter file is different than the value in the net service name entry.
Action: Resolve the difference and run this operation again.
FS-10252 Check the parameter file %s to resolve the differences in parameter values
Cause: Differences in the parameter values between the user input for this operation and the parameter file have been found.
Action: Check the specified parameter file to resolve differences.
FS-10253 Unable to convert the resource type for Oracle TNS Listener %s
Cause: Unable to convert the resource type for the given Oracle TNS Listener resource from Generic Service to the Oracle TNS Listener resource type.
Action: Check the secondary error and make sure the Oracle TNS Listener resource type is registered with Windows Failover Cluster. If it is not, run Verify Cluster to register the Oracle TNS Listener resource type, then restart the cluster service on each cluster node to pick up the new resource type, if necessary.
FS-10254 Unable to configure the Oracle Database 10g TNS listener due to an old listener on system
Cause: The Oracle Database 10g TNS listener could not be configured because there is a TNS listener from a prior release of Oracle Database on the system.
Action: Upgrade the existing TNS listener to the Oracle Database 10g TNS listener, as follows:
  1. Stop the existing TNS listener.

  2. Move the entries for the default listener in the existing listener.ora file to the listener.ora file in the Oracle Database 10g home.

FS-10255 Error creating a unique database instance for this cluster. Clean up and try again
Cause: The sample database cannot create a unique instance for this cluster.
Action: Remove old instances and try again.
FS-10256 Invalid database parameter file %s
Cause: Encountered an error while trying to parse the database parameter file.
Action: Check the parameter file name and ensure to specify a complete file name.
FS-10257 Error validating sample disk drive %s
Cause: The Create Sample Database operation could not use the specified disk drive.
Action: Check the secondary error and retry.
FS-10258 Error trying to get the network name for this system
Cause: A call to GetComputerName failed.
Action: Check that this system has a valid name and retry.
FS-10259 Error trying to get the Oracle Net default domain name
Cause: A call to get the default domain name failed.
Action: Report the problem to your Oracle support representative.
FS-10260 The attempt to create standalone sample database %s failed
Cause: The Create Sample Database operation failed.
Action: Check the secondary error and retry.
FS-10261 The attempt to delete standalone sample database %s failed
Cause: The Delete Sample Database operation failed.
Action: Check the secondary error and retry.
FS-10262 Cannot open the Create Sample Database script file %s
Cause: Cannot open the Create Sample Database script files.
Action: Check the installation of the Create Sample Database script files.
FS-10263 Cannot delete a database that is not a sample database created by Oracle Fail Safe
Cause: You selected for deletion a database that is not an Oracle Fail Safe sample database.
Action: Select only Oracle Fail Safe sample databases for deletion. (A sample database is one that was created using the Oracle Fail Safe Manager.)
FS-10264 Standalone database was not created as a sample database by Oracle Fail Safe
Cause: Sample database information cannot be read from the Windows registry.
Action: Ensure that the database being deleted is a sample database. Also Ensure that the Windows registry entry on the node where the database resides is not corrupted. The registry tree is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\Failsafe\SampleDB

The string value located in the preceding registry tree is:

Name: FS_sid_DB

Value: ”sid,service_name,database_name,parameter_file, disk_drive


  • sid is the database instance (Example: OFS1)

  • service_name is the database service name (Example: Sample.world)

  • database_name is the name of the database (Example: OFS1DB)

  • parameter_file is the name of the database parameter file (Example: S:\OFSDB\OFS1\PARAM\FS_INIT.ORA)

  • disk_drive is the drive used by the sample database (Example S:)

