40 Oracle Shipping Execution

Oracle Shipping helps manage picking, packing, containerization and shipping of goods to customers. Additionally, it supports trip and delivery planning, pick release and shipment confirmation.

This chapter describes the following test flows in Oracle Shipping Execution:

  • Perform Delivery Actions like Autocreate Delivery, Auto Create Trip, Pick Release from Shipping Transaction Form, Generate BOL, Generate Packing Slip and Ship All.

  • Perform Trip Confirm of Ship Model Complete (SMC) Pick to Order (PTO) Model from Shipping Transaction Form by Autocreating the Trip

  • Define Two Level Container Item Relationship and Perform Autopack Master from Delivery Details and Ship Confirm.


Shipping parameters and global parameters defined for the specific organization.

Role with grants to access Shipping Transaction Form (STF) actions and user associated with the role.

Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Not applicable.

40.1 Perform Delivery Actions like Autocreate Delivery, Auto Create Trip, Pick Release from Shipping Transaction Form, Generate BOL, Generate Packing Slip and Ship All.

Major actions that user can perform from Delivery tab of Shipping Transaction Form (STF) are auto creating a delivery for a delivery detail, auto creating the trip from delivery actions and printing various shipping documents.



Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

  • Unit of measure conversions to be defined between Each and DZ.

  • Sales order lines created with unit of measure as DZ.

40.2 Perform Trip Confirm of Ship Model Complete (SMC) Pick to Order (PTO) Model from Shipping Transaction Form by Autocreating the Trip

Ship confirming an order using trip, creates order with SMC PTO model and pick releases, auto creates trip and completes the ship confirmation.



Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

  • PTO Model with included items and optional class and optional items

40.3 Define Two Level Container Item Relationship and Perform Autopack Master from Delivery Details and Ship Confirm

Using Autopack Master functionality user packs delivery details into container and packs the packed container into a master container. User can also check two level packing associated containers and LPN in Shipping Transaction Form.



Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Item container relationship to be defined for shipping items and first level of container, master container and container item.