5 Using the Autopilot

This chapter explains how to use the Autopilot to specify start and stop times for scenario profiles and the rampup specifications for each virtual user. Default values can be set by selecting Options from the Tools menu then select Autopilot Defaults.


Changing the autopilot defaults does not affect the current scenario. The changed autopilot defaults go into effect when you start a new scenario.

Before you can use the Autopilot, you must first define virtual user profiles and scenarios and submit the scenario profiles to the Autopilot. Chapter 4 explains how to define virtual user profiles. Chapter 5 explains how to define scenarios and submit them to the Autopilot.

5.1 Specifying Start and Stop Settings

The Start the load test and Stop the load test groups of the Set Up Autopilot tab is where you specify when to start and stop running of virtual user scenarios.

5.1.1 Specifying When to Start Virtual Users

The Start the load test selector specifies when to start running virtual user scenarios and has the following options:

  • When the start button is pressed - starts running the scenario as soon as you start the Autopilot.

  • After a delay of - allows you to specify an amount of time to wait before starting the virtual user scenario. Selecting this option enters a default time in the associated editbox in the format: hh:mm:ss. Change the amount of time as necessary. The Autopilot waits the specified amount of time after you start the Autopilot to start running the virtual users.

  • At specific time - allows you to specify the time to start running the virtual user scenario. Selecting this option enters a default time in the associated editbox in the format: hh:mm:ss. Change the time as necessary. The Autopilot waits until the specified time after you start the Autopilot to start running the virtual users.

  • Synchronize VU start up - fully initializes the first group of virtual users in their respective agent processes before actually beginning the iteration. This procedure attempts to eliminate any startup overhead that may amplify the iteration performance times of the virtual users' first iterations.

5.1.2 Specifying When to Stop Virtual Users

The Stop the load test selector specifies when to stop virtual user scenarios that are currently running and has the following options:

  • When the stop button is pressed - repeats running of the virtual user scenario continuously until you manually stop the virtual users.

  • Iterations played by each user - allows you to specify the number of times the virtual users iterate over the scripts submitted to the Autopilot. Selecting this option enters a default number of iterations in the associated edit box. Change the iteration count as necessary. The virtual users run the scenario profiles the specified number of times and then stops automatically after the count is reached.

  • After a delay of - allows you to specify an amount of time to continue running the virtual user scenario. Selecting this option enters a default time in the associated editbox in the format: hh:mm:ss. Change the amount of time as necessary. The Autopilot runs the scenario profiles for the specified amount of time and then automatically stops running the scenario.

  • At specific time - allows you to specify the time to stop running the virtual user scenario. Selecting this option enters a default time in the associated edit box in the format: hh:mm:ss. Change the time as necessary. The Autopilot plays back the scenario profiles until the specified time and then automatically stops running the scenario.

5.2 Specifying Virtual User Rampup

The Rampup Specification group is where you specify the rate at which the Autopilot starts running virtual users.

The Add per Step and After every settings work together to specify the start rate of the virtual users.

5.2.1 Specifying How Many Virtual Users to Start at a Time

Add per step specifies the start rate for virtual users.

  • users - specifies the number of the virtual users to start at a time based upon the After setting. Selecting this option enters a default number of virtual users, which is the total number, in the associated editbox. Change the number as required.

  • percent - specifies a percentage of the virtual users to start at a time based upon the After setting. Selecting this option enters a default percentage in the associated editbox. Change the percentage as required.

After every specifies how often the specified number or percentage of virtual users start running and has the following options:

  • seconds - specifies the number of seconds to wait before starting the specified number or percentage of virtual users. Selecting this option enters a default number of seconds. Change the number as required.

  • iterations - specifies the number of scenario iterations to wait before starting the specified number or percentage of virtual users. Selecting this option enters a default number of iterations. Change the number as required.

5.2.2 Examples

Example: If you specify the percentage as 10% and the After every setting is set to delay of 10 seconds, the Autopilot starts running ten percent of the virtual users submitted to the Autopilot every ten seconds until all virtual users are running.

Example: If you specify the number as 5 and the After every setting is set to 1 iteration, the Autopilot starts running five virtual users after each run of the scenario profiles until all virtual users are running.

Example: if you specify the iteration count as 1 and the Add per step setting is set to 5 users at a time, the Autopilot first starts five virtual users. After the first five complete one iteration of the profile, the Autopilot starts another five virtual users. The Autopilot starts five additional virtual user after each iteration until all virtual users are running.

Example: If you specify the delay as 120 seconds and the Add per step setting is set to 10% percent seconds, the Autopilot starts running ten percent of the virtual users every 120 seconds until all virtual users are running.

5.3 Manually Starting and Stopping the Autopilot

Once you have submitted scenario profiles and set the Autopilot options, you can manually start and stop the Autopilot using the following:

  • Autopilot buttons

  • Toolbar

You need to manually stop the Autopilot to submit more scenario profiles or stop any new virtual users from being started.

5.3.1 Starting the Autopilot

To start the Autopilot manually:

  1. Click the Run Test button.

  2. If the Deferred Start options appear, allow the delay to continue until the start time.


    Click Run Test to start the start running the scenario immediately.


    Click Stop from the Session menu to cancel the start.


The Autopilot starts running the virtual users based upon the Start the load test settings and the Virtual User (VU) ramp-up settings.

If you set the Start option to either At Specified Time or After Delay Of, Oracle Load Testing displays the remaining time until the Autopilot starts in the status bar.