FS-10265 No sample database can be found using service name %s. Entry in Windows registry has been deleted
Cause: The service name entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\Failsafe\SampleDB for the standalone database is invalid.
Action: The entry in the registry has been deleted. No further action is necessary.
FS-10266 Unable to delete sample database directory tree on disk %s instance %s
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to delete the sample database directory tree.
Action: Manually delete the directory containing the sample database file for this database (disk\ofsdb\instance\ . . . ).
FS-10267 Unable to delete sample database Windows registry information for service %s
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to delete the sample database Windows registry information.
Action: Manually delete the Windows registry information for the sample database at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\FAILSAFE\SAMPLEDB\FS_INST_DB.
FS-10268 Invalid node %s specified for sample database %s. Check entry in tnsnames.ora file
Cause: An error was encountered while trying to delete the sample database. The specified node is not a valid node for the cluster.
Action: The sample database information is taken from the tnsnames.ora file. Check the entry to ensure that the correct host names are specified for the database.
FS-10269 Error while trying to create and populate sample database files
Cause: The Create Sample Database operation encountered an error when trying to create and populate the sample database directory on the cluster disk.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10270 Oracle Fail Safe sample database files are not found in the installation directory or CD-ROM
Cause: Cannot find the sample database files in the installation directory Oracle_Home\fs\fssvr\sample or on the CD-ROM.
Action: Rerun the Oracle Fail Safe installation and select the option to install the necessary sample database files or load the Oracle Fail Safe CD-ROM.
FS-10271 Error trying to list standalone databases in the cluster
Cause: Encountered an error when trying to list the standalone databases in the cluster.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10272 Error copying standalone database file %s to %s
Cause: Encountered an error copying a standalone database starter file.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10273 Error trying to list database SIDs on cluster node %s
Cause: Encountered an error when trying to list the database SIDs.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10274 Error trying to execute sample database scripts with command - %s
Cause: Encountered an error when trying to execute sample database scripts.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10275 Disk %s cannot be used for the specified operation because it is not online on node %s
Cause: The cluster disk resource is either offline on the current node or mounted on another cluster node.
Action: Bring the disk online on the desired node.
FS-10276 Failed to create the variables file for sample database %s
Cause: Cannot create the variables file used by DBCA to create the sample database.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10278 Unable to find template directory %s
Cause: Oracle Fail Safe cannot find the template directory used by the Database Configuration Assistant.
Action: Ensure that the Database Configuration Assistant is installed correctly.
FS-10279 Error validating listener %s for database %s
Cause: An error in the network configuration was found for the specified database.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-10280 A timeout occurred while waiting for a resource to come online
Cause: The resource took more time to come online than what was specified by the Pending Timeout parameter.
Action: Verify that all resources in the group (that should be in an online state) eventually come online.
FS-10281 Verify group on node %s has found the following problems. Repair has been requested
Cause: One or more problems were found while verifying a group. What follows is a list of problems found. Repair has been requested.
Action: If the repair is successful, no further action is required. If the repair fails, attempt to fix the problems manually.
FS-10282 Verify group on node %s has found the following problems. Repair has not been requested
Cause: One or more problems were found when verifying a group. What follows is a list of problems found. Repair has not been requested.
Action: Attempt to fix the problems manually.
FS-10283 Listener %s defined in %s for SID %s may be obsolete. Its Windows service is not found. Clean up the listener
Cause: There is more than one listener for this SID.
Action: Check the listener.ora file in all Oracle homes network configuration directories and remove the obsolete listener for this SID. Also check Windows services for each listener.
FS-10284 Listener %s defined in %s for SID %s may be obsolete. Its Windows service %s is not started. Clean up the listener
Cause: There is more than one listener for this SID.
Action: Check the listener.ora file in all Oracle homes network configuration directories and remove the obsolete listener for this SID. Also check Windows services for each listener.
FS-10285 Listener %s defined in %s may be obsolete. Its Windows service is not found. Clean up the listener
Cause: There is more than one listener that can be used.
Action: Check the listener.ora file in all Oracle homes network configuration directories and remove the obsolete listener for this SID. Also check Windows services for each listener.
FS-10286 Listener %s defined in %s may be obsolete. Its Windows service %s is not started. Clean up the listener
Cause: There is more than one listener that can be used.
Action: Check the listener.ora file in all Oracle homes network configuration directories and remove the obsolete listener for this SID. Also check Windows services for each listener.
FS-10287 Unable to remove disk %s from the group because resource %s has a dependency on it
Cause: The specified disk could not be removed from the group because another resource depends on it.
Action: No action is necessary. This message is informational only.
FS-10288 Parameter file %s is not located on a cluster disk
Cause: The database parameter file is not on a cluster disk. In order for the database to be able to come online, a parameter file must be accessible at the same location on all nodes.
Action: Either move the parameter file to a shared cluster disk or copy the parameter file to the same location on all nodes.
FS-10289 Database uses a remote disk drive for file %s
Cause: The database file uses a remote disk. In order for the database to be able to come online, this file must be accessible on all nodes.
Action: Either move the file to a shared disk or ensure that the remote disk is available on all nodes.
FS-10290 A cluster resource name must be specified
Cause: The operation requires a cluster resource name.
Action: Specify a cluster resource name when executing the operation.
FS-10291 A home service user must be a domain account
Cause: When creating a home with a service user, a domain account must be specified. A local user will not have authorization to access resources that are shared across nodes in a cluster.
Action: Reinstall the home using a domain user for the home service user.
FS-10292 The Oracle Net default domains are not consistently defined on this node
Cause: The Oracle Net default domains do not match across homes on this node.
Action: See the secondary message.
FS-10293 System environment variable %s is set to \"%s\
Cause: The system environment variable is set to a value that could cause errors.
Action: If the environment variable is TNS_ADMIN, then having it set could cause Oracle Fail Safe configuration settings to be configured to the wrong files. Oracle Fail Safe does not support setting TNS_ADMIN.