5.3.2 Stopping the Autopilot

To stop running the scenario profiles submitted to the Autopilot click the Stop button.

This stops Autopilot from starting any new virtual users.

5.4 Working with Virtual Users

Once you start running virtual users using the Autopilot, the Virtual User Grid tab lists the running virtual users and shows the run details for each.

You can sort the data by a column by clicking on the column title.

5.4.1 Overview of the Virtual Users Grid

The virtual users grid has the following columns:

Items - displays the currently selected item. Enter the item number you want to view and click Enter to go directly to that item.

arrows - use the arrows to go the first page, previous page, next page, and last page in the virtual user grid.

VU-Id - the ID number for the virtual user.

Profile - shows the name of the user profile being run by the virtual user.

Status - shows the current status for the virtual user.

Iterations - shows the number of times the virtual user has attempted to play back the run section of the user profile/script. The Iterations count will be incremented for each new iteration attempted. The iteration count is updated when the iteration ends. An iteration could end if the script fails, if the user calls "return" from inside the master script's run() method, or if the iteration completes all the way through successfully, for example.

When databanking with Stop After Last Record Used, the script will not stop immediately after the last record is requested. It is not known how many requests in the future would rely on the values of the last requested record. Therefore, the user does not abort until after the user attempts to request a record after the last record was already requested.

Failed - shows the number of failures that occurred for the virtual user.

Last Run Time - shows the average elapsed time it took for the virtual user to execute the scripts in the run section of the profile.

Current Step - shows the name of the OpenScript step group currently being accessed by the virtual user.

System - shows the name of the system on which the virtual user is running.

Data Bank - shows the record of data from the Oracle OpenScript Data Bank, if any, used by the script during playback.

Current Error - provides a description of the error encountered on the most current completed iteration by the virtual user while executing the scripts. If the next iteration passes, this column is cleared.

Previous Error - shows a description of the previous error that occurred while the Virtual User was running.

OLT Server Warnings - this button is displayed when a virtual agent encounters a server error. Click it to view errors.

5.4.2 Controlling Individual Virtual Users

You can control the running of specific running virtual users using the virtual users grid.

  1. Define virtual user profiles.

  2. Specify the Scenario.

  3. Submit the Scenario to the Autopilot.

  4. Start the Autopilot.

  5. Select the virtual user row in the Watch VU Grid tab.

  6. Click the right mouse-button to open the popup menu.

  7. Select options, as follows:

    • Modify Run Attributes - opens a dialog box for changing the profile attributes for the selected virtual user.

    • Stop - stops running the selected virtual user. Stopping allows the virtual user to finish executing the script, complete the run section but not run another iteration.

    • Abort - aborts running the selected virtual user. Abort stops execution after the current page in the script and terminates execution altogether.

    • Release Sync - releases the virtual user from any synchronization point that may have been reached during the execution.

5.4.3 Managing Synchronization points

If you create scripts that include synchronization points, you can manually release one or more virtual users from any synchronization point. You can release specific virtual users, specific synchronization points, or all virtual users and synchronization points. Releasing Individual Virtual Users

To release an individual virtual user from a synchronization point:

  1. Select the virtual user in the Virtual User grid.

  2. Click the right-mouse button and select Release Sync. Releasing Multiple Virtual Users

To release multiple virtual users from a synchronization point:

  1. Select the virtual users in the Virtual User grid.

  2. Click the right-mouse button and select Release Sync. Releasing Synchronization Points

To release synchronization points:

  1. Select Sync Point Status from the Tools menu to display the Sync Point Status dialog box.

    Release - releases the virtual users from the selected synchronization point that may have been reached during the execution.

    Release All - releases all virtual users waiting at synchronization points.

    Sync Name - displays the name of the synchronization point.

    Users At - displays the number of users waiting at the synchronization point.

    Status - displays the user's status.

  2. Select the Sync Point that you want to release and click Release or click Release All to release all Sync Points.

  3. Click Close.

5.4.4 Modifying Run Attributes

You can modify the profile run attributes for specific virtual users running in the virtual user grid.

  1. Select the virtual user row in the virtual user grid.

  2. Click the right mouse button to open the popup menu.

  3. Select Modify Run Attributes. Oracle Load Testing opens a dialog box for modifying the attributes.

  4. Select options, as follows:

    • <check box> - select the checkbox in front of the field that you want to change to make the field available to change.

    • Enable Logging - select when you want to enable or disable logging of messages.

    • Message Delivery - select when you want to log all virtual user messages, on error or always.

    • Logged Messages - select when you want the change the type of messages that are logged, Standard or Extended. See the Logged Messages in Section 3.14.3, "Setting Scenario Defaults" or Section 4.1.2, "Specifying Scenario Profile Attributes" for details about Standard and Extended log messages.

5.4.5 Viewing Server Warnings

The Oracle Load Testing Server Warnings dialog box displays errors encountered by virtual agents. When an error is encountered, the OLT Server Warnings button is displayed at the bottom right-hand corner of the Watch VU Grid. Click on it to display this dialog box.

5.4.6 Stopping All Virtual Users

To stop all running Virtual Users after they have finished, click the Stop button. The virtual users will complete the current iteration of the script and then stop.

To immediately stop all running Virtual Users click the Abort button.

5.4.7 Stopping the Autopilot From Starting New Virtual Users

To stop the Autopilot from starting new Virtual Users click the Pause button

5.4.8 Aborting All Virtual Users

To abort all running Virtual Users click the Abort All Virtual Users button.

The virtual users stop immediately without completing the current iteration of the script.